
17-letter words containing a, i, r, s, g

  • broderie anglaise — open embroidery on white cotton, fine linen, etc
  • brzesc nad bugiem — Polish name of Brest Litovsk.
  • buerger's disease — an inflammatory and obliterative disease of the blood vessels of the legs and feet causing numbness and tingling, often leading to phlebitis and gangrene: most common in cigarette smokers.
  • carbon offsetting — a program in which a company, country, etc., reduces or offsets its carbon emissions through the funding of activities and projects that improve the environment: Carbon offsetting does not always have a quantifiable impact on the planet.
  • carbonic-acid gas — carbon dioxide
  • cardiac glycoside — any of a group of drugs used to stimulate the heart in cases of heart failure, obtained from a number of plants, as the foxglove, squill, or yellow oleander.
  • cardinal grosbeak — any of various mostly tropical American buntings, such as the cardinal and pyrrhuloxia, the males of which have brightly coloured plumage
  • cardiogenic shock — a type of shock caused by decreased cardiac output despite adequate blood volume, owing to a disease of the heart itself, as myocardial infarction, or any other factor that interferes with the filling or emptying of the heart.
  • casting the runes — (jargon)   What a guru does when you ask him or her to run a particular program because it never works for anyone else; especially used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from what J. Random Luser does. Compare incantation, runes, examining the entrails; also see the AI koan about Tom Knight.
  • charge d'affaires — A chargé d'affaires is a person appointed to act as head of a diplomatic mission in a foreign country while the ambassador is away.
  • charles lindbergh — Anne (Spencer) Morrow, 1906–2001, U.S. writer (wife of Charles Augustus Lindbergh).
  • charter of rights — a section of the Canadian Constitution containing a statement of the basic rights of citizens of Canada.
  • china grass cloth — grass cloth.
  • christmas pudding — Christmas pudding is a special pudding that is eaten at Christmas.
  • chromolithographs — Plural form of chromolithograph.
  • circle the wagons — to take defensive action; prepare for an attack: from arranging a wagon train in a circular formation
  • circumstantiating — Present participle of circumstantiate.
  • clear box testing — white box testing
  • coarse-grain salt — salt with a much larger grain size than table salt
  • come to handgrips — to engage in hand-to-hand fighting
  • computer graphics — the use of a computer to produce and manipulate pictorial images on a video screen, as in animation techniques or the production of audiovisual aids
  • congestion charge — Congestion charges refer to money motorists must pay in order to drive in some city centres. Congestion charges are intended to reduce traffic within those areas.
  • congregationalism — a system of Christian doctrines and ecclesiastical government in which each congregation is self-governing and maintains bonds of faith with other similar local congregations
  • congregationalist — a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self-governing.
  • consumer sampling — a research technique in which targeted consumers are polled or tested for their receptiveness to a product or service
  • contradistinguish — to differentiate by means of contrasting or opposing qualities
  • contrasuggestible — responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the opposite
  • counter-espionage — Counter-espionage is the same as counter-intelligence.
  • counter-signature — a signature added by way of countersigning.
  • countersignatures — Plural form of countersignature.
  • cracking severity — Cracking severity is the temperature used in a cracking process to yield a product, higher temperatures being used to produce ethane and benzene, and lower temperatures to produce propene and liquid products.
  • crisis management — People use crisis management to refer to a management style that concentrates on solving the immediate problems occurring in a business rather than looking for long-term solutions.
  • cross-lot bracing — bracing extending from one side of an excavation to the opposite to retain the earth on both sides.
  • cytomegaloviruses — Plural form of cytomegalovirus.
  • dagestan republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles)
  • dangerous driving — the act of driving a motor vehicle in a manner that falls far below that expected of a competent and careful driver and hence puts the life of the driver and the lives of other road users at risk
  • deindustrializing — Present participle of deindustrialize.
  • designated driver — The designated driver in a group of people travelling together is the one who has agreed to drive, or who is insured to drive.
  • designated hitter — In baseball, a designated hitter is a player who bats in place of the pitcher.
  • diaphragm pessary — a device for inserting into the vagina to deliver a drug, such as a contraceptive
  • diaphragm shutter — a camera shutter having a group of overlapping blades that open and close at the center when exposing film.
  • digital dashboard — (software)   A personalised desktop portal that focuses on business intelligence and knowledge management.
  • digital signature — an encrypted digital code appended to an electronic document to verify that it was created by a known source and has not been altered.
  • disaster planning — disaster recovery
  • distance learning — education in which students receive instruction over the Internet, from a video, etc., instead of going to school.
  • distillers' grain — a by-product of the distillation process for making whisky, used as an animal foodstuff
  • early closing day — a day on which most shops in a town or area close after lunch
  • east grand rapids — a town in W central Michigan, near Grand Rapids.
  • egyptian brackets — (programming, humour)   A humourous term for K&R indent style, referring to the "one hand up in front, one down behind" pose which popular culture inexplicably associates with Egypt.
  • elliptical spring — An elliptical spring is a spring that is made from two springs in the shape of elongated ovals laid cut in half and back-to-back.
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