
15-letter words containing a, l, u, r

  • intravascularly — Within a blood vessel.
  • involuntariness — The state of being involuntary; unwillingness; automatism.
  • invulnerability — incapable of being wounded, hurt, or damaged.
  • iranian plateau — a plateau in SW Asia, mostly in Iran, extending from the Tigris to the Indus rivers. 1,000,000 sq. mi. (2,590,000 sq. km).
  • iridocapsulitis — inflammation of the iris and the capsule of the lens.
  • island universe — an external galaxy.
  • ivan sutherland — Ivan E. Sutherland is widely known for his pioneering contributions. His 1963 MIT PhD thesis, Sketchpad, opened the field of computer graphics. His 1966 work, with Sproull, on a head-mounted display anticipated today's virtual reality by 25 years. He co-founded Evans and Sutherland, which manufactures the most advanced computer image generators now in use. As head of Computer Science Department of Caltech he helped make integrated circuit design an acceptable field of academic study. Dr. Sutherland is on the boards of several small companies and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, the ACM and IEEE. He received the ACM's Turing Award in 1988. He is now Vice President and Fellow of Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Mountain View, CA, USA.
  • japanese laurel — an eastern Asian evergreen shrub, Aucuba japonica, of the dogwood family, having dark-green, glossy leaves and scarlet berries.
  • jaques-dalcroze — Émile [French ey-meel] /French eɪˈmil/ (Show IPA), 1865–1950, Swiss composer and teacher: created eurythmics.
  • jerusalem bible — a Roman Catholic version of the Bible published in 1966, translated from the French La Bible de Jérusalem, produced by Dominican scholars in Jerusalem (1956)
  • jerusalem cross — a cross whose four arms are each capped with a crossbar and often with a small Greek cross centered in each quadrant.
  • jerusalem thorn — See under Christ's-thorn.
  • journal bearing — a plain cylindrical bearing to support a shaft or axle
  • juan de la cruzSan [sahn] /sɑn/ (Show IPA), John of the Cross, Saint.
  • judicial branch — the branch of government charged with the interpretation of laws and the administration of justice; the judiciary.
  • judicial murder — the unjustified execution of the death penalty
  • judicial review — the power of a court to adjudicate the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the acts of a government official.
  • julian calendar — the calendar established by Julius Caesar in 46 b.c., fixing the length of the year at 365 days and at 366 days every fourth year. There are 12 months of 30 or 31 days, except for February (which has 28 days with the exception of every fourth year, or leap year, when it has 29 days).
  • jurisprudential — the science or philosophy of law.
  • juxtaglomerular — (anatomy) Near, or adjoining a renal glomerulus.
  • kaibab squirrel — a nearly extinct tree squirrel, Sciurus kaibabensis, found only in a small area north of the Grand Canyon.
  • kalmyk republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: became subject to Russia in 1646. Capital: Elista. Pop: 292 400 (2002). Area: 76 100 sq km (29 382 sq miles)
  • kamensk-uralski — a city in the W Russian Federation in Asia, near the Ural Mountains.
  • keyboard plaque — (jargon)   The disgusting buildup of dirt and crud found on computer keyboards. "Are there any other terminals I can use? This one has a bad case of keyboard plaque."
  • labour shortage — a shortage or insufficiency of qualified candidates for employment (in an economy, country, etc)
  • lake-of-lucerne — a canton in central Switzerland. 576 sq. mi. (1490 sq. km).
  • lamb's-quarters — the pigweed, Chenopodium album.
  • lancaster sound — an arm of Baffin Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada, leading W to the Parry Channel. 200 miles (320 km) long and 40 miles (64 km) wide.
  • langres plateau — a calcareous plateau of E France north of Dijon between the Seine and the Saône, reaching over 580 m (1900 ft): forms a watershed between rivers flowing to the Mediterranean and to the English Channel
  • language lawyer — A person, usually an experienced or senior software engineer, who is intimately familiar with many or most of the numerous restrictions and features (both useful and esoteric) applicable to one or more computer programming languages. A language lawyer is distinguished by the ability to show you the five sentences scattered through a 200-page manual that together imply the answer to your question "if only you had thought to look there". Compare wizard, legal, legalese.
  • lantern gurnard — a type of gurnard
  • laptop computer — portable computer
  • largemouth bass — a North American freshwater game fish, Micropterus salmoides, having an upper jaw extending behind the eye and a broad, dark, irregular stripe along each side of the body. Compare smallmouth bass.
  • lateral fissure — the fissure separating the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes of the cerebrum.
  • lateran council — any of the five ecumenical councils (1123, 1139, 1179, 1215, 1512–17) held in the Lateran Palace.
  • laundry service — clothes-washing business
  • lauric aldehyde — a colorless, extremely alcohol-soluble liquid having a strong floral odor, C 12 H 24 O, used chiefly in perfumery.
  • lavatory humour — humour characterized by excessive mention of lavatories and the excretory functions; vulgar or scatological humour
  • leaf primordium — a group of cells that will develop into a leaf, seen as small bulges just below the shoot apex.
  • leakage current — A leakage current is an electric current in an unwanted conductive path under normal operating conditions.
  • leakage-current — an act of leaking; leak.
  • lean production — Lean production is the same as lean manufacturing.
  • leathery turtle — a large turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, of warm and tropical seas, having a ridged leathery carapace: family Dermochelidae
  • lecture theatre — auditorium
  • legal successor — a person or thing that legally follows, esp a person who succeeds another in an office
  • leptosporangium — (botany) A sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell.
  • liberal judaism — Reform Judaism.
  • liberal studies — a supplementary arts course for those specializing in scientific, technical, or professional studies
  • linear argument — (theory)   A function argument which is used exactly once by the function. If the argument is used at most once then it is safe to inline the function and replace the single occurrence of the formal parameter with the actual argument expression. If the argument was used more than once this transformation would duplicate the argument expression, causing it to be evaluated more than once. If the argument is sure to be used at least once then it is safe to evaluate it in advance (see strictness analysis) whereas if the argument was not used then this would waste work and might prevent the program from terminating.
  • linear equation — a first-order equation involving two variables: its graph is a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system.
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