
15-letter words containing a, f, i, r, s

  • feast or famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • feast-or-famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • featherstitched — Simple past tense and past participle of featherstitch.
  • ferroelasticity — (physics) A phenomenon, analogous to ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, in which spontaneous strain arises within a material.
  • fibrocartilages — Plural form of fibrocartilage.
  • fideicommissary — the recipient of a fideicommissum.
  • fiduciary issue — an issue of banknotes not backed by gold
  • fiesta de toros — a bullfight; corrida.
  • fillister plane — an adjustable plane for cutting rabbets, grooves, etc
  • finno-russo war — the war (1939–40) between Finland and the Soviet Union.
  • fire resistance — the amount of resistance of a material or construction to fire.
  • first amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, prohibiting Congress from interfering with freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or petition.
  • first gentleman — (often initial capital letters) the husband of the U.S. president or a current governor or mayor.
  • first secretary — The First Secretary of the Welsh Assembly is the leader of the ruling party.
  • first world war — World War I.
  • first-day cover — a cover marked so as to indicate that it was mailed on the first day of issue of the stamp it bears and from one of the cities at which the stamp was issued on that day.
  • fischer-dieskau — Dietrich [dee-trik;; German dee-trikh] /ˈdi trɪk;; German ˈdi trɪx/ (Show IPA), 1925–2012, German baritone.
  • fish and brewis — a Newfoundland dish of cooked salt cod and soaked hard bread
  • fish restaurant — a restaurant which serves mainly fish
  • fishing harbour — a place where fishing boats are tied up
  • fission reactor — a nuclear reactor in which a fission reaction takes place
  • fissiparousness — The quality of being fissiparous.
  • fitness tracker — a wearable electronic device or a software application that monitors one's physical fitness and daily physical activity.
  • fitness trainer — someone whose job is to improve other people's fitness
  • five-star hotel — a top-quality hotel offering exceptional luxury
  • flavourdynamics — as in quantum flavour dynamics, a mathematical model used to describe the interaction of flavoured particles (weak force) through the exchange of intermediate vector bosons
  • fleet insurance — Fleet insurance is a type of insurance contract that applies to a number of vehicles.
  • flemish brabant — a province of central Belgium, formed in 1995 from the N part of Brabant province: densely populated and intensively farmed, with large industrial centres. Pop: 1 031 904 (2004 est). Area: 2106 sq km (813 sq miles)
  • flight sergeant — a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Air Force junior in rank to a master aircrew
  • flimflam artist — trickster; swindler
  • flinders island — an island off the coast of NE Tasmania: the largest of the Furneaux Islands. Pop: 850 (2004 est). Area: 2077 sq km (802 sq miles)
  • flirtatiousness — The quality of being flirtatious.
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • flood insurance — insurance covering loss or damage to property arising from a flood, flood tide, or the like.
  • floral tributes — bunches or arrangements of flowers left as a memorial at the site of a fatal incident
  • fluoridationist — One who supports the addition of fluoride to the public water supply.
  • fluorochemicals — Plural form of fluorochemical.
  • fool's paradise — a state of enjoyment based on false beliefs or hopes; a state of illusory happiness.
  • for pity's sake — You can say for pity's sake to add emphasis to what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed or upset.
  • for their pains — You say that something was all you got for your pains when you are mentioning the disappointing result of situation into which you put a lot of work or effort.
  • foreign affairs — politics: international relations
  • formation rules — the set of rules that specify the syntax of a formal system; the algorithm that generates the well-formed formulae
  • fovea centralis — a small pit or depression at the back of the retina forming the point of sharpest vision.
  • fragmentariness — The quality of being fragmentary.
  • fragrance strip — a folded, usually sealed strip on a page or card, impregnated with fragrance that is released when pulled or torn open: The magazine is full of fragrance strips in the advertisements.
  • francis bushman — Francis X(avier) 1883–1966, U.S. film actor.
  • francis turbine — a water turbine designed to produce high flow from a low head of pressure: used esp in hydroelectric power generation
  • frankensteinian — a person who creates a monster or a destructive agency that cannot be controlled or that brings about the creator's ruin.
  • franklin square — a town on W Long Island, in SE New York.
  • franklin's gull — a black-headed North American gull, Larus pipixcan, feeding chiefly on insects.
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