
15-letter words containing a, i, l, n, t

  • counterclaimant — a claim made to offset another claim, especially one made by the defendant in a legal action.
  • counterclaiming — Present participle of counterclaim.
  • countercyclical — having the effect of checking or reversing fluctuations in the national economy or the finances of a business
  • counterflashing — (construction) Formed metal or elastomeric sheeting secured on or into a wall, curb, pipe or other surface, to cover and protect the upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners.
  • countervailable — able to counteract or offset as equivalent
  • county palatine — the lands of a count palatine
  • covaledictorian — A graduating student who shares the position of valedictorian with another student.
  • criminalisation — (chiefly, British) Alternative form of criminalization.
  • criminalization — to make punishable as a crime: To reduce the graffiti on subway cars, he wants to criminalize the selling of spray paint to minors.
  • critical region — that part of a statistical distribution in which the probability of a given hypothesis is less than the chosen significance level, so that the hypothesis would be rejected
  • cross-pollinate — to subject or be subjected to cross-pollination
  • crossfunctional — Spanning several functions.
  • crossing patrol — a person who holds up the traffic so that school children can cross the road safely
  • crystal healing — (in alternative therapy) the use of the supposed power of crystals to affect the human energy field
  • crystallisation — (British) alternative spelling of crystallization.
  • crystallization — Crystallization is the process in which crystals are formed either from something that has been melted or from a solution.
  • cultural cringe — the perception that one's own culture is inferior to that of another group or country
  • culturalization — to expose or subject to the influence of culture.
  • culture jamming — a form of political and social activism which, by means of fake adverts, hoax news stories, pastiches of company logos and product labels, computer hacking, etc, draws attention to and at the same time subverts the power of the media, governments, and large corporations to control and distort the information that they give to the public in order to promote consumerism, militarism, etc
  • curtain lecture — a scolding or rebuke given in private, esp by a wife to her husband
  • cushion capital — a capital, used in Byzantine, Romanesque, and Norman architecture, in the form of a bowl with a square top
  • cyanoethylation — the act of introducing a cyano-ethyl group into a compound
  • cyclopentadiene — a colourless liquid unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbon obtained in the cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons and the distillation of coal tar: used in the manufacture of plastics and insecticides. Formula: C5H6
  • cytogenetically — (medicine, biology) By means or in terms of cytogenetics, the genetics of the cell.
  • darkling beetle — any of a family (Tenebrionidae) of sluggish, dark beetles that feed on plants at night
  • data collection — the process of gathering information or data
  • data link layer — (networking)   Layer two, the second lowest layer in the OSI seven layer model. The data link layer splits data into frames (see fragmentation) for sending on the physical layer and receives acknowledgement frames. It performs error checking and re-transmits frames not received correctly. It provides an error-free virtual channel to the network layer. The data link layer is split into an upper sublayer, Logical Link Control (LLC), and a lower sublayer, Media Access Control (MAC). Example protocols at this layer are ABP, Go Back N, SRP.
  • data link level — data link layer
  • daughter-in-law — Someone's daughter-in-law is the wife of their son.
  • daylight saving — the practice of advancing standard time by one hour in the spring of each year and of setting it back by one hour in the fall in order to gain an extra period of daylight during the early evening.
  • deagglomeration — Deagglomeration is the process of breaking up agglomerates.
  • decalcification — the act or process of decalcifying.
  • decarboxylation — the removal or loss of a carboxyl group from an organic compound
  • decasualization — the replacement of casual workers by permanent employees
  • deception table — a table of the 18th century made so as to conceal its true function, as in serving as a cabinet for a chamber pot.
  • decollate snail — a cone-shaped, burrowing snail, Rumina decollata, that feeds on common brown garden snails.
  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • decontextualise — Alternative spelling of decontextualize.
  • decontextualize — to consider (something) in isolation from its usual context
  • deculturalizing — to expose or subject to the influence of culture.
  • defect analysis — (programming)   Using defects as data for continuous quality improvement. Defect analysis generally seeks to classify defects into categories and identify possible causes in order to direct process improvement efforts.
  • definite clause — (logic)   A Horn clause that has exactly one positive literal.
  • deformalization — to make less formal; reduce the strictness, preciseness, etc., of.
  • deglamorization — the act or process of making less glamorous
  • deindustrialise — Alternative spelling of deindustrialize.
  • deindustrialize — to reduce the importance of manufacturing industry in the economy of (a nation or area)
  • delabialization — the result or process of delabializing.
  • delaying action — a measure or measures taken to gain time, as when weaker military forces harass the advance of a superior enemy without coming to a pitched battle
  • delaying tactic — Delaying tactics are things that someone does in order to deliberately delay the start or progress of something.
  • delmonico steak — club steak
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