
16-letter words containing a, m, i, s

  • pentothal sodium — thiopental sodium
  • permaculturalist — a system of cultivation intended to maintain permanent agriculture or horticulture by relying on renewable resources and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • phalansterianism — a system by which society would be reorganized into units comprising their own social and industrial elements; Fourierism.
  • phantasmagorical — having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination.
  • pharmacodynamics — the branch of pharmacology dealing with the course of action, effect, and breakdown of drugs within the body.
  • pharmacogenetics — the branch of pharmacology that examines the relation of genetic factors to variations in response to drugs.
  • pharmacogenomics — the study of human genetic variability in relation to drug action and its application to medical treatment
  • pharmacokinetics — the branch of pharmacology that studies the fate of pharmacological substances in the body, as their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.
  • phase microscope — a microscope that utilizes the phase differences of light rays transmitted by different portions of an object to create an image in which the details of the object are distinct despite their near-uniformity of refractive index.
  • phase modulation — radio transmission in which the carrier wave is modulated by changing its phase to transmit the amplitude and pitch of the signal.
  • physiognomically — the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  • pico de sao tome — an island in the Gulf of Guinea, off the W coast of Gabon, just N of the equator: the larger component of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe. 318 sq. mi. (824 sq. km).
  • plainclothes man — a detective or police officer who wears civilian clothes while on duty
  • pocono mountains — ridge of the Appalachians, in E Pa.: resort area: c. 2,000 ft (610 m) high
  • point estimation — the process of determining a single estimated value (point estimate) of a parameter of a given population.
  • policy statement — a declaration of the plans and intentions of an organization or government
  • political asylum — asylum provided by one nation to refugees, especially political refugees, from another nation.
  • political system — a coordinated set of principles, laws, ideas, and procedures relating to a particular form of government, or the form of government itself: Democracy is a political system in which citizens govern themselves.
  • post-reformation — the act of reforming; state of being reformed.
  • post-romanticism — romantic spirit or tendency.
  • potassium iodide — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, KI, having a bitter saline taste: used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic emulsions, as a laboratory reagent, in the preparation of Gram's solution for biological staining, and in medicine as an expectorant and to treat thyroid conditions.
  • premillennialism — the doctrine or belief that the Second Coming of Christ will precede the millennium.
  • price comparison — Price comparison is comparing the price of the same product in different outlets.
  • prima facie case — a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be made unless the evidence is rebutted.
  • primary consumer — (in the food chain) an animal that feeds on plants; a herbivore.
  • primary industry — an industry, as agriculture, forestry, or fishing, that deals in obtaining natural materials.
  • primary meristem — primary tissue derived from an apical meristem.
  • primary syphilis — the first stage of syphilis, characterized by the formation of a chancre at the site of infection.
  • primrose jasmine — an evergreen shrub, Jasminum mesnyi, of China, having thick, shiny leaflets and yellow flowers with a darker eye.
  • print journalism — journalism as practiced in newspapers and magazines.
  • prismatic colors — the colors of the visible spectrum produced by passing white light through a prism; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
  • professionalisms — professional character, spirit, or methods.
  • proxime accessit — the person coming next after the winner in a competitive examination or an academic prize giving; runner-up
  • pseudohemophilia — a clotting disorder caused by abnormal factor VIII activity, and characterized by a prolonged bleeding time but without the delayed coagulation time of hemophilia.
  • ptolemaic system — a system elaborated by Ptolemy and subsequently modified by others, according to which the earth was the fixed center of the universe, with the heavenly bodies moving about it.
  • pullorum disease — a highly contagious, frequently fatal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum (pullorum), transmitted by the infected hen during egg production, and characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
  • pulse modulation — a type of modulation in which a train of pulses is used as the carrier wave, one or more of its parameters, such as amplitude, being modulated or modified in order to carry information
  • punctuationalism — punctuated equilibrium.
  • punitive damages — law: penalty payment
  • put in mothballs — to postpone work on (a project, activity, etc)
  • quantum sufficit — as much as suffices; enough.
  • quasi-commercial — of, relating to, or characteristic of commerce.
  • quasi-compulsory — required; mandatory; obligatory: compulsory education.
  • quasi-democratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • quasi-diplomatic — of, relating to, or engaged in diplomacy: diplomatic officials.
  • quasi-legitimate — according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.
  • quasi-managerial — pertaining to management or a manager: managerial functions; the managerial class of society.
  • queen's champion — a hereditary official at British coronations, representing the king (King's Champion) or the queen (Queen's Champion) who is being crowned, and having originally the function of challenging to mortal combat any person disputing the right of the new sovereign to rule.
  • radial (arm) saw — a circular saw suspended from a pivoted horizontal arm along which it can be moved
  • radioimmunoassay — a test procedure that integrates immunologic and radiolabeling techniques to measure minute quantities of a substance, as a protein, hormone, or drug, in a given sample of body fluid or tissue.
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