
14-letter words containing a, g, r, d

  • boarding house — A boarding house is a house which people pay to stay in for a short time.
  • boarding party — group of officers or sailors who board a ship
  • botanic garden — a place in which plants are grown, studied, and exhibited
  • brachydiagonal — the shorter lateral axis of a rhombic prism
  • brazing solder — an alloy of copper and zinc for joining two metal surfaces by melting the alloy so that it forms a thin layer between the surfaces
  • breast-feeding — to nurse (a baby) at the breast; suckle.
  • breech-loading — (of a firearm) loaded at the breech
  • bridge passage — bridge1 (def 7).
  • broad daylight — of great breadth: The river was too broad to swim across.
  • brobdingnagian — gigantic; huge; immense
  • bucket brigade — a line of persons passing buckets of water along in trying to put out a fire
  • budgetary year — the financial year a budget is drawn up for
  • building paper — any of various types of heavy-duty paper that usually consist of bitumen reinforced with fibre sandwiched between two sheets of kraft paper: used in damp-proofing or as insulation between the soil and a road surface
  • building trade — the economic sector comprising all companies and workers involved in construction
  • cadmium orange — a yellow color approaching orange.
  • cagayan de oro — city in E Mindanao, in the Philippines; pop. 340,000
  • calgary redeye — a drink consisting of a mixture of beer and tomato juice.
  • cambridge blue — a lightish blue colour
  • cambridge lisp — A flavour of Lisp using BCPL. Sources owned by Fitznorman partners.
  • cambridgeshire — a county of E England, in East Anglia: includes the former counties of the Isle of Ely and Huntingdon and lies largely in the Fens: Peterborough became an independent unitary authority in 1998. Administrative centre: Cambridge. Pop (excluding Peterborough): 571 000 (2003 est). Area (excluding Peterborough): 3068 sq km (184 sq miles)
  • campina grande — a city in NE Brazil, in E Paraíba state. Pop: 366 000 (2005 est)
  • cape girardeau — a city in SE Missouri, on the Mississippi River.
  • cape guardafui — a cape at the NE tip of Somalia, extending into the Indian Ocean
  • carbon trading — Carbon trading is the practice of buying and selling the right to produce carbon dioxide emissions, so that people, countries or companies who use a lot of fuel and electricity can buy rights from those that do not use so much.
  • card catalogue — a catalogue of books, papers, etc, filed on cards
  • carriage drive — a private road for horse-drawn carriages, often connecting a house with a public road
  • carriage trade — trade from the wealthy part of society
  • cartridge belt — a belt with pockets for cartridge clips or loops for cartridges
  • cartridge case — a cylindrical, usually metal casing capable of being loaded with an explosive charge and often also a bullet
  • cartridge clip — a metallic container holding cartridges for an automatic firearm
  • cathodographer — a person trained in taking cathodographs
  • charge density — the electric charge per unit volume of a medium or body or per unit area of a surface
  • checkered flag — a flag having a pattern of black and white squares, used to signal that a car has crossed the finish line and completed its race.
  • chequered flag — the black-and-white checked flag traditionally shown to the winner and all finishers at the end of a motor race by a senior race official
  • chladni figure — a pattern formed by fine powder placed on a vibrating surface, used to display the positions of nodes and antinodes
  • chopping board — A chopping board is a wooden or plastic board that you chop meat and vegetables on.
  • cigarette card — a small picture card, formerly given away with cigarettes, now collected as a hobby
  • circumagitated — Simple past tense and past participle of circumagitate.
  • ciudad obregon — a city in W Mexico.
  • clapper bridge — a primitive type of bridge in which planks or slabs of stone rest on piles of stones
  • coarse-grained — having a large or coarse grain
  • coastguardsman — Coast Guard (def 3).
  • coasting trade — trade between ports along the same coast.
  • common ragweed — a plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, of a chiefly North American genus: family Asteraceae (composites). Its green tassel-like flowers produce large amounts of pollen, which causes hay fever
  • compound sugar — any sugar that when hydrolyzed yields two or more monosaccharides.
  • cottage garden — an informal style of garden which has beds planted with a great variety of traditional flowers
  • counterchanged — Exchanged.
  • countercharged — Simple past tense and past participle of countercharge.
  • countermanding — Present participle of countermand.
  • countershading — (in the coloration of certain animals) a pattern, serving as camouflage, in which dark colours occur on parts of the body exposed to the light and pale colours on parts in the shade
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