
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • dual national — a person that has dual nationality
  • dumb terminal — (hardware)   A type of terminal that consists of a keyboard and a display screen that can be used to enter and transmit data to, or display data from, a computer to which it is connected. A dumb terminal, in contrast to an intelligent terminal, has no independent processing capability or auxiliary storage and thus cannot function as a stand-alone device. The dumbest kind of terminal is a glass tty. The next step up has a minimally addressable cursor but no on-screen editing or other features normally supported by an intelligent terminal. Once upon a time, when glass ttys were common and addressable cursors were something special, what is now called a dumb terminal could pass for a smart terminal.
  • dun laoghaire — a seaport in E Republic of Ireland, near Dublin.
  • durban poison — a particularly potent variety of cannabis grown in Natal
  • dutch auction — a method of auction consisting in the offer of a property at a price above the actual value and then at gradually reduced prices until a buyer is found.
  • dwarf ginseng — a plant, Panax trifolius, of eastern North America, having globe-shaped clusters of small, white flowers and yellow fruit.
  • dynamic range — the range of signal amplitudes over which an electronic communications channel can operate within acceptable limits of distortion. The range is determined by system noise at the lower end and by the onset of overload at the upper end
  • dynamic scope — (language)   In a dynamically scoped language, e.g. most versions of Lisp, an identifier can be referred to, not only in the block where it is declared, but also in any function or procedure called from within that block, even if the called procedure is declared outside the block. This can be implemented as a simple stack of (identifier, value) pairs, accessed by searching down from the top of stack for the most recent instance of a given identifier. The opposite is lexical scope. A common implementation of dynamic scope is shallow binding.
  • dynamogenesis — the output of raised activity of the nervous system
  • dysfunctional — not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning.
  • dysrationalia — The inability to think and behave rationally despite adequate intelligence.
  • dysregulation — A failure to regulate properly.
  • dzibilchaltun — a large, ancient Mayan ceremonial and commercial center near Mérida, Mexico, founded perhaps as early as 3000 b.c. and in continuous use until the 16th century.
  • e-mail client — mail user agent
  • ear infection — an infection that affects the ear
  • ear-splitting — ear-piercing: an earsplitting explosion.
  • earl palatine — count palatine (def 2).
  • early closing — shop closure at earlier hour
  • early english — pertaining to the first style of Gothic architecture in England, ending in the latter half of the 13th century, characterized by the use of lancet arches, plate tracery, and narrow openings.
  • early warning — An early warning system warns people that something bad is likely to happen, for example that a machine is about to stop working, or that a country is being attacked.
  • early-evening — taking place or being presented in the early part of the evening
  • early-morning — taking place or being presented in the early part of the morning
  • earned income — income from wages, salaries, fees, or the like, accruing from labor or services performed by the earner.
  • earning power — business: ability to profit
  • earth science — any of various sciences, as geography, geology, or meteorology, that deal with the earth, its composition, or any of its changing aspects.
  • earth station — a terminal equipped to receive, or receive and transmit, signals from or to communications satellites.
  • east berliner — a native or inhabitant of the former East Berlin
  • east germanic — a branch of the Germanic languages no longer extant, comprising Gothic and probably others of which there are no written records. Abbreviation: EGmc.
  • east pakistan — former name of Bangladesh.
  • east prussian — a former province in NE Germany: an enclave separated from Germany by the Polish Corridor; now divided between Poland and the Russian Federation. 14,283 sq. mi. (36,993 sq. km). Capital: Königsberg.
  • easter egging — (jargon)   (IBM, From the custom of the Easter Egg hunt observed in the US and many parts of Europe) The act of replacing unrelated components more or less at random in the hope that a malfunction will go away. Hackers consider this the normal operating mode of field circus techs and do not love them for it. Compare Easter egg, shotgun debugging.
  • easter island — an island in the S Pacific, W of and belonging to Chile. About 45 sq. mi. (117 sq. km): gigantic statues.
  • easter rising — an armed insurrection in Dublin in 1916 against British rule in Ireland: the insurgents proclaimed the establishment of an independent Irish republic before surrendering, 16 of the leaders later being executed
  • eastern hindi — the vernacular of the eastern half of the Hindi-speaking area in India.
  • easygoingness — The quality of being easygoing.
  • eating habits — the way a person or group eats, considered in terms of what types of food are eaten, in what quantities, and when
  • eavesdropping — to listen secretly to a private conversation.
  • eccentrically — deviating from the recognized or customary character, practice, etc.; irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd: eccentric conduct; an eccentric person.
  • eco-labelling — the practice or system of using eco-labels
  • economization — The act or practice of using resources to the best effect.
  • ecumenicalism — the doctrines and practices of the ecumenical movement.
  • edging shears — shears that are used to trim the edges of a lawn
  • educationally — pertaining to education.
  • educationists — Plural form of educationist.
  • edward gibbonEdward, 1737–94, English historian.
  • edwardsianism — a modified form of Calvinism taught by Jonathan Edwards.
  • eff and blind — to use obscene language
  • egomaniacally — In an egomaniacal manner.
  • ejection seat — a seat, esp as fitted to military aircraft, that is fired by a cartridge or rocket to eject the occupant from the aircraft in an emergency
  • electrization — the action of electrifying
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