
15-letter words containing a, p, h, s, i

  • spectrochemical — of, relating to, or utilizing the techniques of spectrochemistry.
  • speech training — training designed to improve spoken skills, such as voice projection
  • sphaerosiderite — a type of siderite
  • spherical angle — an angle formed by arcs of great circles of a sphere.
  • spheroidization — the conversion of grains into spheroids
  • spill the beans — the edible nutritious seed of various plants of the legume family, especially of the genus Phaseolus.
  • spinach-rhubarb — an Ethiopian plant, Rumex abyssinicus, of the buckwheat family, having leaves that are sometimes used as spinach and leafstalks sometimes used as rhubarb.
  • spirochaetaemia — the presence of spirochaetes in the blood
  • spit and polish — great care in maintaining smart appearance and crisp efficiency: The commander was concerned more with spit and polish than with the company's morale.
  • sporting chance — an even or fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning in a game of chance or in any kind of contest: They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.
  • stephen hawkingStephen William, born 1942, English mathematician and theoretical physicist.
  • stigmatophilist — a person who has stigmatophilia
  • stirrup leather — the strap that holds the stirrup of a saddle.
  • stop at nothing — to be prepared to do anything; be unscrupulous or ruthless
  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • stretch a point — a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • sulphinpyrazone — a uricosuric drug with molecular formula C23H20N2O3S, used in the treatment of chronic gout
  • sulphurous acid — an unstable acid produced when sulphur dioxide dissolves in water: used as a preservative for food and a bleaching agent. Formula: H2SO3
  • swamp white oak — an oak, Quercus bicolor, of eastern North America, yielding a hard, heavy wood used in shipbuilding, for making furniture, etc.
  • sycophantically — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • sympathetic ink — a fluid for producing writing that is invisible until brought out by heat, chemicals, etc.; invisible ink.
  • sympathetically — characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
  • sympathomimetic — mimicking stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • sympathy strike — a strike by a body of workers, not because of grievances against their own employer, but by way of endorsing and aiding another group of workers who are on strike or have been locked out.
  • teng hsiao-ping — Deng Xiaoping.
  • thalassographic — relating to thalassography
  • the disappeared — people who have been arrested secretly or abuducted and presumably imprisoned or killed
  • the paralympics — a sporting event, modelled on the Olympic Games, held solely for disabled competitors
  • thomas à kempis — Thomas à, 1379?–1471, German ecclesiastic and author.
  • tiglath-pileser — died 727 b.c, king of Assyria 745–727.
  • trainspotterish — obsessed with trivial details, esp of a subject generally considered uninteresting
  • unapprehensible — not able to be understood or comprehended
  • unphilosophical — not adhering to philosophical theory or principles
  • unsophisticated — not sophisticated; simple; artless.
  • vanishing point — a point of disappearance, cessation, or extinction: His patience had reached the vanishing point.
  • vanishing spray — a substance that disperses without trace shortly after it is sprayed onto a surface, used in football to mark a temporary line behind which defenders must stand when a free kick is taken
  • vindhya pradesh — a former state in central India: now part of Madhya Pradesh.
  • walpurgis night — (especially in medieval German folklore) the evening preceding the feast day of St. Walpurgis, when witches congregated, especially on the Brocken.
  • washing-up bowl — plastic bowl used for washing dishes
  • washington palm — a palm tree, Washingtonia filifera, of California and Florida, having large fan-shaped leaves and small black fruits
  • westphalian ham — a hard German ham with a distinctive flavor derived from being smoked over beechwood and juniper.
  • whip into shape — to bring by vigorous action into the proper or desired condition
  • whiplash injury — the lash of a whip.
  • whippersnappers — Plural form of whippersnapper.
  • white supremacy — the belief, theory, or doctrine that white people are inherently superior to people from all other racial groups, especially black people, and are therefore rightfully the dominant group in any society.
  • withdrawal slip — a small paper form which has to be filled in before making a withdrawal of money from a bank, building society, etc
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