
14-letter words containing a, l, t, o

  • delta function — a generalized function having the value 0 except at 0, the value infinity at 0, and an integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of 1, used in thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.
  • demobilisation — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of demobilization.
  • demobilization — to disband (troops, an army, etc.).
  • democratically — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • demonstratable — Alternative form of demonstrable.
  • demoralisation — Alternative spelling of demoralization.
  • demoralization — to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.
  • denationalised — Simple past tense and past participle of denationalise.
  • denationalized — Simple past tense and past participle of denationalize.
  • denominational — Denominational means relating to or organized by a particular religious denomination.
  • dental records — records produced during a dental examination and recording the state of a patient's teeth
  • dental surgeon — dentist who carries out surgery
  • depolarisation — Alternative spelling of depolarization.
  • depolarization — a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.
  • derivationally — In a derivational manner.
  • dermatoglyphic — relating to skin markings (such as fingerprints) or the study thereof
  • dermatological — the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases.
  • dermatologists — Plural form of dermatologist.
  • desalinisation — Removal of salt and other minerals from water; desalination.
  • desalinization — desalt.
  • despoticalness — the quality of being despotic
  • desulphuration — the removal of sulphur; desulphurization
  • devaluationist — a person, as an economist, who advocates the devaluation of a currency.
  • developability — to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; bring to a more advanced or effective state: to develop natural resources; to develop one's musical talent.
  • devil's tattoo — a rapid or nervous drumming with the fingers or feet
  • devitalization — The act of devitalizing.
  • diagnosability — the quality of being diagnosable
  • diagnostically — of, relating to, or used in diagnosis.
  • diagonal cloth — a twilled fabric woven with distinctly diagonal lines.
  • diaheliotropic — exhibiting diaheliotropism
  • dialectologist — a specialist in dialectology.
  • diazonium salt — any of a class of compounds with the general formula ArN:N–M+, where Ar is an aryl group and M is a metal atom; made by the action of nitrous acid on aromatic amines and used in dyeing
  • dichloroethane — a colourless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent. Formula: C2H4Cl2
  • dichotomically — division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs.
  • dictionary apl — Sharp APL
  • digitalisation — Alternative spelling of digitalization.
  • digitalization — (in the treatment of heart disease) the administration of digitalis, usually in a regimen, to produce a desired physiological effect.
  • dimensionality — Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
  • dinoflagellate — any of numerous chiefly marine plankton of the phylum Pyrrophyta (or, in some classification schemes, the order Dinoflagellata), usually having two flagella, one in a groove around the body and the other extending from its center.
  • diplomatic bag — A diplomatic bag is a bag or container in which mail is sent to and from foreign embassies. Diplomatic bags are protected by law, so that they are not opened by anyone except the official or embassy they are addressed to.
  • diplomatically — of, relating to, or engaged in diplomacy: diplomatic officials.
  • directionality — of, relating to, or indicating direction in space.
  • disaffiliation — The termination of an affiliation; the act of ceasing to be associated with something.
  • disapplication — a provision for exempting schools or individuals from the requirements of the National Curriculum in special circumstances
  • disappointedly — depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations: a disappointed suitor.
  • disceptatorial — disputable
  • discolorations — Plural form of discoloration.
  • discolouration — (UK) alternative spelling of discoloration.
  • discombobulate — to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate: The speaker was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.
  • discomfortable — an absence of comfort or ease; uneasiness, hardship, or mild pain.
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