
16-letter words containing a, f, i, r, s

  • friendly islands — Tonga
  • ft share indexes — any of a number of share indexes published by the Financial Times to reflect various aspects of stock exchange prices
  • garfield heights — a city in NE Ohio, near Cleveland.
  • go off the rails — If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example they start taking drugs or breaking the law.
  • go-faster stripe — a decorative line, intended to be suggestive of high speed, on the bodywork of a car
  • harvest festival — religious celebration of crops gathered
  • harvey firestoneHarvey Samuel, 1868–1938, U.S. industrialist and rubber manufacturer.
  • high-pass filter — a filter that allows high-frequency electromagnetic signals to pass while rejecting or attenuating others below a specific value.
  • homme d'affaires — a businessman.
  • horsehair fungus — an edible white, striated, umbrella-capped mushroom, Marasmius rotula, commonly found in eastern North America.
  • hourglass figure — the shape of a woman who is well-proportioned and has a small waist
  • if it wasn't for — If you talk about what would happen if it wasn't for someone or something, you mean that they are the only thing that is preventing it from happening.
  • in--one-s--favor — something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
  • information desk — helpdesk, information point
  • insufferableness — The state of being insufferable.
  • interstratifying — Present participle of interstratify.
  • intestinal flora — microorganisms that normally inhabit the lumen of the intestinal tract
  • intrinsic factor — a glycoprotein, secreted by the gastric mucosa, that is involved in the intestinal absorption of vitamin B 12 .
  • inverse graffiti — a form of street art in which a dirty wall or pavement has a template placed against it and is scrubbed until the surface is clean. This reveals an image or message which gradually fades with time.
  • irish free state — former name of the Republic of Ireland.
  • irrefragableness — The quality or degree of being irrefragable.
  • isle of portland — a rugged limestone peninsula in SW England, in Dorset, connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus and by Chesil Bank: the lighthouse of Portland Bill lies at the S tip; famous for the quarrying of Portland stone, a fine building material. Pop (town): 12 000 (latest est)
  • isoplastic graft — syngraft.
  • it's fair to say — You use fair in expressions such as It would be fair to say in order to introduce a statement which you believe to be true and reasonable.
  • kingdom of arles — a kingdom in SE France which had dissolved by 1378: known as the Kingdom of Burgundy until about 1200
  • kingfisher daisy — a bushy southern African plant, Felicia bergerana, having grasslike leaves and solitary, bright-blue flowers.
  • kirchhoff's laws — the law that the algebraic sum of the currents flowing toward any point in an electric network is zero.
  • knights of labor — a secret workingmen's organization formed in 1869 to defend the interests of labor.
  • larsen ice shelf — an ice barrier in Antarctica, in the NW Weddell Sea, on the E coast of the Antarctic Peninsula: first explored 1893.
  • law of parsimony — a principle according to which an explanation of a thing or event is made with the fewest possible assumptions.
  • left parenthesis — (character)   "(". ASCII character 40. Common names: left paren; left parenthesis; left; open; paren (")" = thesis); open paren; open parenthesis; left parenthesis; left banana. Rare: so (")" = already); lparen; ITU-T: opening parenthesis; open round bracket, left round bracket, INTERCAL: wax (")" = wane); parenthisey (")" = unparenthisey); left ear. Paired with right parenthesis (")").
  • lissajous figure — the series of plane curves traced by an object executing two mutually perpendicular harmonic motions.
  • louisiana french — French as spoken in Louisiana; Cajun. Abbreviation: LaF.
  • managerial staff — staff in positions of management
  • margin of safety — therapeutic index.
  • marsh cinquefoil — a variety of cinquefoil, Potentilla palustris, that grows in marshy areas
  • matthew flindersMatthew, 1774–1814, English navigator and explorer: surveyed coast of Australia.
  • matthew of paris — c1200–59, English chronicler.
  • microsoft access — 1.   (database)   A relational database running under Microsoft Windows. Data is stored as a number of "tables", e.g. "Stock". Each table consists of a number of "records" (e.g. for different items) and each record contains a number of "fields", e.g. "Product code", "Supplier", "Quantity in stock". Access allows the user to create "forms" and "reports". A form shows one record in a user-designed format and allows the user to step through records one at a time. A report shows selected records in a user-designed format, possibly grouped into sections with different kinds of total (including sum, minimum, maximum, average). There are also facilities to use links ("joins") between tables which share a common field and to filter records according to certain criteria or search for particular field values. Version: 2 (date?). 2.   (communications)   A communications program from Microsoft, meant to compete with ProComm and other programs. It sucked and was dropped. Years later they reused the name for their database.
  • minerva software — A company producing software for the Acorn Archimedes.
  • miraculous fruit — miracle fruit.
  • misconfiguration — An incorrect or inappropriate configuration.
  • modified-release — denoting a formulation of a medicinal drug taken orally that releases the active ingredients over several hours, in order to maintain a relatively constant plasma concentration of the drug
  • multifariousness — (uncountable) The characteristic of being multifarious.
  • multiple factors — polygene.
  • narcotraffickers — Plural form of narcotrafficker.
  • new frontiersman — an advocate or follower of the New Frontier, especially one in public service.
  • newspaper office — an office where the editorial and production staff of a newspaper work
  • no fixed address — Someone who is of no fixed address does not have a permanent place to live.
  • no hard feelings — If you say ' no hard feelings', you are making an agreement with someone not to be angry or bitter about something.
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