
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • scoinson arch — sconcheon arch.
  • scorification — an assaying process whereby gold or silver is separated from ore by fusion with lead.
  • scotch plains — a township in NE New Jersey.
  • screaming tty — [Unix] A terminal line which spews an infinite number of random characters at the operating system. This can happen if the terminal is either disconnected or connected to a powered-off terminal but still enabled for login; misconfiguration, misimplementation, or simple bad luck can start such a terminal screaming. A screaming tty or two can seriously degrade the performance of a vanilla Unix system; the arriving "characters" are treated as userid/password pairs and tested as such. The Unix password encryption algorithm is designed to be computationally intensive in order to foil brute-force crack attacks, so although none of the logins succeeds; the overhead of rejecting them all can be substantial.
  • scythian lamb — a fern, Cibotium barometz, of southeastern Asia, having stalks covered with shaggy, brownish hair and large, feathery leaves, formerly believed to be a source of vegetable wool.
  • seafaring man — a sailor
  • search engine — a computer program that searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found.
  • season ticket — a ticket for a specified series or number of events or valid for unlimited use during a specified time, often sold at a reduced rate, for athletic events, concerts, transportation, etc.
  • seasonability — fact of being seasonable
  • sectionalized — divided into sections
  • sectorization — the act or state of sectorizing
  • sedentariness — characterized by or requiring a sitting posture: a sedentary occupation.
  • sedimentation — the deposition or accumulation of sediment.
  • segmentalized — separated into parts, sections, elements, classes, etc.; compartmentalized: a segmentalized society.
  • segregational — the act or practice of segregating; a setting apart or separation of people or things from others or from the main body or group: gender segregation in some fundamentalist religions.
  • selenous acid — a colorless, transparent, crystalline powder, H2SeO3, soluble in water and used as a reagent
  • self-analysis — the application of psychoanalytic techniques and theories to an analysis of one's own personality and behavior, especially without the aid of a psychiatrist or other trained person.
  • self-anointed — to rub or sprinkle on; apply an unguent, ointment, or oily liquid to.
  • self-assuming — taking too much for granted; presumptuous.
  • self-catering — holiday accommodation not including meals
  • self-cleaning — an act or instance of making clean: Give the house a good cleaning.
  • self-creation — the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating; engendering.
  • self-donation — an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or contribution.
  • self-effacing — the act or fact of keeping oneself in the background, as in humility.
  • self-ignorant — lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
  • self-loathing — strong dislike or disgust; intense aversion.
  • self-managing — to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, sometimes despite difficulty or hardship: She managed to see the governor. How does she manage it on such a small income?
  • self-negating — to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of: an investigation tending to negate any supernatural influences.
  • self-ordained — to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon.
  • self-pleasing — giving pleasure; agreeable; gratifying: a pleasing performance.
  • self-reliance — reliance on oneself or one's own powers, resources, etc.
  • self-standing — An object or structure that is self-standing is not supported by other objects or structures.
  • self-starting — starter (def 3).
  • self-training — the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained: He's in training for the Olympics.
  • semi-autonomy — the quality or state of being semiautonomous.
  • semi-darkness — partial darkness
  • semi-finalist — A semi-finalist is a player, athlete, or team that is competing in a semi-final.
  • semi-nomadism — a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
  • semicarbazone — a product that occurs as a result of aldehyde or ketone reacting with semicarbazide
  • semidominance — incomplete dominance.
  • semilegendary — having some historical basis, but legendary in part
  • semimenstrual — (esp of tides) occurring twice monthly
  • seminal fluid — the fluid component of semen, excluding the sperm.
  • seminole wars — a series of conflicts in 1818–19 between American forces under Andrew Jackson and the Seminole Indians in Spanish-controlled eastern Florida.
  • semipalatinsk — a city in NE Kazakhstan, on the Irtysh River.
  • semipalmation — the state of being semipalmate
  • semipermanent — not quite permanent.
  • semiporcelain — any of several vitrified ceramic wares lacking the translucency or hardness of true porcelain but otherwise similar to it.
  • semisedentary — partially or somewhat sedentary
  • sendmail inc. — (company)   The company, announced in November 1997 and launched in March 1998, created by Eric Allman, the original author of Sendmail. Allman is Chief Technology Officer, Greg Olson is President and CEO. Sendmail Inc. will sell commercial upgrades, service and support to Internet Service Providers and corporations running critical e-mail applications, while still continuing freeware development. Allman said that he devoted the fist six months of the life of Sendmail Inc. to finalising the freeware release. A commercial version was due in summer 1998, at around $1000 per server. The company is expected to reach $40m annual sales within three years. Funding is in the region of $1.25m. Address: Emeryville, California, USA.
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