
11-letter words containing a, r, m, s, e

  • nightdreams — Plural form of nightdream.
  • nitrosamine — any of a series of compounds with the type formula R 2 NNO, some of which are carcinogenic, formed in cured meats by the conversion of nitrite.
  • nmr scanner — a diagnostic device employing nuclear magnetic resonance to display computer-generated sectional images of the body, consisting of a large, body-encircling magnet that generates a strong, uniform magnetic field which interacts with radio waves to excite the nuclei of hydrogen atoms, or other specific atoms, and a detection system that picks up the signals from the body and transforms them into a visual image.
  • noisemakers — Plural form of noisemaker.
  • normalities — conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
  • normanesque — in the style of Norman architecture, a variety of Romanesque architecture.
  • numerations — Plural form of numeration.
  • nurserymaid — Nursemaid.
  • oceanariums — Plural form of oceanarium.
  • offshoreman — a person who works offshore, especially on an offshore oil rig.
  • ordainments — Plural form of ordainment.
  • orientalism — a peculiarity or idiosyncrasy of the peoples of Asia, especially the East.
  • ornamentals — Plural form of ornamental.
  • ornamentist — a person who adorns or decorates, esp professionally
  • osteodermal — characterized by osteoderms
  • ostracoderm — any of several extinct jawless fishes of the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian periods, having the body enclosed in an armor of bony plates.
  • over-assume — to take for granted or without proof: to assume that everyone wants peace. Synonyms: suppose, presuppose; postulate, posit.
  • overmeasure — an excessive or surplus measure or amount: an overmeasure of exuberance.
  • oyster farm — a place where oyster beds are kept.
  • oysterwoman — a woman who gathers, cultivates, or sells oysters.
  • palm desert — a town in S California, near Palm Springs.
  • panspermist — someone who advocates panspermia
  • parallelism — the position or relation of parallels.
  • parascenium — either of two wings flanking and extending forward from the skene of an ancient Greek theater.
  • pass muster — to assemble (troops, a ship's crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge.
  • passeriform — of or relating to the order Passeriformes; passerine.
  • past master — a person who is thoroughly experienced or exceptionally skilled in a profession, art, etc.: a past master at chess.
  • paternalism — the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
  • pentamerous — consisting of or divided into five parts.
  • perma-press — permanent-press.
  • peroxisomal — of or relating to a peroxisome; of the nature of a peroxisome
  • personalism — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • peru balsam — an aromatic balsam that is obtained from the tropical South American leguminous tree Myroxylon pereirae and is similar to balsam of Tolu
  • petrarchism — the poetic style introduced by Petrarch and characteristic of his work, marked by complex grammatical structure, elaborate conceits, and conventionalized diction.
  • phanerogams — any of the Phanerogamia, a former primary division of plants comprising those having reproductive organs; a flowering plant or seed plant (opposed to cryptogam).
  • phariseeism — the principles and practices of the Pharisees.
  • phrasemaker — a person who is skilled in coining well-turned phrases; phraseologist.
  • phraseogram — a written symbol or combination of symbols, as in shorthand, used to represent a phrase.
  • plastometer — an instrument for measuring the plasticity of a substance.
  • pleinairism — pertaining to a manner or style of painting developed chiefly in France in the mid-19th century, characterized by the representation of the luminous effects of natural light and atmosphere as contrasted with the artificial light and absence of the sense of air or atmosphere associated with paintings produced in the studio.
  • poetry slam — a violent and noisy closing, dashing, or impact.
  • polyspermia — the secretion of an excessive amount of semen.
  • pre-islamic — existing prior to the ascendancy of Islam; pre-Muslim.
  • pre-seminal — released before semen is ejaculated
  • preadmonish — to admonish or warn beforehand
  • preassembly — an assembling or coming together of a number of persons, usually for a particular purpose: The principal will speak to all the students at Friday's assembly.
  • preemphasis — a process of increasing the amplitude of certain frequencies relative to others in a signal in order to help them override noise, complemented by deemphasis before final reproduction of the signal being received.
  • prefreshman — before being a freshman
  • presagement — an omen
  • primariness — the state of being primary
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