
13-letter words containing a, p, u, r, e

  • leprechaunish — somewhat similar to a leprechaun
  • leukapheresis — a medical procedure that separates certain leukocytes from the blood, used to collect leukocytes for donation or to remove excessive leukocytes from a patient's blood
  • linkage group — a group of genes in a chromosome that tends to be inherited as a unit.
  • louis pasteurLouis [loo-ee;; French lwee] /ˈlu i;; French lwi/ (Show IPA), 1822–95, French chemist and bacteriologist.
  • lumbar plexus — a network of nerves originating in the spinal nerves of the midback region and innervating the pelvic area, the front of the legs, and part of the feet.
  • lunar eclipse — Astronomy. the obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention of the moon between it and a point on the earth (solar eclipse) a similar phenomenon with respect to any other planet and either its satellite or the sun. the partial or complete interception of the light of one component of a binary star by the other.
  • macrocephalus — Alternative spelling of macrocephalous.
  • mass spectrum — a spectrum of charged particles, arranged in order of mass or mass-to-charge ratios.
  • measure up to — to fulfil (expectations, standards, etc)
  • measuring cup — a graduated cup used especially in cooking for measuring ingredients.
  • meat products — foods that consist of or contain meat
  • merleau-pontyMaurice, 1908–61, French phenomenological philosopher.
  • microcapsules — Plural form of microcapsule.
  • microcephalus — An abnormally small head.
  • mispersuasion — a false or mistaken persuasion
  • moose pasture — land considered to be worthless, esp when lacking in extractable mineral deposits
  • mousetrapping — Present participle of mousetrap.
  • multiparticle — comprising or involving several particles
  • multiple star — three or more stars lying close together in the celestial sphere and usually united in a single gravitational system.
  • multispectral — (of an airborne camera or scanner) capable of sensing and recording radiation from invisible as well as visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • multitemporal — (music) Having multiple tempos.
  • murder weapon — the weapon that was used in a murder
  • musicotherapy — the treatment of mental disorders with music
  • natural slope — the maximum angle at which soil will lie in a bank without slipping
  • ne plus ultra — the highest point; acme.
  • neuroatypical — Having an atypical neurological configuration.
  • newgroup wars — /n[y]oo'groop worz/ [Usenet] The salvos of dueling "newgroup" and "rmgroup" messages sometimes exchanged by persons on opposite sides of a dispute over whether a newsgroup should be created net-wide, or (even more frequently) whether an obsolete one should be removed. These usually settle out within a week or two as it becomes clear whether the group has a natural constituency (usually, it doesn't). At times, especially in the completely anarchic alt hierarchy, the names of newsgroups themselves become a form of comment or humour; e.g. the spinoff of alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork from alt.tv.muppets in early 1990, or any number of specialised abuse groups named after particularly notorious flamers, e.g. alt.weemba.
  • non-reputable — held in good repute; honorable; respectable; estimable: a reputable organization.
  • norway spruce — a European spruce, Picea abies, having shiny, dark-green needles, grown as an ornamental.
  • nuclear power — power derived from nuclear energy.
  • open fracture — compound fracture.
  • opera comique — comic opera.
  • ostreophagous — oyster-eating
  • over-populate — to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available resources and facilities: Expanding industry has overpopulated the western suburbs.
  • overpopulated — to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available resources and facilities: Expanding industry has overpopulated the western suburbs.
  • overspeculate — to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often followed by on, upon, or a clause).
  • palaeocurrent — an ancient current, esp of water, evidence of which has been preserved in sedimentary rocks as fossilized ripple marks, etc
  • pantagruelian — (in Rabelais' Pantagruel) the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor.
  • pantagruelism — (in Rabelais' Pantagruel) the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor.
  • pao de acucar — Portuguese name of Sugarloaf Mountain.
  • papaveraceous — belonging to the Papaveraceae, the poppy family of plants.
  • paper-pushing — a person who has a routine desk job.
  • parade ground — A parade ground is an area of ground where soldiers practise marching and have parades.
  • paradise duck — a large duck, Casarca variegata, of New Zealand, having a brightly coloured plumage
  • parainfluenza — an influenzalike respiratory infection of animals and humans, caused by any of several paramyxoviruses.
  • parallel turn — a turn, executed by shifting one's weight, in which the skis stay parallel
  • paramenstruum — the four days before and first four days of menstruation
  • parasexuality — parasexual behaviour
  • parental unit — of or relating to a parent.
  • paris commune — commune3 (def 8).
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