
16-letter words containing a, r, t, n

  • tsushima current — a warm ocean current flowing northward along the west coast of Japan.
  • tungsten carbide — a very hard, black or gray compound of tungsten and carbon, used in the manufacture of cutting and abrasion tools, dies, and wear-resistant machine parts.
  • turn a blind eye — pretend not to see sth
  • turn up the heat — to increase the intensity of activity, coercion, etc
  • turntable ladder — a power-operated extending ladder mounted on a fire engine
  • twin-carburettor — (of an engine) having two carburettors
  • twin-lens camera — a camera having two separately mounted lenses coordinated to eliminate parallax errors or for making stereoscopic photographs.
  • ultra filtration — Physical Chemistry. a filter for purifying sols, having a membrane with pores sufficiently small to prevent the passage of the suspended particles.
  • ultracrepidarian — noting or pertaining to a person who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside the area of his or her expertise: The play provides a classic, simplistic portrayal of an ultracrepidarian mother-in-law.
  • ultraminiaturize — to reduce to an ultraminiature size or scale.
  • ultranationalism — extreme devotion to or advocacy of the interests of a nation, especially regardless of the effect on any other nations.
  • ultranationalist — an advocate of ultranationalism.
  • un-contradictory — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • unattractiveness — the condition of not appealing to the senses or mind through beauty, form, character, etc
  • uncharacteristic — Also, characteristical. pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing; typical; distinctive: Red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn.
  • uncinate process — a curved, bony process on certain ribs of birds that projects backward and overlaps the succeeding rib, serving to strengthen the thorax.
  • uncircumstantial — of pertaining to, or derived from circumstances: a circumstantial result.
  • uncollateralized — lacking or needing no collateral: uncollateralized loans.
  • unconfirmability — to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
  • uncontradictable — to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically.
  • unconversational — of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation: a conversational tone of voice.
  • under the hammer — a tool consisting of a solid head, usually of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for beating metals, driving nails, etc.
  • under-modulation — to reproduce (a sound or signal) at below the optimal output level in a recording or broadcasting system, causing it to be distorted.
  • undercapitalized — having insufficient capital for the efficient operation of a commercial enterprise
  • undercompensated — to compensate or pay less than is fair, customary, or expected.
  • underpitch vault — a construction having a central vault intersected by vaults of lower pitch.
  • undersecretariat — a department or section of a ministry of which an under secretary is in charge.
  • underutilization — to fail to utilize fully: to underutilize natural resources.
  • undifferentiable — capable of being differentiated.
  • undifferentiated — to form or mark differently from other such things; distinguish.
  • undiscriminating — differentiating; analytical.
  • undiscriminatory — characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • unenforceability — to put or keep in force; compel obedience to: to enforce a rule; Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • unitarian church — the Protestant denomination that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity
  • universalization — to make universal.
  • unmarried mother — a woman who has a baby while she is not married
  • unparticularized — to make particular.
  • unpredictability — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • unproportionally — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • unrepresentative — a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • ununderstandable — capable of being understood; comprehensible.
  • up to one's ears — the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
  • upper palatinate — See under Palatinate (def 1).
  • upsilon particle — the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet (Υ, υ).
  • uranium trioxide — a radioactive orange powder, UO 3 , used in the manufacture of some ceramics.
  • urim and thummim — two objects probably used as oracles and carried in the breastplate of the high priest (Exodus 28:30)
  • utilization rate — The utilization rate is the percentage of the total equipment or refinery which is involved in producing something.
  • valence electron — an electron of an atom, located in the outermost shell (valence shell) of the atom, that can be transferred to or shared with another atom.
  • valency electron — an electron in the outer shell of an atom, responsible for forming chemical bonds
  • vapor combustion — Vapor combustion is a closed burn system used for treating liquid waste which contains volatile organic compounds.
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