
15-letter words containing a, o, l

  • primrose family — the plant family Primulaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having simple, opposite, whorled, or basal leaves, flowers with a five-lobed corolla, and capsular fruit, and including cyclamen, loosestrife of the genus Lysimachia, pimpernel, primrose, and shooting star.
  • prince of walesPrince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall ("The Black Prince") 1330–76, English military leader (son of Edward III).
  • principal focus — focal point (def 1).
  • principal point — the point where a principal plane intersects the axis.
  • prism binocular — Usually, prism binoculars. Optics. binocular (def 1).
  • private soldier — A private soldier is a soldier of the lowest rank in an army or the marines.
  • privately owned — owned by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • pro-nationalist — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • problematically — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • processionalist — a member of a procession
  • professionalism — professional character, spirit, or methods.
  • professionalist — to give a professional character or status to; make into or establish as a profession.
  • professionalize — to give a professional character or status to; make into or establish as a profession.
  • profit and loss — the gain and loss arising from commercial or other transactions, applied especially to an account or statement of account in bookkeeping showing gains and losses in business.
  • profoundly deaf — unable to hear any sound below 95 decibels in one's better ear
  • programmability — capable of being programmed.
  • proletarianized — to convert or transform into a member or members of the proletariat: to proletarianize the middle class.
  • proletarization — to proletarianize.
  • pronunciational — relating to pronunciation
  • propeller shaft — a shaft that transmits power from an engine to a propeller.
  • property ladder — progress from cheaper to more expensive housing
  • propionaldehyde — a colorless, water-soluble liquid, C 3 H 6 O, having a pungent odor: used chiefly in the manufacture of plastics.
  • proportionality — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • proportionately — proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • propositionally — the act of offering or suggesting something to be considered, accepted, adopted, or done.
  • proprietorially — in the manner of a proprietor
  • propyl aldehyde — a colorless, water-soluble liquid, C 3 H 6 O, having a pungent odor: used chiefly in the manufacture of plastics.
  • propylitization — the alteration of igneous rock to propylite
  • proteolytically — by a proteolytic process
  • provost marshal — Army. an officer on the staff of a commander, charged with the maintaining of order and with other police functions within a command.
  • proximity talks — a diplomatic process whereby an impartial representative acts as go-between for two opposing parties who are willing to attend the same conference but unwilling to meet face to face
  • pseudo-chemical — of, used in, produced by, or concerned with chemistry or chemicals: a chemical formula; chemical agents.
  • pseudo-critical — inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily.
  • pseudo-medieval — of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or in the style of the Middle Ages: medieval architecture. Compare Middle Ages.
  • pseudo-military — of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
  • pseudo-national — of, relating to, or maintained by a nation as an organized whole or independent political unit: national affairs.
  • pseudo-suicidal — pertaining to, involving, or suggesting suicide.
  • pseudocoelomate — having a pseudocoel.
  • pseudohexagonal — of, relating to, or having the form of a hexagon.
  • pseudomutuality — a relationship between two persons in which conflict of views or opinions is solved by simply ignoring it
  • pseudoparalysis — the inability to move a part of the body owing to factors, as pain, other than those causing actual paralysis.
  • pseudotripteral — having an arrangement of columns suggesting a tripteral structure but without the inner colonnades.
  • psychographical — relating to psychographics
  • psychologically — of or relating to psychology.
  • psychopathology — the science or study of mental disorders.
  • public footpath — a footpath along which the public has right of way
  • public lavatory — a public toilet
  • puerto vallarta — a city in W Mexico.
  • pull a fast one — moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast pain reliever; a fast thinker.
  • pulmobranchiate — possessing a pulmobranch
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