
23-letter words containing a, r, u, m

  • quantum flavourdynamics — a gauge theory of the electromagnetic and weak interactions
  • quod erat demonstrandum — (at the conclusion of a proof, esp of a theorem in Euclidean geometry) which was to be proved
  • random number generator — a piece of computer software used to create a sequence of random numbers
  • relative molecular mass — the sum of all the relative atomic masses of the atoms in a molecule; the ratio of the average mass per molecule of a specified isotopic composition of a substance to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12
  • relative sunspot number — a number indicating the degree of sunspot activity on the sun as a factor of observer idiosyncrasies, the number of sunspot groups, and the number of individual sunspots.
  • rheumatic heart disease — damage to the heart, especially to the valves, as a result of rheumatic fever, characterized by inflammation of the myocardium or scarring and malfunction of the heart valves.
  • rocky mountain beeplant — a rank-smelling plant, Cleome serrulata, of the caper family, native to the western U.S., having showy, dense clusters of pink or white flowers, frequented by bees.
  • roentgen equivalent man — the dose of ionizing radiation that produces the same effect in man as one roentgen of x- or gamma-radiation
  • route of administration — A route of administration is the means by which a drug or agent enters the body, such as by mouth or by injection.
  • saint george's mushroom — an edible whitish basidiomycetous fungus, Tricholoma gambosum, with a floury smell
  • severinus de monzambano — Samuel von [zah-moo-uh l fuh n] /ˈzɑ mu əl fən/ (Show IPA), ("Severinus de Monzambano") 1632–94, German jurist and historian.
  • slum clearance campaign — a campaign to rehouse those people who live in a slum area, and to prepare the area for demolition and rebuilding
  • social insurance number — a nine-digit number used by the federal government to identify a citizen
  • social security payment — a payment of social security made to an individual
  • sodium tripolyphosphate — a white powder, Na 5 P 3 O 1 0 , used as a water softener, sequestering agent, and food additive.
  • squamous cell carcinoma — a carcinoma that arises from squamous epithelium in the skin and sometimes in the mucous membranes.
  • st. pierre and miquelon — two small groups of islands off the S coast of Newfoundland: an overseas territory of France; important base for fishing. 3 sq. mi. (240 sq. km). Capital: St. Pierre.
  • statutory maternity pay — the maternity pay a woman is legally entitled to
  • steal someone's thunder — to strike, drive, inflict, give forth, etc., with loud noise or violent action.
  • stimulus generalization — generalization (def 4a).
  • stimulus-generalization — the act or process of generalizing.
  • stream of consciousness — unpunctuated prose
  • stream-of-consciousness — of, relating to, or characterized by a manner of writing in which a character's thoughts or perceptions are presented as occurring in random form, without regard for logical sequences, syntactic structure, distinctions between various levels of reality, or the like: a stream-of-consciousness novel; a stream-of-consciousness technique.
  • structural unemployment — unemployment caused by basic changes in the overall economy, as in demographics, technology, or industrial organization.
  • supplementary insurance — Supplementary insurance is insurance coverage that is purchased in addition to an insurance policy to provide additional benefits or coverage.
  • suprasegmental phonemes — phonemes or features of speech, as pitch, stress, and juncture, that may extend over and modify series of segmental phonemes
  • system control language — (language)   (SCL) The command language for the VME/B operating system on the ICL2900. SCL was block structured and supported strings, lists of strings ("superstrings"), integer, Boolean, and array types. You could trigger a block whenever a condition on a variable value occured. It supported macros and default arguments. Commands were treated like procedure calls.
  • terminal user interface — Textual User Interface
  • the chamber of deputies — the lower legislative assembly in some parliaments
  • the numbers game/racket — If you refer to the numbers game, the numbers racket, or the numbers, you are referring to an illegal lottery or illegal betting.
  • to make your skin crawl — If something makes your skin crawl or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel shocked or disgusted.
  • to outstay your welcome — If you say that someone outstays their welcome or overstays their welcome, you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to.
  • to run someone to earth — If you run someone or something to earth, you find them after searching for them for a long time.
  • trans-new guinea phylum — the largest grouping of the non-Austronesian languages of Papua and New Guinea and the surrounding regions
  • transcendental argument — an argument designed to make explicit the conditions under which a certain kind of knowledge is possible, esp those of Kant
  • trellis code modulation — (TCM) A modulation technique with hardware error detection and correction.
  • twenty-fourth amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1964, forbidding the use of the poll tax as a requirement for voting in national or U.S. Congressional elections.
  • under the circumstances — a condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner,agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor: Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.
  • uniform commercial code — a codification of commercial laws designed to provide uniformity among the states
  • university of minnesota — (body, education)   The home of Gopher. Address: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  • urea-formaldehyde resin — any of a group of resins formed by the interaction of urea and formaldehyde under conditions that include heat and pH control: used chiefly in the manufacture of buttons, baking enamels, and for making fabrics wrinkle-resistant.
  • virtual loadable module — (networking)   (VLM) Novell's term for software modules that can be dynamically loaded to extend the functionality of the "VLM" NetWare Requester for MS-DOS that became standard beginning with Novell NetWare 4.
  • visual display terminal — video display terminal. Abbreviation: VDT.
  • volumetric displacement — the volume of air per revolution that passes through a mechanical pump when the pressure at the intake and the exhaust is the same as that of the atmosphere
  • wolfgang amadeus mozart — Wolfgang Amadeus [woo lf-gang am-uh-dey-uh s;; German vawlf-gahng ah-mah-dey-oo s] /ˈwʊlf gæŋ ˌæm əˈdeɪ əs;; German ˈvɔlf gɑŋ ˌɑ mɑˈdeɪ ʊs/ (Show IPA), 1756–91, Austrian composer.
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