
16-letter words containing a, r, t, n

  • generalisability — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of generalizability.
  • generalizability — The quality of being generalizable.
  • generation jones — members of the generation of people born in the Western world between the mid-1950s and the mid-1960s
  • genetic material — material that stores genetic information; DNA
  • gentleman friend — a man with whom a woman is romantically involved; suitor.
  • gentleman-farmer — a man whose wealth or income from other sources permits him to farm for pleasure rather than for basic income.
  • giant granadilla — the edible fruit of any of several species of passionflower, especially Passiflora edulis (purple granadilla) or P. quadrangularis (giant granadilla)
  • gingerbread tree — a W African tree, Parinari macrophyllum, with large mealy edible fruits (gingerbread plums): family Chrysobalanaceae
  • gnu archive site — (body)   The main GNU FTP archive is on gnu.org but copies ("mirrors") of some or all of the files there are also held on many other computers around the world. To avoid overloading gnu.org and the Internet you should FTP files from the machine closest to yours. Look for a directory like /pub/gnu, /mirrors/gnu, /systems/gnu or /archives/gnu.
  • golden parachute — an employment contract or agreement guaranteeing a key executive of a company substantial severance pay and other financial benefits in the event of job loss caused by the company's being sold or merged.
  • golden rain tree — an ornamental tree, Koelreuteria paniculata, of the soapberry family, native to China and adjacent areas, having pinnate leaves, large clusters of fragrant yellow flowers, and inflated pods containing black seeds used as beads.
  • gongora y argoteLuis de [lwees de] /lwis dɛ/ (Show IPA), 1561–1627, Spanish poet.
  • good-heartedness — the quality of being good-hearted
  • goods in transit — articles that are in the process of being carried by vehicle from one place to another
  • governmentalized — Simple past tense and past participle of governmentalize.
  • grade separation — separation of the levels at which roads, railroads, paths, etc., cross one another in order to prevent conflicting rows of traffic or the possibility of accidents.
  • graduate student — postgraduate-level student
  • grand inquisitor — (often initial capital letters) the presiding officer of a court of inquisition.
  • granger movement — a campaign for state control of railroads and grain elevators, especially in the north central states, carried on during the 1870s by members of the Patrons of Husbandry (the Grange) a farmers' organization that had been formed for social and cultural purposes.
  • grant of probate — a certificate stating that a will is valid
  • grant-maintained — funded by national government
  • granted (that) … — even assuming that
  • granulated paper — paper with a roughened surface
  • granulated sugar — a coarsely ground white sugar, widely used as a sweetener.
  • granulocytopenia — a diminished number of granulocytes in the blood, which occurs in certain forms of anaemia
  • grasp the nettle — If you grasp the nettle, you deal with a problem, or do something that is unpleasant, quickly and in a determined way.
  • gravity decanter — A gravity decanter is a vessel or stage in which two liquids of different densities are allowed to separate by gravity.
  • great blue heron — a large American heron, Ardea herodias, having bluish-gray plumage.
  • great depression — the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
  • great horned owl — a large, brown-speckled owl, Bubo virginianus, common in the Western Hemisphere, having prominent ear tufts.
  • great-grandchild — a grandchild of one's son or daughter.
  • great-grandniece — a granddaughter of one's nephew or niece.
  • great-granduncle — an uncle of one's grandfather or grandmother.
  • greater antilles — See under Antilles.
  • greater sand eel — a large species of sand eel, Hyperoplus lanceolatus
  • green vegetables — green edible plants
  • grid declination — the angular difference between true north and grid north on a map
  • grignard reagent — any of the group of reagents produced by the interaction of magnesium and an organic halide, usually in the presence of an ether, and having the general formula RMgX, where R is an organic group and X is a halogen: used in the Grignard reaction.
  • grin and bear it — to suffer trouble or hardship without complaint
  • ground substance — Also called matrix. the homogeneous substance in which the fibers and cells of connective tissue are embedded.
  • grounded neutral — Grounded neutral is the situation in which the neutral wire of an electrical supply system is connected to ground.
  • growth potential — capability of expanding
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • guaranteed stock — stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock.
  • gulf of martaban — an inlet of the Bay of Bengal in Myanmar
  • gun control laws — the laws that restrict the possession and use of guns
  • gunnery sergeant — a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant and below a first or master sergeant.
  • gutierrez najera — Manuel [mah-nwel] /mɑˈnwɛl/ (Show IPA), ("El Duque Job") 1859–95, Mexican poet, short-story writer, and editor.
  • hair conditioner — a substance used, often after shampooing, to detangle and improve the condition of the hair. Like shampoo, it is applied to wet hair and then rinsed out after applying.
  • hamiltonian tour — Hamiltonian problem
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