
12-letter words containing a, r, m, o

  • ladies' room — a public lavatory for women.
  • lamella roof — a vaulted roof composed of lamellae.
  • laminar flow — the flow of a viscous fluid in which particles of the fluid move in parallel layers, each of which has a constant velocity but is in motion relative to its neighboring layers.
  • lampadedromy — (in ancient Greece) a relay race in which the runners or riders carried a lighted torch
  • lamprophyres — Plural form of lamprophyre.
  • lamprophyric — belonging or relating to a lamprophyre
  • laparotomies — Plural form of laparotomy.
  • laparotomize — to perform a laparotomy on.
  • large-format — of or relating to a camera with an image area of 5 inches by 4 inches or more
  • laryngectomy — excision of part or all of the larynx.
  • laryngospasm — An uncontrolled, spasmodic closure of the larynx.
  • late bloomer — a person whose talents or capabilities are slow to develop: A late bloomer, she wrote her first novel when she was almost 50.
  • laundry room — utility room
  • laundrywoman — laundress.
  • laundrywomen — Plural form of laundrywoman.
  • legal memory — a period of time, now usually established by statute, during which custom, conduct, or a state of affairs must have existed or continued in order for it to have taken on the force of law or to establish a legal right or title not otherwise provable.
  • leopard moth — a moth, Zeuzera pyrina, having white wings spotted with black and larvae that bore into the wood of various trees and shrubs.
  • leprosariums — Plural form of leprosarium.
  • lime cordial — a drink made from sweetened lime juice and plain or carbonated water
  • linear motor — an electric motor in which a movable part moves in a straight line, with power being supplied by a varying magnetic field set up by a fixed part of the system, as a metal rail on the ground.
  • liposarcomas — Plural form of liposarcoma.
  • loading ramp — a ramp that is used for loading a ship
  • lobular pump — a blower or pump displacing air or liquid by means of rotors having meshing lobes that act as a seal at their place of mesh.
  • logical form — the syntactic structure that may be shared by different expressions as abstracted from their content and articulated by the logical constants of a particular logical system, esp the structure of an argument by virtue of which it can be shown to be formally valid. Thus John is tall and thin, so John is tall has the same logical form as London is large and dirty, so London is large, namely P & Q, so P
  • lognormality — the condition of having a natural logarithm with normal distribution
  • long measure — Also called long meter. Prosody. a four-line stanza in iambic tetrameter, often used in hymns, with the second and fourth lines rhyming and sometimes the first and third lines rhyming as well.
  • longshoreman — a person employed on the wharves of a port, as in loading and unloading vessels.
  • lunar module — the portion of the Apollo spacecraft in which two astronauts landed on the moon's surface and then returned to the orbiting command module. Abbreviation: LM.
  • lymphography — lymphangiography.
  • macassar oil — an oil derived from materials said to be obtained from Macassar, formerly used as a hairdressing.
  • machairodont — having sabre-like teeth; sabre-toothed
  • machine word — word (def 10).
  • machine-word — a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and are either the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such units combined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishes black·bird· from black· bird·. Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically, as by accent, in many languages.
  • macro-cosmic — the great world or universe; the universe considered as a whole (opposed to microcosm).
  • macrobiotics — a philosophically oriented program incorporating elements from several ancient cultures and emphasizing harmony with nature, especially through adherence to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains, beans, vegetables, and moderate amounts of seafood and fruit.
  • macrocarpous — having large fruit.
  • macrocephaly — Cephalometry. being or having a head with a large cranial capacity.
  • macroclimate — the general climate of a large area, as of a continent or country.
  • macroculture — The dominant culture in a society, its overculture.
  • macrocytosis — The presence of macrocytes in the blood.
  • macrodactyly — a condition of abnormally large fingers or toes
  • macroeconomy — A large-scale economic system.
  • macroetching — to etch deeply into the surface of (a metal).
  • macrofossils — Plural form of macrofossil.
  • macrogametes — Plural form of macrogamete.
  • macroglossia — Enlargement or hypertrophy of the tongue.
  • macromineral — any mineral required in the diet in relatively large amounts, especially calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
  • macronuclear — Of or pertaining to a macronucleus.
  • macronucleus — the larger of the two types of nuclei occurring in ciliate protozoans, having a multiple set of chromosomes and functioning in cell metabolism and protein synthesis.
  • macrophagous — (of an animal) feeding on relatively large particles of food
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