
15-letter words containing a, o, l

  • nathaniel baconFrancis (Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans) 1561–1626, English essayist, philosopher, and statesman.
  • nation of islam — an organization composed chiefly of African Americans, advocating the teachings of Islam and originally favoring the separation of black and white racial groups in the United States: members are known as Black Muslims.
  • nation-building — Journalists sometimes use nation-building to refer to government policies that are designed to create a strong sense of national identity.
  • national anthem — official song of a country
  • national church — an independent church within a country, usually representing the prevalent religion.
  • national forest — forested land owned, maintained, and preserved by the U.S. government.
  • national income — the total net earnings from the production of goods and services in a country over a period of time, usually one year, and consisting essentially of wages, salaries, rent, profits, and interest.
  • national league — the older of the two major professional U.S. baseball leagues, established in 1876. Abbreviation: N.L.
  • national school — (in Ireland) a state primary school
  • national status — the status of someone as regarding their citizenship of a country
  • nationalisation — Act of taking formerly private assets into public or state ownership.
  • nationalization — to bring under the ownership or control of a nation, as industries and land: a movement to nationalize the oil industry.
  • native compiler — (programming, tool)   A compiler which runs on the computer for which it is producing machine code, in contrast to a cross-compiler, which produces code for a different computer.
  • natural history — the sciences, as botany, mineralogy, or zoology, dealing with the study of all objects in nature: used especially in reference to the beginnings of these sciences in former times.
  • navigation laws — laws relating to navigation
  • nearly-new shop — a shop that sells secondhand clothes and other objects
  • neat's-foot oil — a pale-yellow fixed oil made by boiling the feet and shinbones of cattle, used chiefly as a dressing for leather.
  • necessary stool — close-stool.
  • necrobacillosis — any disease of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine marked by necrotic areas in which a bacillus, Fusobacterium necrophorum, is found.
  • needless to say — of course, obviously
  • negro spiritual — a type of religious song originating among Black slaves in the American South
  • neo-hegelianism — Hegelianism as modified by various philosophers of the latter half of the 19th century.
  • neo-lutheranism — a movement begun in the 19th century in Germany and Scandinavia to revive the orthodox principles, beliefs, and practices of the Lutheran Church.
  • neo-pentecostal — charismatic (def 2).
  • neoisolationism — a revival of isolationism arising from increased anti-Soviet and anti-European sentiment and a reluctance to involve the nation in further political and military commitments abroad.
  • neomercantilism — an economic doctrine or policy during the early 20th century that set high tariffs and other import restrictions in order to protect domestic industries.
  • nephrolithiasis — (pathology) presence of calculi in kidneys.
  • net.personality — Someone who has made a name for him or herself on Usenet, through either longevity or attention-getting posts, but doesn't meet the other requirements of net.godhood.
  • netzahualcoyotl — a city in S central Mexico, in the state of Mexico.
  • neural computer — a computer or a software program that uses a neural network simulating the human brain and can be trained to perform specific tasks, as pattern recognition.
  • neural networks — any group of neurons that conduct impulses in a coordinated manner, as the assemblages of brain cells that record a visual stimulus.
  • neuroanatomical — the branch of anatomy dealing with the nervous system.
  • neurobehavioral — of or relating to an approach to studying behavior that stresses the importance of nerve and brain function.
  • neurobiological — the branch of biology that is concerned with the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
  • neurochemically — In a neurochemical manner or context.
  • neuroectodermal — Of or pertaining to the neuroectoderm.
  • neuroepithelial — Of or relating to the neuroepithelium.
  • neurofibrillary — Of or pertaining to a neurofibril.
  • neuropathically — In a neuropathic way.
  • neuropathologic — Of or pertaining to neuropathology.
  • neuroplasticity — the capacity of the nervous system to develop new neuronal connections: research on neuroplasticity of the brain after injury.
  • nevado del ruiz — a volcano in W central Colombia, in the Andes: eruption 1985. 17,720 feet (5401 meters).
  • never look back — to become increasingly successful
  • new archaeology — a reorientation of archaeology, dating from the 1960s, that emphasizes an explicitly scientific, problem-oriented, deductive approach to research.
  • new south wales — a state in SE Australia. 309,433 sq. mi. (801,430 sq. km). Capital: Sydney.
  • newton's cradle — an ornamental puzzle consisting of a frame in which five metal balls are suspended in such a way that when one is moved it sets all the others in motion in turn
  • newtonian fluid — any fluid exhibiting a linear relation between the applied shear stress and the rate of deformation.
  • nicholas ridleyNicholas, c1500–55, English bishop, reformer, and martyr.
  • nicholas, saintSaint ("Nicholas the Great") died a.d. 867, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 858–867.
  • nickel carbonyl — a colorless or yellow, volatile, water-insoluble, poisonous, flammable liquid, Ni(CO) 4 , obtained by the reaction of nickel and carbon monoxide, and used for nickel-plating.
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