
17-letter words containing a, h, p, l

  • spectroheliograph — an apparatus for making photographs of the sun with a monochromatic light to show the details of the sun's surface and surroundings as they would appear if the sun emitted only that light.
  • spherical polygon — a closed figure formed by arcs of great circles on a spherical surface.
  • spinal anesthesia — interruption of conduction of nerve impulses by the injection of an anesthetic into the spinal canal that reduces sensitivity to pain without loss of consciousness.
  • spiritual healing — faith healing
  • spoonbill catfish — flathead catfish.
  • spruce gall aphid — any of various homopterous insects of the family Adelgidae, as Adelges abietis (spruce gall aphid) and Pineus pinifoliae (pine leaf aphid) that feed and form galls on conifers.
  • stereolithography — a process for creating three-dimensional objects using a computer-controlled laser to build up the required structure, layer by layer, from a liquid photopolymer that solidifies.
  • stymphalian birds — a flock of predacious birds of Arcadia that were driven away and killed by Hercules as one of his labors.
  • sulfurated potash — a yellowish-brown mixture consisting mainly of potassium polysulfides and potassium thiosulfate, used in treating mange.
  • swash plate motor — a collar or face plate on a shaft that is inclined at an oblique angle to the axis of rotation and converts reciprocating motion to rotation
  • take a chill pill — something that has a calming or relaxing effect.
  • take the place of — replace, be a substitute for
  • teaching hospital — a hospital associated with a medical college and offering clinical and other facilities to those in various areas of medical study, as students, interns, and residents.
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • telephone banking — a facility enabling customers to make use of banking services, such as oral payment instructions, account movements, raising loans, etc, over the telephone rather than by personal visit
  • telephone message — a message that is transmitted by telephone
  • terephthalic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 6 O 2 , the para isomer of phthalic acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of resins and textile fibers.
  • tertiary syphilis — the third stage of syphilis, characterized by involvement of the internal organs, especially the brain, spinal cord, heart, and liver.
  • the alpine valley — a straight fracture on the moon that cuts the Alps in two
  • the death penalty — capital punishment
  • the electoral map — a map showing the distribution of constituencies over a country
  • the glacial epoch — the Pleistocene Epoch
  • the lord's prayerthe, the prayer given by Jesus to His disciples, and beginning with the words Our Father. Matt. 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4.
  • the olympic flame — the flame that is symbolically lit at the site of the ancient Olympics in Olympia and transported by relay to the place where the Olympic Games are to be held. It is used to ignite a fire in a cauldron that will burn throughout the Games
  • the pennsylvanian — the Pennsylvanian period or rock system, equivalent to the Upper Carboniferous of Europe
  • the popular press — cheap newspapers with a mass circulation; the tabloid press
  • the rail-splitter — Lincoln2
  • the tabloid press — (considered as a whole) newspapers with pages about 30 cm (12 inches) by 40 cm (16 inches), usually characterized by an emphasis on photographs and a concise and often sensational style
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
  • thermal pollution — a rise in the temperature of rivers or lakes that is injurious to water-dwelling life and is caused by the disposal of heated industrial waste water or water from the cooling towers of nuclear power plants.
  • thiopental sodium — a barbiturate, C 11 H 18 N 2 NaO 2 S, used as an anesthetic in surgery and, in psychiatry, for narcoanalysis and to stimulate recall of past events.
  • thousandths-place — last in order of a series of a thousand.
  • tiglath-pileser i — died 1102? b.c, king of Assyria c1115–1102?.
  • tip the scales at — to weigh (a specified amount)
  • to eat humble pie — If you eat humble pie, you speak or behave in a way which tells people that you admit you were wrong about something.
  • to play the field — If someone plays the field, they have a number of different romantic or sexual relationships.
  • to play with fire — If you say that someone is playing with fire, you mean that they are doing something dangerous that may result in great harm for them and cause many problems.
  • transdermal patch — a small piece of material used to mend a tear or break, to cover a hole, or to strengthen a weak place: patches at the elbows of a sports jacket.
  • twelve patriarchs — any of the sons of Jacob ((the twelve patriarchs),) from whom the tribes of Israel were descended.
  • ultrametamorphism — metamorphism during which the temperature of a rock exceeds its melting point.
  • unsympathetically — in a manner that is not characterized by feeling or showing sympathy
  • upper paleolithic — See under Paleolithic.
  • vanity publishing — the practice of the author of a book paying all or most of the costs of its publication
  • varix lymphaticus — a similar condition affecting an artery or lymphatic vessel
  • ventura publisher — Corel VENTURA
  • vulcan death grip — (jargon)   A variant of Vulcan nerve pinch derived from a Star Trek classic epsisode where a non-existant "Vulcan death grip" was used to fool Romulans that Spock had killed Kirk.
  • walleye surfperch — a common black and silvery surfperch (Hyperprosopon argenteum) found off the coast of California
  • washing-up liquid — Washing-up liquid is a thick soapy liquid which you add to hot water to clean dirty dishes.
  • well-accomplished — completed; done; effected: an accomplished fact.
  • well-photographed — a picture produced by photography.
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