
18-letter words containing a, i, r, o, u

  • nervous exhaustion — extreme mental and physical fatigue caused by excessive emotional stress; neurasthenia.
  • neuroleptanalgesia — a semiconscious nonreactive state induced by certain drug combinations, as fentanyl with droperidol.
  • neurophysiological — the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system.
  • neuropsychodynamic — Of or pertaining to neuropsychodynamics.
  • neuropsychological — Of or pertaining to neuropsychology, the relation or combination of brain and mind.
  • neutrino astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the detection and measurement of neutrinos emitted by the sun and other celestial objects.
  • no laughing matter — sth serious
  • no-fault insurance — Also called no-fault insurance. a form of automobile insurance designed to enable the policyholder in case of an accident to collect a certain basic compensation promptly for economic loss from his or her own insurance company without determination of liability.
  • nocturnal emission — the release of semen during sleep, often during a sexual dream.
  • non-circumstantial — of pertaining to, or derived from circumstances: a circumstantial result.
  • nonintercourse act — the act of Congress (1809) prohibiting all shipping and trade between the United States and British- or French-controlled ports.
  • nonpartisan league — a political organization of farmers, founded in North Dakota in 1915, and extending to many states west of the Mississippi, with the aim of influencing agricultural legislation in state legislatures.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • norwegian elkhound — one of a breed of dogs having a short, compact body, short, pointed ears, and a thick, gray coat, raised originally in Norway for hunting elk and other game.
  • noun incorporation — a process in word formation by which a compound is created by affixing or infixing a noun to a verb, as in baby-sit, house-hunt, and sleep-walk.
  • now you're talking — at last you're saying something agreeable
  • numerical taxonomy — classification of organisms by a comparison of large numbers of observable characteristics that are given equal value instead of being weighted according to possible evolutionary significance.
  • nurse practitioner — a registered nurse who has received special training for diagnosing and treating routine or minor ailments. Abbreviation: NP.
  • nurse-practitioner — a registered nurse who has received special training for diagnosing and treating routine or minor ailments. Abbreviation: NP.
  • occupational group — An occupational group is a category used by insurance companies to classify jobs according to how hazardous they are.
  • of your own making — If you say that something such as a problem you have is of your own making, you mean you have caused or created it yourself.
  • on delicate ground — in a situation requiring tact
  • optical soundtrack — the final soundtrack on a motion picture, which appears as a band of black and white serrations along a strip of film to the left of the composite print. Light is shined through the serrations and is converted to audible sound.
  • order of australia — an order awarded to Australians for outstanding achievement or for service to Australia or to humanity at large; established in 1975
  • order of magnitude — You can use order of magnitude when you are giving an approximate idea of the amount or importance of something.
  • orientation course — induction into sth
  • orthotungstic acid — an oxyacid acid of tungsten. Formula: H2WO4
  • out of circulation — If someone is out of circulation, they do not appear in public or at social gatherings for a period of time. You can also say that someone is out of circulation when they are in prison.
  • outer automorphism — an automorphism that is not an inner automorphism.
  • over-pronunciation — to pronounce (a word, syllable, etc.) in an exaggerated, affected, or excessively careful manner.
  • overpressurization — pressure in excess of normal atmospheric pressure, as that caused by an explosion's shock wave or created in an accelerating airplane.
  • ox-tongue partisan — a shafted weapon having a long, wide, tapering blade.
  • pacinian corpuscle — (sometimes lowercase) a microscopic, onionlike body consisting of layers of connective tissue wrapped around a nerve ending, located in the deep layers of skin, tendons, etc., and functioning as a sensory receptor of pressure and vibration.
  • pan american union — a former organization of American republics dedicated to furthering understanding and peace: replaced in 1970 by the secretariat of the Organization of American States.
  • parallel computing — parallel processing
  • parallel evolution — the independent development of closely corresponding adaptive features in two or more groups of organisms that occupy different but equivalent habitats, as marsupial mammals in Australia and placental mammals on other continents.
  • parallel reduction — A form of applicative order reduction in which all redexes in an expression are reduced simultaneously. Variants include parallel outermost reduction and lenient reduction. See normal order reduction.
  • partial evaluation — (compiler, algorithm)   (Or "specialisation") An optimisation technique where the compiler evaluates some subexpressions at compile-time. For example, Partial evaluation might change the termination properties of the program if, for example, the expression (x * 0) was reduced to 0 it would terminate even if x (and thus x * 0) did not. It may be necessary to reorder an expression to partially evaluate it, e.g. f x y = (x + y) + 1 g z = f 3 z If we rewrite f: f x y = (x + 1) + y then the expression x+1 becomes a constant for the function g and we can say g z = f 3 z = (3 + 1) + z = 4 + z Partial evaluation of built-in functions applied to constant arguments is known as constant folding. See also full laziness.
  • passing-out parade — a ceremonial parade of cadets who have completed their training
  • passive vocabulary — all the words, collectively, that a person can understand
  • percussion flaking — a method of forming a flint tool by striking flakes from a stone core with another stone or a piece of bone or wood.
  • perlocutionary act — the action of affecting someone by uttering certain words
  • pernicious anaemia — Pernicious anaemia is a very severe blood disease.
  • personal insurance — insurance on personal risk, such as car insurance, health insurance or loss of earnings insurance
  • phoenician juniper — a type of juniper that is found in the Mediterranean region
  • pitch-and-run shot — chip shot.
  • pneumatic conveyor — a tube through which powdered or granular material, such as cement, grain, etc is transported by a flow of air
  • point of departure — Nautical. the precise location of a vessel, established in order to set a course, especially in beginning a voyage in open water.
  • population control — a policy of attempting to limit the growth in numbers of a population, esp in poor or densely populated parts of the world, by programmes of contraception or sterilization
  • population figures — population totals; statistics relating to the size of populations
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