
15-letter words containing a, r, o, l

  • nondisciplinary — of, for, or constituting discipline; enforcing or administering discipline: disciplinary action.
  • nonexperimental — pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science.
  • nongovernmental — the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.
  • nonhierarchical — Classified or arranged so that a group or person has the same authority as everyone else; not hierarchical.
  • noninflammatory — Not accompanied by or associated with inflammation.
  • noninflationary — Not inflationary; not likely to cause economic inflation.
  • noninstrumental — serving or acting as an instrument or means; useful; helpful.
  • nonmatriculated — not matriculated, not enrolled in an institution, esp a college or university
  • nonmelodramatic — Not melodramatic.
  • nonmetaphorical — not metaphorical; literal
  • nonmetropolitan — Not metropolitan.
  • nonprecedential — Not precedential.
  • nonprofessional — not a member of or trained in a specific profession.
  • nonprofessorial — not professorial
  • nonproportional — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • nonrelativistic — not concerned with or involving the theory of relativity
  • nontotalitarian — not totalitarian
  • nontransferable — Not transferable; not able to be transferred.
  • norethandrolone — An anabolic steroid.
  • normally-closed — Normally-closed switch contacts are in a closed state at rest.
  • north arlington — a city in NE New Jersey.
  • north australia — a former division of Australia; now part of the Northern Territory.
  • north highlands — a town in central California, near Sacramento.
  • north las vegas — a city in S Nevada.
  • northeastwardly — Towards the northeast.
  • northern parula — any of several American wood warblers of the genus Parula, especially P. americana (northern parula) having bluish plumage with a yellow throat and breast.
  • northwestwardly — Towards the northwest.
  • not necessarily — If you reply 'Not necessarily', you mean that what has just been said or suggested may not be true.
  • not unnaturally — You can use not unnaturally to indicate that the situation you are describing is exactly as you would expect in the circumstances.
  • nuclear fission — fission (def 2).
  • nuclear reactor — reactor (def 4).
  • nuclear-powered — powered by nuclear energy
  • nullarbor plain — a treeless, semiarid area of S Australia, contiguous to the Great Australian Bight.
  • obedience trial — a competitive event at which a dog can progress toward a degree in obedience by demonstrating its ability to follow a prescribed series of commands.
  • obituary column — the division of a publication reserved for obituaries
  • observationally — of, relating to, or founded on observation, especially founded on observation rather than experiment.
  • obstacle course — a military training area having obstacles, as hurdles, ditches, and walls, that must be surmounted or crossed in succession.
  • obtuse triangle — a triangle with one obtuse angle.
  • ochlocratically — In an ochlocratic way.
  • official strike — a collective stoppage of work by part or all of the workforce of an organization with the approval of the trade union concerned. The stoppage may be accompanied by the payment of strike pay by the trade union concerned
  • oil of lavender — an essential oil distilled from lavender flowers, especially Lavandula angustifolia and L. stoechas, and used in perfumery.
  • oil tanker pier — An oil tanker pier is a structure over water where oil tankers can stop and load or unload.
  • olbers' paradox — the paradox that if the universe consisted of an infinite number of stars equally distributed through space, then every line of sight would come from a star and the night sky would glow uniformly, which is observationally not true.
  • old father time — time personified
  • old high german — High German before 1100. Abbreviation: OHG.
  • old man's beard — fringe tree.
  • old-man's-beard — fringe tree.
  • oldenbarneveldt — Johan van. 1547–1619, Dutch statesman, regarded as a founder of Dutch independence; the leading figure (from 1586) in the United Provinces of the Netherlands: executed by Maurice of Nassau
  • olfactory nerve — either one of the first pair of cranial nerves, consisting of sensory fibers that conduct to the brain the impulses from the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • olfactory tract — a long narrow triangular band of white tissue originating in the olfactory bulb and extending back to the point at which its fibres enter the base of the cerebrum
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