
11-letter words containing a, n, u, s, e, d

  • tetrandrous — having four stamens.
  • unabashedly — not ashamed, disconcerted, or apologetic; boldly certain of one's position.
  • unabolished — not abolished or revoked
  • unaddressed — a speech or written statement, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons: the president's address on the state of the economy.
  • unashamedly — not ashamed; not restrained by embarrassment or consciousness of moral guilt: a liar unashamed even after public disgrace.
  • unaspirated — Phonetics. to articulate (a speech sound, especially a stop) so as to produce an audible puff of breath, as with the first t of total, the second t being unaspirated. to articulate (the beginning of a word or syllable) with an h -sound, as in which, pronounced (hwich), or hitch as opposed to witch or itch.
  • unassembled — noting an artificial gem formed of two or more parts, as a doublet or triplet, at least one of which is a true gemstone.
  • unassuredly — guaranteed; sure; certain; secure: an assured income.
  • unballasted — not fitted with or carrying ballast.
  • uncalloused — not calloused
  • uncastrated — to remove the testes of; emasculate; geld.
  • unchastened — to inflict suffering upon for purposes of moral improvement; chastise.
  • unchastised — not chastised or reprimanded
  • undangerous — full of danger or risk; causing danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe.
  • under wraps — to enclose in something wound or folded about (often followed by up): She wrapped her head in a scarf.
  • undermasted — having a mast of small proportions
  • underpraise — to praise to a lesser degree or extent than the circumstances warrant.
  • undershapen — deficiently formed
  • understated — restrained in design, presentation, etc.; low-key: the understated elegance of the house.
  • undesirable — not desirable or attractive; objectionable: undesirable qualities.
  • undiagnosed — to determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination: The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.
  • undisplaced — lacking a home, country, etc.
  • undisplayed — (of a bird) represented with wings and legs spread: an eagle displayed.
  • unexhausted — not exhausted; not completely used up
  • unfashioned — not fashioned or made; not formed
  • ungarnished — to provide or supply with something ornamental; adorn; decorate.
  • unhandiness — the state of being unhandy
  • unharvested — Also, harvesting. the gathering of crops.
  • unhusbanded — not assisted by husbandry; not cultivated
  • uninsulated — to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound: to insulate an electric wire with a rubber sheath; to insulate a coat with down.
  • unpassioned — unpassionate
  • unpersuaded — to prevail on (a person) to do something, as by advising or urging: We could not persuade him to wait.
  • unplastered — (of a room, wall, etc) not covered with plaster
  • unpractised — not trained or skilled; inexpert: an unpracticed actor.
  • unpurchased — not bought or purchased
  • unreadiness — not ready; not made ready: The new stadium is as yet unready for use.
  • unrehearsed — to practice (a musical composition, a play, a speech, etc.) in private prior to a public presentation.
  • unsandalled — unshod
  • unsanitized — to free from dirt, germs, etc., as by cleaning or sterilizing.
  • unsatisfied — content: a satisfied look.
  • unsaturated — not saturated; having the power to dissolve still more of a substance.
  • unscattered — distributed or occurring at widely spaced and usually irregular intervals: scattered villages; scattered showers.
  • unscratched — to break, mar, or mark the surface of by rubbing, scraping, or tearing with something sharp or rough: to scratch one's hand on a nail.
  • unseparated — not separated
  • unsharpened — not sharpened
  • unshattered — to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow.
  • unsimulated — to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions.
  • unsoundable — inappropriate
  • unstaidness — the quality of being unstaid
  • unstaunched — unstopped
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