
17-letter words containing a, e, r, o, s, c

  • overhead camshaft — a camshaft in an automotive engine that is located in the cylinder head over the engine block rather than in the block. Abbreviation: OHC.
  • overreach oneself — to fail because of trying to do more than one can
  • oystershell scale — a scale insect, Lepidosaphes ulmi, having a scale shaped like the shell of an oyster, which infests various deciduous trees and shrubs.
  • pacific northwest — the region of North America lying north of the Columbia River and west of the Rockies
  • pair of compasses — compass (def 7)
  • paleobiochemistry — the study of biochemical processes that occurred in fossil life forms.
  • paleoconservative — a person advocating an older, traditional type of conservatism, especially in politics.
  • paradoxical sleep — REM sleep.
  • performance bonus — a monetary bonus paid to staff who have performed well in their job
  • performance drugs — the drugs that are taken illegally by athletes to enhance their sporting performance
  • pernicious anemia — Pernicious anemia is a very severe blood disease.
  • personal computer — a compact computer that uses a microprocessor and is designed for individual use, as by a person in an office or at home or school, for such applications as word processing, data management, financial analysis, or computer games. Abbreviation: PC.
  • personal distance — personal space.
  • personality clash — friction between two people who have different personalities or points of view
  • personnel carrier — a vehicle used for transporting troops
  • perspicaciousness — having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning: to exhibit perspicacious judgment.
  • peterloo massacre — an incident at St Peter's Fields, Manchester, in 1819 in which a radical meeting was broken up by a cavalry charge, resulting in about 500 injuries and 11 deaths
  • petrarchan sonnet — a sonnet form popularized by Petrarch, consisting of an octave with the rhyme scheme abbaabba and of a sestet with one of several rhyme schemes, as cdecde or cdcdcd.
  • phototherapeutics — the branch of therapeutics that deals with the curative use of light rays.
  • point of purchase — designating or in use at a retail outlet where an item can be purchased; point-of-sale: point-of-purchase displays to entice the buyer.
  • point reyes lilac — a prostrate shrub, Ceanothus gloriosus, of southern California, having leathery, roundish leaves and purplish or deep-blue flowers.
  • point-of-purchase — designating or in use at a retail outlet where an item can be purchased; point-of-sale: point-of-purchase displays to entice the buyer.
  • polar coordinates — Usually, polar coordinates. one of two coordinates used to locate a point in a plane by the length of its radius vector and the angle this vector makes with the polar axis (polar angle)
  • postbaccalaureate — bachelor's degree.
  • prairie provinces — the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, which lie in the N Great Plains region of North America: the chief wheat and petroleum producing area of Canada
  • pre-modifications — an act or instance of modifying.
  • precision casting — investment casting.
  • prefect apostolic — the administrator, usually below the rank of bishop, in charge of a prefecture apostolic.
  • presentation copy — a copy of a book given by the publisher or author
  • press association — an organization formed for the purpose of gathering news for transmittal to its members. Compare news agency.
  • primary processes — the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious and occurring in dreams, fantasies, and related processes.
  • production values — the quality of a media production (such as a film) in regards to elements such as colours, quality, style, etc
  • project assurance — The process of specifying the support system: techniques, internal standards, measurements, tools, and training for a project; counselling the project team in the application of these elements and monitoring the adherence to the standards.
  • proof of purchase — a document, such as a receipt, etc, that proves that you have purchased or bought something
  • proof-of-purchase — a sales slip, label, box top, or other item associated with a product that is presentable as evidence of actual purchase, as for claiming a refund or rebate.
  • prostatic utricle — a small pouch near the prostate gland that opens into the urethra.
  • protocol analyser — (communications, hardware, networking, testing, tool)   Any device that captures and interprets the network traffic between two or more connected computer systems. The traffic can then be decoded so that it is possible to see what processes are occurring. By examining the flow of traffic, protocol analysers can be used to find out where problems (such as bottlenecks or the failure of a network device) are on a LAN. Advanced protocol analysers can also provide statistics on the traffic that can help to identify trends that may in future lead to further problems with the network.
  • pseudo-democratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • pseudo-historical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • pseudo-moralistic — a person who teaches or inculcates morality.
  • psychotherapeutic — psychotherapy.
  • purple of cassius — a purple pigment precipitated as a sol by the interaction of gold chloride and a solution of stannic acid and stannous chloride: used chiefly in the manufacture of ruby glass, ceramic glazes, and enamels.
  • purple shore crab — any of numerous crabs that live along the shoreline between the tidemarks, as Hemigrapsus nudus (purple shore crab) of the Pacific coast of North America.
  • pyroligneous acid — a yellowish, acidic, water-soluble liquid, containing about 10 percent acetic acid, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood: used for smoking meats.
  • pythagorean scale — the major scale as derived acoustically by Pythagoras from the perfect fifth.
  • rack one's brains — to strain in mental effort, esp to remember something or to find the solution to a problem
  • radioactive waste — the radioactive by-products from the operation of a nuclear reactor or from the reprocessing of depleted nuclear fuel.
  • radioluminescence — luminescence induced by nuclear radiation.
  • recoil escapement — anchor escapement.
  • recreationalist's — recreationist.
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