
18-letter words containing a, m, i, t, o

  • mix communications — (MIX) Providers of Internet access and presentation services for businesses and individuals in the Milwaukee, WI, USA metropolitan area. MIX started providing Internet access services to the Milwaukee area in 1990. It was the first business in Milwaukee to provide Internet access services to the public. MIX Communications is owned and operated by Dean Roth. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Telephone: +1 (414) 351 1868 (Office), +1 (414) 351 1139 (BBS). Address: MIX Communications, P.O. Box 17166, Milwaukee, WI 53217, USA.
  • mobile data system — a system consisting of a client computer requesting information and a server supplying this information
  • mobility allowance — an allowance paid by the government to help people who have limited mobility
  • moccasin telegraph — the transmission of rumour or secret information; the grapevine
  • modular arithmetic — arithmetic in which numbers that are congruent modulo a given number are treated as the same. Compare congruence (def 2), modulo, modulus (def 2b).
  • molecular genetics — a subdivision of genetics concerned with the structure and function of genes at the molecular level.
  • monophthongization — to change into or pronounce as a monophthong.
  • montgomery village — a city in central Maryland.
  • morning-after pill — a contraceptive pill containing only an estrogen and used by women within a few hours after sexual intercourse.
  • morphine addiction — the fact or condition of being addicted to morphine
  • mortgage insurance — policy to compensate for property loan payments
  • mount saint helens — a city in Merseyside, in NW England, near Liverpool.
  • mountain cranberry — cowberry
  • moving bed reactor — A moving bed reactor is a reactor in which a layer of catalyst in the form of granules is moved between a reaction area and a regeneration area.
  • mozilla foundation — (body, web, open source)   The body set up by Netscape in January 1998 to coordinate development of the Mozilla browser and to provide a point of contact.
  • multicast backbone — (MBONE) A virtual network on top of the Internet which supports routing of IP multicast packets, intended for multimedia transmission. MBONE gives public access desktop video communications. The quality is poor with only 3-5 frames per second instead of the 30 frames per second of commercial television. Its advantage is that it avoids all telecommunications costs normally associated with teleconferencing. An interesting innovation is the use of MBONE for audio communications and an electronic "whiteboard" where the computer screen becomes a shared workspace where two physically remote parties can draw on and edit shared documents in real-time.
  • multifunctionality — The condition of being multifunctional.
  • music to your ears — If something that you hear is music to your ears, it makes you feel very happy.
  • mutual aid society — A mutual aid society is an organization that provides benefits or other help to its members when they are affected by things such as death, sickness, disability, old age, or unemployment.
  • myeloproliferative — (medicine) of or pertaining to the presence of an abnormal proliferation of myelopoietic cells (from bone marrow).
  • national agreement — written formal agreements covering rates of pay and other terms and conditions of employment that are the result of collective bargaining at national level between one or more trade unions and employers in a sector of the economy
  • national guardsman — guardsman (def 2).
  • national socialism — the principles and practices of the Nazi party in Germany.
  • neo-pythagoreanism — a philosophical system, established in Alexandria and Rome in the second century b.c., consisting mainly of revived Pythagorean doctrines with elements of Platonism and Stoicism.
  • neutrino astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the detection and measurement of neutrinos emitted by the sun and other celestial objects.
  • nightmare scenario — If you describe a situation or event as a nightmare scenario, you mean that it is the worst possible thing that could happen.
  • nike of samothrace — a Greek marble statue (c200 b.c.) of Nike found at Samothrace and now in the Louvre, Paris.
  • no laughing matter — sth serious
  • nocturnal emission — the release of semen during sleep, often during a sexual dream.
  • nominative-address — a noun naming the person to whom one is speaking.
  • non-circumstantial — of pertaining to, or derived from circumstances: a circumstantial result.
  • non-denominational — of or relating to a denomination or denominations.
  • non-discriminative — constituting a particular quality, trait, or difference; characteristic; notable.
  • non-fundamentalist — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • non-impact printer — a printer that creates images without mechanically impacting the page, as an ink-jet or laser printer.
  • non-inertial frame — a frame of reference that moves with the object, so that the moving object appears to violate Newton's laws of motion since it accelerates despite having no horizontal forces on it.
  • nonpreferentialism — of, relating to, or of the nature of preference: preferential policies.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • nonvolatile memory — computer memory that can retain stored information even when not powered, for example read-only memory
  • normally aspirated — A normally aspirated or naturally aspirated engine breathes air at atmospheric pressure.
  • nova scotia salmon — an Atlantic salmon, especially from the waters off Nova Scotia, cured in the local manner.
  • numerical taxonomy — classification of organisms by a comparison of large numbers of observable characteristics that are given equal value instead of being weighted according to possible evolutionary significance.
  • objective idealism — a form of idealism asserting that the act of experiencing has a reality combining and transcending the natures of the object experienced and of the mind of the observer.
  • objective modula-2 — (language)   (Or "ObjM2") An extension to Modula-2 for Cocoa and GNUstep software development. Objective Modula-2 follows the Objective-C object model and retains the bracketed Smalltalk message passing syntax used in Objective-C. Classes written in ObjM2 can be used within ObjC and vice versa. ObjM2 also retains Modula-2's data encapsulation features, namely nested modules with explicit import and export lists. Due to the strict type checking in Modula-2, ObjM2 can be considered a much safer programming language than is ObjC, yet losing none of the capabilities of ObjC.
  • offensive material — any published or broadcast content (such as articles, photographs, films, or websites) that is likely to be upsetting, insulting, or objectionable to some or most people
  • oil of catechumens — holy oil used in baptism, the ordination of a cleric, the coronation of a sovereign, or in the consecration of a church.
  • omega-3 fatty acid — a polyunsaturated fatty acid, essential for normal retinal function, that influences various metabolic pathways, resulting in lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels, inhibited platelet clotting, and reduced inflammatory and immune reactions.
  • on automatic pilot — If you are on automatic pilot or on autopilot, you are acting without thinking about what you are doing, usually because you have done it many times before.
  • once in a lifetime — extremely rarely
  • operations manager — business director
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