
15-letter words containing a, e, r, o, s, c

  • cooperativeness — working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • copper arsenite — a yellowish-green, water-insoluble, poisonous powder, CuHAsO 3 , used chiefly as a pigment and as an insecticide.
  • copper sulphate — a copper salt found naturally as chalcanthite and made by the action of sulphuric acid on copper oxide. It usually exists as blue crystals of the pentahydrate that form a white anhydrous powder when heated: used as a mordant, in electroplating, and in plant sprays. Formula: CuSO4
  • corkscrew grass — a variety of spear grass, Austrostipa scabra, native to Australia, having very fine foliage, an erect seed head, and awns that twist up the seed head: family Poaceae
  • corona borealis — a small compact constellation in the N hemisphere lying between Boötes and Hercules
  • corps de ballet — In ballet, the corps de ballet is the group of dancers who dance together, in contrast to the main dancers, who dance by themselves.
  • correlativeness — The state or quality of being correlative.
  • costermansville — former name of Bukavu.
  • could care less — feel(s) the least possible degree of interest, sympathy, etc.
  • coumarone resin — any of the group of thermosetting resins derived by the polymerization of mixtures of coumarone and indene: used chiefly in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, and printing inks.
  • counter-measure — A counter-measure is an action that you take in order to weaken the effect of another action or a situation, or to make it harmless.
  • counterbalances — Plural form of counterbalance.
  • countercathexis — (psychology) The suppression or repression of mental energy.
  • counterexamples — Plural form of counterexample.
  • counterfactuals — Plural form of counterfactual.
  • counterfeisance — the act of counterfeiting
  • counterflashing — (construction) Formed metal or elastomeric sheeting secured on or into a wall, curb, pipe or other surface, to cover and protect the upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners.
  • counterinstance — an instance that refutes a theory
  • countermeasures — Plural form of countermeasure.
  • counterproposal — a proposal offered as an alternative to a previous proposal
  • counterpurchase — barter, especially of products or materials between international companies or importers and exporters.
  • counterstrategy — a strategy designed to counter the effectiveness of another strategy or action
  • couples therapy — a counseling procedure that attempts to improve the adaptation and adjustment of two people who form a conjugal unit.
  • court of arches — the court of appeal of the Province of Canterbury, formerly held under the arches of Bow Church
  • cover all bases — take full precautions
  • cover one's ass — to take such action as one considers necessary to avoid censure, ridicule, etc at a later time
  • cowper's glands — two small yellowish glands near the prostate that secrete a mucous substance into the urethra during sexual stimulation in males
  • coxsackie virus — any of various viruses that occur in the intestinal tract of man and cause diseases, some of which resemble poliomyelitis
  • cracked gas oil — Cracked gas oil is a gas oil which is formed as one of the products of a gas reaction.
  • crash programme — a short intensive programme to learn a skill, language, etc
  • crashworthiness — the ability of a vehicle structure to withstand a crash
  • cricopharyngeus — (anatomy) Part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor, arising from the cricoid cartilage.
  • crimson rosella — an Australian parrot, Platycercus elegans, often kept as a cage bird
  • crisis software — A small UK company producing software for the Acorn Archimedes range of computers.
  • crocodile tears — If someone is crying crocodile tears, their tears and sadness are not genuine or sincere.
  • crohn's disease — inflammation, thickening, and ulceration of any of various parts of the intestine, esp the ileum
  • cross assembler — an assembler that runs on a computer other than the one for which it assembles programs
  • cross tolerance — the resistance to one or more effects of a substance because of tolerance to a pharmacologically similar substance: a cross-tolerance of some alcoholics to anesthetics.
  • cross-assembler — An assembler which runs on one type of processor and produces machine code for another. There is a set of 6502, 68xx and Zilog Z80 and 8085 cross-assemblers in C by <[email protected]> and Alan R. Baldwin. They run under MS-DOS and could be compiled to run under Unix and on the Amiga and Atari ST. See also fas.
  • cross-pollinate — to subject or be subjected to cross-pollination
  • cross-tolerance — the resistance to one or more effects of a substance because of tolerance to a pharmacologically similar substance: a cross-tolerance of some alcoholics to anesthetics.
  • crossopterygian — any bony fish of the subclass Crossopterygii, having fleshy limblike pectoral fins. The group, now mostly extinct, contains the ancestors of the amphibians
  • crossover value — the percentage of offspring showing recombination among the total offspring of a given cross. It indicates the amount of crossing over that has occurred and therefore the relative positions of the genes on the chromosomes
  • crossreactivity — Alternative spelling of cross-reactivity.
  • crustaceologist — One who studies crustaceology.
  • cryoanaesthesia — Alternative spelling of cryoanesthesia.
  • cryoprotectants — Plural form of cryoprotectant.
  • crystal counter — an instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity of high-energy radiation, in which particles collide with a crystal and momentarily increase its conductivity
  • crystalliferous — producing or containing crystals
  • cucumber mosaic — a viral disease of cucumbers and many other plants, characterized by a mosaic pattern and distortion of leaves and fruits.
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