
19-letter words containing a, g, r, d

  • germander speedwell — a speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys, having blue flowers.
  • get one's dander up — to become or to cause someone to become annoyed or angry
  • gigabits per second — (unit)   (Gbps) A unit of information transfer rate equal to one billion bits per second. Note that, while a gigabit is defined as a power of two (2^30 bits), a gigabit per second is defined as a power of ten (10^9 bits per second, which is slightly less) than 2^30).
  • giraldus cambrensis — literary name of Gerald de Barri. ?1146–?1223, Welsh chronicler and churchman, noted for his accounts of his travels in Ireland and Wales
  • go to rack and ruin — If you say that a place is going to rack and ruin, you are emphasizing that it is slowly becoming less attractive or less pleasant because no-one is bothering to look after it.
  • go under the hammer — to be offered for sale by an auctioneer
  • gold-rimmed glasses — spectacles with gold-coloured frames
  • goldbach conjecture — an unproved theorem that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers.
  • golden lion tamarin — a monkey, Leontopithecus rosalia rosalia, of tropical rain forests of southeastern Brazil, having a silky golden coat and a long golden mane: threatened with extinction.
  • good (or bad) form — conduct in (or not in) accord with social custom
  • goodwill ambassador — an ambassador who shows goodwill to another country, organization, etc, on behalf of his or her own country, organization, etc
  • grade point average — a measure of scholastic attainment computed by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number of credits or hours of course work taken.
  • grand duke nicholas — of Cusa [kyoo-zuh] /ˈkyu zə/ (Show IPA), 1401–1464, German cardinal, mathematician, and philosopher. German Nikolaus von Cusa.
  • grandfather's chair — wing chair.
  • grandfather's clock — a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock; long-case clock.
  • grandmother's clock — a pendulum clock similar to a grandfather's clock but shorter.
  • gravitational field — the attractive effect, considered as extending throughout space, of matter on other matter.
  • gray-cheeked thrush — a North American thrush, Catharus minimus, having olive upper parts and grayish cheeks.
  • great crested grebe — a large Old World grebe, Podiceps cristatus, having black, earlike tufts of feathers projecting backward from the top of the head.
  • great idaean mother — Cybele.
  • great indian desert — a desert in NW India and S Pakistan. About 77,000 sq. mi. (200,000 sq. km).
  • great-grandchildren — a grandchild of one's son or daughter.
  • great-granddaughter — a granddaughter of one's son or daughter.
  • grievance procedure — the established series of steps to be taken in dealing with a grievance raised with an employer by an employee
  • ground-plane aerial — a quarter-wave vertical dipole aerial in which the electrical image forming the other quarter-wave section is formed by reflection in a system of radially disposed metal rods or in a conductive sheet
  • guillaume de lorris — 13th-century French poet who wrote the first 4058 lines of the allegorical romance, the Roman de la rose, continued by Jean de Meung
  • have an ax to grind — an instrument with a bladed head on a handle or helve, used for hewing, cleaving, chopping, etc.
  • heel-and-toe racing — race walking.
  • highland clearances — in Scotland, the removal, often by force, of the people from some parts of the Highlands to make way for sheep, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
  • highways department — the department of a state, council, etc, responsible for the upkeep of roads and highways
  • hildegard of bingenHildegard von (Hildegard of Bingen"Sibyl of the Rhine") 1098–1178, German nun, healer, writer, and composer.
  • honorable discharge — a discharge from military service of a person who has fulfilled obligations efficiently, honorably, and faithfully.
  • horizontal drilling — Horizontal drilling is drilling in which the direction of the wellbore is more than 80 degrees from the vertical.
  • horizontal encoding — (processor)   An instruction set where each field (a bit or group of bits) in an instruction word controls some functional unit or gate directly, as opposed to vertical encoding where instruction fields are decoded (by hard-wired logic or microcode) to produce the control signals. Horizontal encoding allows all possible combinations of control signals (and therefore operations) to be expressed as instructions whereas vertical encoding uses a shorter instruction word but can only encode those combinations of operations built into the decoding logic. An instruction set may use a mixture of horizontal and vertical encoding within each instruction. Because an architecture using horizontal encoding typically requires more instruction word bits it is sometimes known as a very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture.
  • human rights record — the facts that are known about the tendency of a country, regime, etc, to observe and protect human rights
  • in the driving seat — If you say that someone is in the driving seat, you mean that they are in control in a situation.
  • in this/that regard — You can use in this regard or in that regard to refer back to something that you have just said.
  • indefinite integral — a representation, usually in symbolic form, of any function whose derivative is a given function.
  • index expurgatorius — a list of books now included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, forbidden to be read except from expurgated editions.
  • index-tracking fund — an investment fund that is administered so that its value changes in line with a given share index
  • indirect addressing — indirect address
  • induction hardening — a process in which the outer surface of a metal component is rapidly heated by means of induced eddy currents. After rapid cooling the resulting phase transformations produce a hard wear-resistant skin
  • industrial-strength — unusually strong, potent, or the like: heavy-duty: an industrial-strength soap.
  • indwelling catheter — a hollow tube left implanted in a body canal or organ, especially the bladder, to promote drainage.
  • interior decorating — art of choosing furnishings and décor
  • interlaced scanning — a system of scanning a television picture, first along the even-numbered lines, then along the odd-numbered lines, in one complete scan
  • intermediate-acting — (of a drug) intermediate in its effects between long- and short-acting drugs
  • intersecting arcade — interlacing arcade.
  • introduction agency — a company whose business is to match romantic partners for a fee
  • iterative deepening — (algorithm)   A graph search algorithm that will find the shortest path with some given property, even when the graph contains cycles. When searching for a path through a graph, starting at a given initial node, where the path (or its end node) has some desired property, a depth-first search may never find a solution if it enters a cycle in the graph. Rather than avoiding cycles (i.e. never extend a path with a node it already contains), iterative deepening explores all paths up to length (or "depth") N, starting from N=0 and increasing N until a solution is found.
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