
14-letter words containing a, n, g, o, y

  • megatechnology — high technology that is developing rapidly
  • memory mapping — a technique whereby computer peripherals may be addressed as though they formed part of the main memory of the computer
  • modelling clay — mouldable substance fixed in a kiln
  • money changing — the business of exchanging one currency for another, with the deduction of a commission for the service.
  • money-changing — the business or act of exchanging currency, usually of different countries, esp. at a set rate
  • morgain le fay — Morgan le Fay.
  • morganatically — In a morganatic manner.
  • morning prayer — matin (def 1c).
  • nanotechnology — a technology executed on the scale of less than 100 nanometers, the goal of which is to control individual atoms and molecules, especially to create computer chips and other microscopic devices.
  • naphthyl group — Also called alpha-naphthyl group, alpha-naphthyl radical. the univalent group C 1 0 H 7 –, having a replaceable hydrogen atom in the first, or alpha, position; 1-naphthyl group.
  • nasopharyngeal — the part of the pharynx behind and above the soft palate, directly continuous with the nasal passages. Compare oropharynx (def 2).
  • navigationally — in a navigational manner; from a navigational point of view
  • neurogenically — by neural activity
  • neurologically — the science of the nerves and the nervous system, especially of the diseases affecting them.
  • neuropathology — the pathology of the nervous system.
  • neuroradiology — the branch of radiology dealing with the central nervous system
  • non-derogatory — tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging; depreciatory: a derogatory remark.
  • non-regulatory — to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.: to regulate household expenses.
  • normoglycaemia — the condition of having a normal blood sugar level
  • normoglycaemic — Alt form normoglycemic.
  • not having any — refusing to take part or be involved (in)
  • nyctaginaceous — belonging to the Nyctaginaceae, the four-o'clock family of plants.
  • omega-c baryon — a neutral baryon having a mass 5292 times that of the electron and a mean lifetime of approximately 6.4 X 10 -14 seconds.
  • organizability — The suitability or potential for organization.
  • osteogenically — By osteogenesis.
  • otolaryngology — the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, function, and diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.
  • overnight stay — in hospital or hotel
  • oxyhaemoglobin — the bright red product formed when oxygen from the lungs combines with haemoglobin in the blood
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • palaeethnology — the study of prehistoric man
  • paleolimnology — the study of ancient lakes from their sediments and fossils.
  • paleontography — the formal description of fossils
  • paying-in book — a book for keeping a record of money deposited into an account
  • perhydrogenate — to hydrogenate as completely as possible.
  • phenologically — in a phenological manner
  • plane geometry — the geometry of figures whose parts all lie in one plane.
  • poetry reading — a public recital or rendering of a poem
  • porgy and bess — an opera (1935) with music by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin.
  • post-pregnancy — the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant.
  • potty training — teaching an infant to use the toilet
  • predesignatory — in the terminology of Sir William Hamilton, (of a sign) affixed to a proposition or term to indicate quantity
  • prognostically — of or relating to prognosis.
  • progressionary — relating to progression
  • propitiatingly — to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
  • psychogalvanic — pertaining to or involving electric changes in the body resulting from reactions to mental or emotional stimuli.
  • pyongyangology — the study and analysis of the policies and practices of the North Korean communist regime
  • pythagoreanism — the doctrines of Pythagoras and his followers, especially the belief that the universe is the manifestation of various combinations of mathematical ratios.
  • rallying point — A rallying point is a place, event, or person that people are attracted to as a symbol of a political group or ideal.
  • röntgenography — radiography
  • royal highness — a title used prior to 1917 and designating a brother, sister, child, grandchild, aunt, or uncle belonging to the male line of the royal family. a title used since 1917 and designating a child or grandchild of the sovereign. any person given this title by the Crown.
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