
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • human cloning — the act of producing a human as a clone
  • humanitarians — Plural form of humanitarian.
  • humiliatingly — lowering the pride, self-respect, or dignity of a person; mortifying: Such a humiliating defeat was good for his overblown ego.
  • hunter trials — a test for hunters held under the auspices of a hunt, in which the course is laid with obstacles to simulate actual hunting conditions.
  • hunting chair — a chair having a sliding frame in front serving as a footrest.
  • hunting watch — hunter (def 6).
  • hyacinth bean — an Old World tropical vine, Dolichos lablab, of the legume family, having purple or white flowers and black or white seeds in a papery, beaked pod.
  • hyalinization — a condition in which normal tissue deteriorates into a homogeneous, translucent material.
  • hyaluronidase — Biochemistry. a mucolytic enzyme found in the testes, in snake venom, and in hemolytic streptococci and certain other bacteria, that decreases the viscosity of the intercellular matrix by breaking down hyaluronic acid.
  • hybridisation — Alternative form of hybridization.
  • hybridization — to cause to produce hybrids; cross.
  • hydraulicking — a type of mining that uses water to move rock
  • hydroairplane — a hydroplane.
  • hydroboration — (chemistry) the production or organoboranes by the addition of diborane to unsaturated organic compounds.
  • hydrocracking — the cracking of petroleum or the like in the presence of hydrogen.
  • hydrodynamics — the branch of fluid dynamics that deals with liquids, including hydrostatics and hydrokinetics.
  • hydrofracking — a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth's surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure: used especially to extract natural gas or oil.
  • hydrogenating — Present participle of hydrogenate.
  • hydrogenation — to combine or treat with hydrogen, especially to add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound).
  • hydroxylamine — an unstable, weakly basic, crystalline compound, NH 3 O, used as a reducing agent, analytical reagent, and chemical intermediate.
  • hydroxylation — (organic chemistry) The introduction of a hydroxyl group into a molecule, especially by the replacement of a hydrogen atom.
  • hyperadenosis — abnormal enlargement of the glands, especially of the lymph nodes.
  • hypercinnabar — (mineral) A form of cinnabar that forms hexagonal crystals.
  • hypercyanotic — blueness or lividness of the skin, as from imperfectly oxygenated blood.
  • hyperinflated — to subject to hyperinflation: hyperinflated prices.
  • hypermagnetic — (physics) Extremely magnetic.
  • hypermutation — (uncountable) Frequent mutation.
  • hypernatremia — an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the blood.
  • hyperphrygian — (in ancient Greek music) of a principle mode found between the hyperlydian and the hypolydian
  • hyperrational — characterized by excessive rationality
  • hyperromantic — extremely or excessively romantic
  • hypersalinity — an excess of salt in a saline solution
  • hyperurbanism — a pronunciation or grammatical form or usage produced by a speaker of one dialect according to an analogical rule formed by comparison of the speaker's own usage with that of another, more prestigious, dialect and often applied in an inappropriate context, especially in an effort to avoid sounding countrified, rural, or provincial, as in the pronunciation of the word two (to̅o̅) as (tyo̅o̅).
  • hypervigilant — keenly watchful to detect danger; wary: a vigilant sentry.
  • hyphenization — the act or use of hyphenation
  • hypnoanalysis — a method of psychoanalysis in which a patient is put into hypnosis in an attempt to secure analytic data, free associations, and early emotional reactions.
  • hypo-chondria — Also, hypochondriasis [hahy-poh-kuh n-drahy-uh-sis] /ˌhaɪ poʊ kənˈdraɪ ə sɪs/ (Show IPA). Psychiatry. an excessive preoccupation with one's health, usually focusing on some particular symptom, as cardiac or gastric problems.
  • hypobranchial — situated below the gills or beneath the branchial arches.
  • hypochondriac — Also, hypochondriacal, H05/H0509000 hahy-poh-kuh n-drahy-uh-kuh l, ˌhaɪ poʊ kənˈdraɪ ə kəl. Psychiatry. pertaining to or suffering from hypochondria, an excessive preoccupation with and worry about one's health: The comedy is aimed at the hypochondriac demographic. produced by hypochondria: Hypochondriac feelings overwhelmed her.
  • hypohydration — Dehydration.
  • hyponatraemia — a condition in which there is a low concentration of sodium in the blood
  • hyponymically — In a hyponymic way.
  • hypostatizing — Present participle of hypostatize.
  • hypothecating — Present participle of hypothecate.
  • hypothecation — to pledge to a creditor as security without delivering over; mortgage.
  • hypoventilate — (intransitive) To undergo hypoventilation.
  • i-head engine — an internal-combustion engine with both intake and exhaust valves placed directly above the piston.
  • ice-cream van — a mobile shop that sells ice cream and confectionery
  • iceland poppy — any of various widely cultivated arctic poppies, esp Papaver nudicaule, with white or yellow nodding flowers
  • iceman cometh — a play (1946) by Eugene O'Neill.
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