
13-letter words containing a, r, m, s, e

  • macrocephalus — Alternative spelling of macrocephalous.
  • macroclimates — Plural form of macroclimate.
  • macroparasite — (biology) Any parasite that is visible to the naked eye.
  • madeira sauce — a savoury sauce made with Madeira wine and served with meat
  • madras states — a former agency of British India, including the Native States of Cochin, Travancore, and Pudukottai.
  • madre de dios — a river in Peru and Bolivia, flowing E to the Beni River. 900 miles (1450 km) long.
  • magic realism — a style of painting and literature in which fantastic or imaginary and often unsettling images or events are depicted in a sharply detailed, realistic manner.
  • magisterially — In a magisterial manner; authoritatively.
  • magnesiferous — (geology) Containing magnesium.
  • magnetic star — a star having a strong magnetic field.
  • magnetiferous — (dated) Producing or conducting magnetism.
  • magnetographs — Plural form of magnetograph.
  • magnetometers — Plural form of magnetometer.
  • magnetosphere — the outer region of the earth's ionosphere, where the earth's magnetic field controls the motion of charged particles, as in the Van Allen belts. Compare magnetopause.
  • mainstreaming — the principal or dominant course, tendency, or trend: the mainstream of American culture.
  • mainstreeting — the practice of a politician walking about the streets of a town or city to gain votes and greet supporters
  • mainz psalter — a book printed by Johannes Gutenberg: thought by some to be the first book printed from movable type.
  • major premise — Logic. an argument the conclusion of which is supported by two premises, of which one (major premise) contains the term (major term) that is the predicate of the conclusion, and the other (minor premise) contains the term (minor term) that is the subject of the conclusion; common to both premises is a term (middle term) that is excluded from the conclusion. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.”.
  • major release — (programming)   A release of a piece of software which is not merely a revision or a bug fix release but which contains substantial changes (e.g., an overhaul of the interface, change in compatibility). Traditionally, major releases are numbered as X.0; for example, WordPerfect 6.0 is a major release, significantly different from any previous version; whereas WordPerfect 6.1 has only minor changes, and is, thus, only a revision. See also major delivery.
  • make sport of — to mock or ridicule; poke fun at
  • maladminister — to administer or manage badly or inefficiently: The mayor was a bungler who maladministered the city budget.
  • maladroitness — lacking in adroitness; unskillful; awkward; bungling; tactless: to handle a diplomatic crisis in a very maladroit way.
  • maltese cross — a cross having four equal arms that expand in width outward.
  • mammaliferous — containing the remains of mammals
  • manage a risk — If you manage a risk, you analyze how much you are in danger from a particular risk or hazard, and decide how to best deal with it.
  • managerialism — Belief in or reliance on the use of professional managers in administering or planning an activity.
  • mandatoriness — The quality or state of being mandatory.
  • manganiferous — containing manganese.
  • manicure case — a case for holding small tools designed to care for the fingernails
  • manufactories — Plural form of manufactory.
  • manufacturers — Plural form of manufacturer.
  • marchionesses — Plural form of marchioness.
  • marcus garvey — Marcus (Moziah) [moh-zahy-uh] /moʊˈzaɪ ə/ (Show IPA), 1887–1940, Jamaican black-rights activist in the U.S. (1916–27): advocated emigration of black Americans to Africa.
  • mare australe — (Southern Sea) an area near the south pole of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • mare frigoris — (Sea of Cold) a dark plain in the northern hemisphere, in the first and second quadrants of the face of the moon: about 55 miles (90 km) wide at its narrowest width and 750 miles (1200 km) long: about 67,000 sq. mi. (174,000 sq. km).
  • mare nectaris — (Sea of Nectar) a dark plain in the fourth quadrant of the face of the moon: about 26,000 sq. mi. (67,000 sq. km).
  • margaret rose — 1930–2002, English princess (daughter of George VI; sister of Elizabeth II).
  • marginal seat — a seat in which elections tend to be won by small margins
  • maria theresa — 1717–80, archduchess of Austria; queen of Hungary and Bohemia 1740–80 (wife of Francis II; mother of Joseph II, Leopold II, Marie Antoinette).
  • maritime alps — a range of the W Alps in SE France and NW Italy. Highest peak: Argentera, 3297 m (10 817 ft)
  • market basket — a basket or cart for groceries.
  • market forces — factors driving the economy
  • market square — a square in a village, town, etc in which a market is, or was formerly, held
  • market trends — changes and developments in buying and selling in the market
  • marketisation — Alternative spelling of marketization.
  • marlinespikes — Plural form of marlinespike.
  • marriage vows — promises made as part of wedding ceremony
  • marsh harrier — a European harrier, Circus aeruginosus, that frequents marshy regions
  • marsh trefoil — buck bean.
  • martyrologies — Plural form of martyrology.
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