
11-letter words containing a, e, r, o, s, c

  • scleroderma — a disease in which connective tissue anywhere in the body becomes hardened and rigid.
  • scolopendra — a member of a genus of centipedes belonging to the Scolopendridae family
  • scorpaenoid — resembling or related to the family Scorpaenidae.
  • scoutmaster — the leader or officer in charge of a band of scouts.
  • sea-poacher — poacher1 (def 2).
  • second-rate — of lesser or minor quality, importance, or the like: a second-rate poet.
  • secondarily — next after the first in order, place, time, etc.
  • secretional — of or relating to secretion
  • selectorate — a body of people responsible for making a selection, esp members of a political party who select candidates for an election
  • selectorial — of or relating to selections or selectors
  • serbo-croat — Serbo-Croat is one of the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia.
  • serological — the science dealing with the immunological properties and actions of serum.
  • shcherbakov — a former name (1946–57) of Andropov.
  • shear force — Shear force is force that makes one surface of a substance move over another parallel surface.
  • sherlockian — pertaining to or characteristic of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, known for his skill in solving mysteries through deductive reasoning.
  • shortchange — to give less than the correct change to.
  • smokechaser — a person who fights forest fires, especially one with lightweight equipment.
  • snap course — an academic course that can be passed with a minimum of effort.
  • sockdolager — something unusually large, heavy, etc.
  • solar cells — a photovoltaic cell that converts sunlight directly into electricity.
  • solar cycle — the variation of sunspots, prominences, flares, and other solar activity through an 11-year cycle.
  • sonderclass — a special class of small racing yachts, restricted as to size, sail area, cost, etc.
  • sothic year — the fixed year of the ancient Egyptians, determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, and equivalent to 365 days.
  • space group — a set of symmetry elements that brings a periodic arrangement of points on a Bravais space lattice to its original position.
  • space opera — a television or radio drama or motion picture that is a science-fiction adventure story.
  • space probe — Aerospace. an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore the solar system and transmit data back to earth.
  • spatterdock — any of various water lilies of the genus Nuphar, having globular yellow flowers and growing in lakes or sluggish streams, especially N. advena, of the eastern U.S.
  • spectrogram — a representation or photograph of a spectrum.
  • speculatory — a place suitable for observation
  • spermatoxic — (of a substance) toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spirochaete — any of various spiral-shaped motile bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, certain species, as Treponema, Leptospira, and Borrelia, being pathogenic to humans and other animals, and other species being free-living, saprophytic, or parasitic.
  • stactometer — stalagmometer.
  • stauroscope — an optical instrument for studying the crystal structure of minerals under polarized light
  • stenocardia — angina pectoris, a contraction of the heart or its vessels due to a lack of oxygen, causing severe chest pain
  • stereobatic — relating to or resembling a stereobate
  • stereocilia — any of the long, flexible microvilli that superficially resemble cilia and occur as a brush border or series of tufts on the surface of various epithelial tissues.
  • stereotaxic — of, relating to, or based on three-dimensional studies of the brain, especially as an adjunct to brain surgery.
  • subcategory — a subordinate category or a division of a category.
  • subdeaconry — the position or office of a subdeacon
  • sugarcoated — to cover with sugar: to sugarcoat a pill.
  • superoctave — an organ stop two octaves above the standard pitch
  • sweatercoat — a coat knitted like a bulky sweater.
  • sword dance — any of various dances, usually performed by men, in which swords are ceremonially flourished or are laid on the ground and danced around.
  • tachysterol — an isomer of ergosterol, C28H44O, formed during the production of calciferol by the irradiation of ergosterol
  • tetracoccus — a spherical bacterium occurring in square groups of four.
  • track shoes — light running shoes fitted with steel spikes for better grip
  • tract house — a house forming part of a real-estate development, usually having a plan and appearance common to some or all of the houses in the development.
  • transection — to cut across; dissect transversely.
  • translocate — to move or transfer from one place to another; cause to change location; displace; dislocate.
  • treacherous — characterized by faithlessness or readiness to betray trust; traitorous.
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