
15-letter words containing a, e, g, n

  • malacopterygian — belonging or pertaining to the Malacopterygii (Malacopteri), a group of soft-finned, teleost fishes.
  • malpighian tube — one of a group of long, slender excretory tubules at the anterior end of the hindgut in insects and other terrestrial arthropods.
  • managed economy — an economy in which the government allocates prices of goods and resources
  • management team — group of supervisors
  • managing editor — an editor assigned to the supervision and coordination of certain editorial activities of a newspaper, magazine, book publishing company, or the like. Abbreviation: M.E., m.e.
  • mandarin orange — mandarin (def 4).
  • manganese oxide — a type of metallic oxide used to colour glass purple
  • manganese steel — any of various steels containing manganese, especially one that has up to 14 percent manganese, used in work involving heavy strains and impacts.
  • manual steering — Manual steering is steering in which the driver does all the work, without the help of mechanical power.
  • marching orders — military orders, esp to infantry, giving instructions about a march, its destination, etc
  • margin of error — statistics: variance
  • marine engineer — an officer who operates, maintains, and repairs the machinery of a ship.
  • markup language — a set of standards, as HTML or SGML, used to create an appropriate markup scheme for an electronic document, as to indicate its structure or format.
  • mascarene grass — a creeping grass, Zoysia tenuifolia, naturalized in California and Florida, having fine leaves and shoots that make good turf.
  • master sergeant — Army, Air Force, Marine Corps. a noncommissioned officer ranking next to the highest noncommissioned officer.
  • master-planning — to construct a master plan for: to master-plan one's career.
  • maternity grant — (in the British National Insurance scheme) a flat-rate benefit for pregnant women on low incomes
  • meaninglessness — without meaning, significance, purpose, or value; purposeless; insignificant: a meaningless reply; a meaningless existence.
  • measuring chain — a flexible length of metal links used in calculating distances
  • measuring glass — a graduated glass container used to measure quantities of liquid
  • measuring spoon — a spoon for measuring amounts, as in cooking, usually part of a set of spoons of different sizes.
  • megacorporation — a giant company formed from two or more large companies or a number of companies of various sizes.
  • meibomian gland — any of the small sebaceous glands in the eyelid, beneath the conjunctiva
  • message passing — One of the two techniques for communicating between parallel processes (the other being shared memory). A common use of message passing is for communication in a parallel computer. A process running on one processor may send a message to a process running on the same processor or another. The actual transmission of the message is usually handled by the run-time support of the language in which the processes are written, or by the operating system. Message passing scales better than shared memory, which is generally used in computers with relatively few processors. This is because the total communications bandwidth usually increases with the number of processors. A message passing system provides primitives for sending and receiving messages. These primitives may by either synchronous or asynchronous or both. A synchronous send will not complete (will not allow the sender to proceed) until the receiving process has received the message. This allows the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not (like when you speak to someone on the telephone). An asynchronous send simply queues the message for transmission without waiting for it to be received (like posting a letter). A synchronous receive primitive will wait until there is a message to read whereas an asynchronous receive will return immediately, either with a message or to say that no message has arrived. Messages may be sent to a named process or to a named mailbox which may be readable by one or many processes. Transmission involves determining the location of the recipient and then choosing a route to reach that location. The message may be transmitted in one go or may be split into packets which are transmitted independently (e.g. using wormhole routing) and reassembled at the receiver. The message passing system must ensure that sufficient memory is available to buffer the message at its destination and at intermediate nodes. Messages may be typed or untyped at the programming language level. They may have a priority, allowing the receiver to read the highest priority messages first. Some message passing computers are the MIT J-Machine, the Illinois Concert Project and transputer-based systems.
  • metacognitively — In a metacognitive way.
  • metalinguistics — the study of the relation between languages and the other cultural systems they refer to.
  • metallo-organic — organometallic.
  • microaggression — a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority or other nondominant group that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype: microaggressions such as "I don't see you as black.".
  • microgeneration — the small-scale generation of electrical power, through means such as solar or wind power
  • micromanagement — The direct management of a project etc to an excessive degree, with too much attention to detail and insufficient delegation.
  • mid-ocean ridge — any of several seismically active submarine mountain ranges that extend through the Atlantic, Indian, and South Pacific oceans: each is hypothesized to be the locus of seafloor spreading.
  • midgard serpent — a serpent, the child of Loki and Angerboda, who lies wrapped around the world, tail in mouth, and is destined to kill and to be killed by Thor at Ragnarok; Jormungand.
  • might-have-been — that which might have occurred if it were not for other events
  • milking machine — an electric machine for milking cows.
  • milling machine — a machine tool for rotating a cutter (milling cutter) to produce plane or formed surfaces on a workpiece, usually by moving the work past the cutter.
  • mineral kingdom — minerals collectively.
  • mineralogically — With regard to mineralogy.
  • minimum tillage — no-tillage.
  • misapprehending — Present participle of misapprehend.
  • miscegenational — of or relating to miscegenation
  • misregistration — the act of registering.
  • modern language — one of the literary languages currently in use in Europe, as French, Spanish, or German, treated as a departmental course of study in a school, college, or university.
  • monchengladbach — a city in W North Rhine-Westphalia, in W Germany.
  • monumentalizing — Present participle of monumentalize.
  • morale-boosting — A morale-boosting action or event makes people feel more confident and cheerful.
  • moreton bay bug — a flattish edible shellfish, Thenus orientalis, of Northern Australian waters
  • moreton bay fig — a large Australian fig tree, Ficus macrophylla, having glossy leaves and smooth bark
  • morning prayers — early-morning act of religious worship
  • mortgage lender — a financial institution which provides money to borrowers for mortgages
  • mother language — a language from which another language is descended; parent language.
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