
16-letter words containing a, r, t, n

  • labour agreement — a contract between workers and managers setting out working conditions, wages, etc
  • labour relations — Labour relations refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry, and the political decisions and laws that affect it.
  • labour-intensive — Labour-intensive industries or methods of making things involve a lot of workers. Compare capital-intensive.
  • labrador current — a cold ocean current flowing southwards off the coast of Labrador and meeting the warm Gulf Stream, causing dense fogs off the coast of Newfoundland
  • lacto-vegetarian — a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy produce and eggs
  • lactovegetarians — Plural form of lactovegetarian.
  • lagrangian point — one of five points in the orbital plane of two bodies orbiting about their common center of gravity at which another body of small mass can be in equilibrium.
  • lake saint clair — a lake between SE Michigan and Ontario: linked with Lake Huron by the St Clair River and with Lake Erie by the Detroit River. Area: 1191 sq km (460 sq miles)
  • lakeland terrier — one of a breed of small, slender terriers, raised originally in northwestern England for hunting foxes.
  • landed immigrant — foreigner: permanent resident
  • large-print book — a book where the text is printed in larger text than normal, so as to make it easier to read, esp for the visually impaired
  • larger than life — If you say that someone or something is larger than life, you mean that they appear or behave in a way that seems more exaggerated or important than usual.
  • larger-than-life — exceedingly imposing, impressive, or memorable, especially in appearance or forcefulness: a larger-than-life leader.
  • lateral thinking — unconventional or creative problem-solving
  • latter-day saint — a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • laurentides park — a national park in SE Canada, in Quebec province between the St. Lawrence and Lake St. John.
  • lawson criterion — (in a hypothetical nuclear fusion reactor) the requirement that in order for the energy produced by fusion to exceed the energy expended in causing the fusion, the product of the density of the fuel and the time during which it is confined at that density (Lawson product) must be greater than a certain number that depends on the kind of fuel used.
  • lay intermediary — a layperson who is interposed between a lawyer and client to prevent the existence of a direct relationship between them.
  • lazy standard ml — (language)   (LSML) A lazy varient of SML, allowing cyclic val definitions, by Prateek Mishra <[email protected]>. Not to be confused with LML.
  • leap in the dark — to spring through the air from one point or position to another; jump: to leap over a ditch.
  • learner's permit — A learner's permit is a license that allows you to drive a vehicle before you have passed your driving test.
  • led page printer — LED printer
  • left parenthesis — (character)   "(". ASCII character 40. Common names: left paren; left parenthesis; left; open; paren (")" = thesis); open paren; open parenthesis; left parenthesis; left banana. Rare: so (")" = already); lparen; ITU-T: opening parenthesis; open round bracket, left round bracket, INTERCAL: wax (")" = wane); parenthisey (")" = unparenthisey); left ear. Paired with right parenthesis (")").
  • left-hand dagger — a dagger of the 16th and 17th centuries, held in the left hand in dueling and used to parry the sword of an opponent.
  • legal department — the department that deals with legal matters
  • legal dictionary — a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the various branches of the legal profession, as civil law, criminal law, and corporate law. A comprehensive legal dictionary adds to its body of standard English entries many words and phrases that have made their way into modern legal practice from law French and Latin and are rarely found in a general English monolingual dictionary. Such a specialized dictionary is useful not only for law students and for attorneys themselves, but for members of the lay public who require legal services. Legal dictionaries published in print follow the normal practice of sorting entry terms alphabetically, while electronic dictionaries, such as the online Dictionary of Law on Dictionary.com, allow direct, immediate access to a search term.
  • legal separation — judicial separation.
  • lenticular cloud — a very smooth, round or oval, lens-shaped cloud that is often seen, singly or stacked in groups, near a mountain ridge.
  • leptosporangiate — (of ferns) having each sporangium developing from a single cell, rather than from a group, and normally with specialized explosive spore dispersal
  • lettre de change — bill of exchange.
  • lever escapement — an escapement in which a pivoted lever, made to oscillate by the escape wheel, engages a balance staff and causes it to oscillate.
  • libation-bearers — Choëphori.
  • liberal unionist — a Liberal who opposed Gladstone's policy of Irish Home Rule in 1886 and after
  • life-threatening — endangering life: a life-threatening illness.
  • lighter than air — (of an aircraft) weighing less than the air it displaces, hence obtaining lift from aerostatic buoyancy.
  • lighter-than-air — (of an aircraft) weighing less than the air it displaces, hence obtaining lift from aerostatic buoyancy.
  • lightheartedness — carefree; cheerful; merry: a lighthearted laugh.
  • like gangbusters — a law-enforcement officer who specializes in breaking up organized crime, often by forceful or sensational means.
  • limited monarchy — a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution.
  • limited-monarchy — a limited train, bus, etc.
  • listen to reason — be persuaded
  • little brown bat — any of several small to medium-sized common bats of the genera Myotis and Eptesicus, found worldwide in caves, trees, and buildings, including M. lucifugus (little brown bat) and E. fuscus (big brown bat) a widespread North American species.
  • little englander — an English person who believes the best interests of Britain are served by attention to Britain itself, rather than to the concerns of the empire.
  • liturgical latin — the Latin characteristic of the liturgies of the Western Church.
  • living standards — standard of living; material quality of life
  • loan translation — the process whereby a compound word or expression is created by literal translation of each of the elements of a compound word or expression in another language, as marriage of convenience from French mariage de convenance.
  • local government — the administration of the civic affairs of a city, town, or district by its inhabitants rather than by the state or country at large.
  • logical relation — A relation R satisfying f R g <=> For all a, b, a R b => f a R g b This definition, by Plotkin, can be used to extend the definition of a relation on the types of a and b to a relation on functions.
  • loire-atlantique — a department in NW France. 2695 sq. mi. (6980 sq. km). Capital: Nantes.
  • lonely hearts ad — an advertisement placed by someone who is trying to find a lover or a friend
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