
14-letter words containing a, m, e, r

  • ferromagnesian — (of minerals and rocks) containing iron and magnesium.
  • ferromagnetism — noting or pertaining to a substance, as iron, that below a certain temperature, the Curie point, can possess magnetization in the absence of an external magnetic field; noting or pertaining to a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned.
  • ferromanganese — a ferroalloy containing up to 90 percent manganese.
  • ferry terminal — docking area for passenger boats
  • fete champetre — an outdoor festival or a garden party.
  • fibroadenomata — a benign tumor originating from glandular tissue, as in the female breast.
  • fireman's lift — a method of carrying a person, in which you put one shoulder into the person's midriff, lift them and carry them with their head arms and upper torso hanging down your back while you grip their legs with one hand (leaving your other hand free to hold the ladder as you climb down)
  • first mortgage — a mortgage having priority over other mortgages on property.
  • flame arrester — A flame arrester is a device which stops a flame from spreading along a pipe or tube.
  • flame retarder — a material that, while not incombustible, does not itself maintain combustion without an external heat source and therefore retards the spread of fire
  • flame-coloured — having a strong reddish-orange colour
  • flash spectrum — the emission spectrum of the chromosphere of the sun, which dominates the solar spectrum in the seconds just before and after a total solar eclipse.
  • flavorsomeness — The quality of being flavorsome.
  • fluorochemical — a chemical compound containing fluorine.
  • foramen magnum — the large opening in the base of the skull forming the passage from the cranial cavity to the spinal canal.
  • foraminiferans — Plural form of foraminiferan.
  • foraminiferous — Having small openings, or foramina.
  • forisfamiliate — to free from paternal authority
  • formal methods — (mathematics, specification)   Mathematically based techniques for the specification, development and verification of software and hardware systems.
  • formidableness — The quality of being formidable.
  • formula weight — (of a molecule) molecular weight.
  • fort mcclellan — a military reservation and U.S. Army training center in NE Alabama, NE of Anniston.
  • forward market — future commodities trading
  • fragmentations — Plural form of fragmentation.
  • fragmentedness — The quality of being fragmented.
  • framing chisel — a woodworking chisel for heavy work and deep cuts, often having a handle reinforced to withstand blows from a metal hammer head.
  • framing square — a steel square usually having on its faces various tables and scales useful to the carpenter.
  • free churchman — (sometimes initial capital letters) a member of a free church.
  • free companion — a member of a band of mercenary soldiers during the Middle Ages.
  • free-machining — (of certain metals) readily machinable at high speeds with low force.
  • free-marketeer — A free-marketeer is someone, especially a politician, who thinks market forces should control the economy.
  • french academy — an association of 40 scholars and men and women of letters, established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu and devoted chiefly to preserving the purity of the French language and establishing standards of proper usage.
  • french mustard — a mild mustard paste made with vinegar rather than water
  • frenet formula — one of a set of formulas for finding the curvature and torsion of a plane or space curve in terms of vectors tangent or normal to the curve.
  • friendly match — a match played for its own sake, and not as part of a competition, etc
  • frontierswoman — A woman living in the region of a frontier, especially that between settled and unsettled country.
  • frontotemporal — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the frontal and temporal bones or lobes.
  • futures market — a market in which futures contracts in commodities are traded.
  • gabriel marcel — Gabriel [ga-bree-el] /ga briˈɛl/ (Show IPA), 1887–1973, French philosopher, dramatist, and critic.
  • games mistress — a woman who teaches games and sports in a school
  • gamine haircut — a boyish or elfish hairstyle, esp on a woman
  • gamma-carotene — one of the forms of the pigment carotene
  • garcia marquez — Gabriel [gey-bree-uh l,, gah-bree-el;; Spanish gah-vree-el] /ˈgeɪ bri əl,, ˌgɑ briˈɛl;; Spanish ˌgɑ vriˈɛl/ (Show IPA), 1927–2014, Colombian novelist and short-story writer: Nobel Prize 1982.
  • garden webworm — the larva of any of several moths, as Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm) or Loxostege similalis (garden webworm) which spins a web over the foliage on which it feeds.
  • generalissimos — Plural form of generalissimo.
  • generic markup — (text)   In computerised document preparation, a method of adding information to the text indicating the logical components of a document, such as paragraphs, headers or footnotes. SGML is an example of such a system. Specific instructions for layout of the text on the page do not appear in the markup.
  • genetic marker — any distinct inheritable indicator of identity and ancestry.
  • geodemographic — Of or pertaining to geography and demography.
  • geometric mean — the mean of n positive numbers obtained by taking the n th root of the product of the numbers: The geometric mean of 6 and 24 is 12.
  • geometric pace — a modern form of a Roman pace, a measure of length taken as 5 feet
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