
14-letter words containing a, i, l, u

  • isla de pascua — Spanish name of Easter Island.
  • issue a policy — If an insurer issues a policy, they create an insurance policy and provide it to a customer.
  • issued capital — the shares of a company that have been sold or distributed
  • japanese quail — any of several small Old World quails of the genus Coturnix, especially C. japonica (Japanese quail) widely used as a laboratory animal.
  • job evaluation — the analysis of the relationship between jobs in an organization: often used as a basis for a wages structure
  • journal intime — a personal or private diary.
  • journalization — to tell or relate as one would in keeping a journal.
  • judgementalism — Alternative form of judgmentalism.
  • juridical days — days on which the courts are in session
  • jurisdictional — the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies.
  • just like that — suddenly
  • justiciability — (legal): The ability of a subject matter to be evaluated and resolved by a court.
  • justifiability — capable of being justified; that can be shown to be or can be defended as being just, right, or warranted; defensible: justifiable homicide.
  • juvenilization — The act or process of juvenilizing.
  • kaieteur falls — a river in central Guyana: (Kaieteur Falls) one of highest waterfalls in the world at 741 feet (226 meters). 100 miles (161 km) long.
  • kaieteur-falls — a river in central Guyana: (Kaieteur Falls) one of highest waterfalls in the world at 741 feet (226 meters). 100 miles (161 km) long.
  • kaiserslautern — a city in S Rhineland-Palatinate, in SW Germany.
  • kidney failure — loss of renal function
  • kola peninsula — Also called Kola Peninsula. a peninsula in the NW Russian Federation in Europe, between the White and Barents seas.
  • kola-peninsula — Also called Kola Peninsula. a peninsula in the NW Russian Federation in Europe, between the White and Barents seas.
  • labor unionist — unionist (def 2).
  • lactoglobulins — Plural form of lactoglobulin.
  • lady bountiful — a wealthy lady in George Farquhar's The Beaux' Stratagem, noted for her kindness and generosity.
  • lailat-ul-qadr — a night of study and prayer observed annually by Muslims to mark the communication of the Koran: it usually follows the 27th day of Ramadan
  • lake nicaragua — a lake in SW Nicaragua, separated from the Pacific by an isthmus 19 km (12 miles) wide: the largest lake in Central America. Area: 8264 sq km (3191 sq miles)
  • landing ground — airfield
  • lapsus linguae — a slip of the tongue.
  • lasciviousness — inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd: a lascivious, girl-chasing old man.
  • laser-guidance — a technique of guiding a missile, etc, using a laser beam
  • latitudinarian — allowing or characterized by latitude in opinion or conduct, especially in religious views.
  • laughing hyena — an African hyena, Crocuta crocuta, having a yellowish-gray coat with brown or black spots, noted for its distinctive howl.
  • laughing stock — object of others' amusement
  • laughingstocks — Plural form of laughingstock.
  • laughter lines — Laughter lines are the same as laugh lines.
  • launch vehicle — Aerospace. a rocket used to launch a spacecraft or satellite into orbit or a space probe into space.
  • laurent series — a power series in which the negative as well as the positive powers appear.
  • learning curve — Education. a graphic representation of progress in learning measured against the time required to achieve mastery.
  • lecythidaceous — relating to the Lecythidaceae family of large trees, native to tropical South America and Madagascar
  • leisure retail — Leisure retail is used to refer to retail outlets that attract shoppers to spend some of their free time browsing and shopping.
  • lemon geranium — a garden geranium, Pelargonium crispum, having lemon-scented leaves.
  • letter quality — of or producing printed characters similar in quality and clarity to typewritten characters
  • letter-quality — (of computer printers and their output) pertaining to an appearance equal in legibility and resolution to copy typed on an electric typewriter: A letter-quality printer produces sharper copy than a dot-matrix model.
  • leu enkephalin — either of two pentapeptides that bind to morphine receptors in the central nervous system and have opioid properties of relatively short duration; one pentapeptide (Met enkephalin) has the amino acid sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met and the other (Leu enkephalin) has the sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu.
  • leucocythaemia — leukaemia
  • leucocytopenia — leucopenia
  • leukocytopenia — a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.
  • levulinic acid — a white or colorless, water-soluble solid, C 5 H 8 O 3 , produced by the hydrolysis of cane sugar, starch, or cellulose; used chiefly in the organic synthesis of nylon, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.
  • liability suit — a claim for damages based on the plaintiff's claim of the defendant's liability
  • lieutenantship — the office of a lieutenant
  • life assurance — insurance: pays if holder dies
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