
12-letter words containing a, r, m, o

  • storm signal — a visual signal, as a flag, giving advance notice of a heavy storm, used especially along coastal areas.
  • storm-lashed — badly affected by storms
  • stratiformis — occurring in a very extensive horizontal layer.
  • stromatolite — a laminated calcareous fossil structure built by marine algae and having a rounded or columnar form.
  • sub-mortgage — a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.
  • submicrogram — containing or relating to a mass of less than one microgram
  • submolecular — of or relating to or caused by molecules: molecular structure.
  • superstardom — a person, as a performer or athlete, who enjoys wide recognition, is esteemed for exceptional talent, and is eagerly sought after for his or her services.
  • surinam toad — a South American aquatic frog, Pipa pipa, the female of which carries the eggs and tadpoles in small depressions on its back.
  • surmountable — to mount upon; get on the top of; mount upon and cross over: to surmount a hill.
  • sursum corda — the words “Lift up your hearts,” addressed by the celebrant of the Mass to the congregation just before the preface.
  • svga monitor — (hardware, graphics)   A monitor capable of displaying the output of an SVGA card.
  • symbololatry — the worship of symbols
  • syrtis major — an area in the northern hemisphere and near the equator of Mars, appearing as a dark region when viewed telescopically from the earth.
  • talmud torah — (in Europe) a community-supported Jewish elementary school for teaching children Hebrew, Bible, and the fundamentals of Judaism.
  • tamper-proof — resistant to interference, alteration
  • tautomerizes — to undergo tautomerism.
  • telharmonium — a musical keyboard instrument operating by alternating currents of electricity which, on impulse from the keyboard, produce music at a distant point via telephone lines.
  • temporaneous — lasting a short while
  • teratomatous — relating to a tumour typically of the gonads
  • ternary form — a musical form in three sections, with the third usually an exact repetition of the first.
  • terraforming — to alter the environment of (a celestial body) in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms.
  • tetrachotomy — the segmentation of something into four parts
  • tetramorphic — (in art) of or related to a composite representation of the four evangelists' symbols
  • theatromania — an abnormal fondness or mania for the theatre
  • theorematist — a person who creates or discovers a theorem
  • thermidorian — a member of the French moderate group who participated in the downfall of Robespierre and his followers on the 9th Thermidor (July 27th), 1794.
  • thermography — a technique for imitating an embossed appearance, as on business cards, stationery, or the like, by dusting printed areas with a powder that adheres only to the wet ink, and fusing the ink and powder to the paper by heat.
  • thermohaline — relating to both the temperature and salinity of ocean water
  • thermolabile — subject to destruction or loss of characteristic properties by the action of moderate heat, as certain toxins and enzymes (opposed to thermostable).
  • thermostable — capable of being subjected to a moderate degree of heat without loss of characteristic properties, as certain toxins and enzymes (opposed to thermolabile).
  • thermostated — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thermostatic — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thomas hardyGodfrey Harold, 1877–1947, English mathematician.
  • thoracectomy — excision of part or all of a rib.
  • thoracostomy — the construction of an artificial opening through the chest wall, usually for the drainage of fluid or the release of an abnormal accumulation of air.
  • throw mud at — to slander; vilify
  • timbale iron — a metal mold made in any of several shapes and usually provided with a long handle, for deep-frying timbales.
  • timbromaniac — a person who is passionate about stamp-collecting
  • to mark time — If you are marking time, you are doing something that is not particularly useful or interesting while you wait for something more important or interesting to happen.
  • toe the mark — a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page.
  • tomato puree — liquidized tomatoes
  • tour manager — the person in charge of an organized trip that people such as musicians, or actors go on to several different places, stopping to meet people or perform
  • town manager — an official appointed to direct the administration of a town government.
  • tracheostomy — the construction of an artificial opening through the neck into the trachea, usually for the relief of difficulty in breathing.
  • trachomatous — a chronic, contagious infection of the conjunctiva and cornea, characterized by the formation of granulations and scarring and caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
  • tragi-comedy — A tragi-comedy is a play or other written work that is both sad and amusing.
  • tragicomical — a dramatic or other literary composition combining elements of both tragedy and comedy.
  • transforming — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • transformism — the doctrine of gradual transformation of one species into another by descent with modification through many generations.
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