
15-letter words containing a, d, u, n, t

  • guidance system — The guidance system of a missile or rocket is the device which controls its course.
  • guns and butter — a symbol for the economic policy of a government insofar as spending is allocated for either military or social purposes
  • guru meditation — (operating system)   The Amiga equivalent of Unix's panic (sometimes just called a "guru" or "guru event"). When the system crashes, a cryptic message of the form "GURU MEDITATION #XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYY" may appear, indicating what the problem was. An Amiga guru can figure things out from the numbers. In the earliest days of the Amiga, there was a device called a "Joyboard" which was basically a plastic board built onto a joystick-like device; it was sold with a skiing game cartridge for the Atari game machine. It is said that whenever the prototype OS crashed, the system programmer responsible would concentrate on a solution while sitting cross-legged, balanced on a Joyboard, resembling a meditating guru. Sadly, the joke was removed in AmigaOS 2.04. The Jargon File claimed that a guru event had to be followed by a Vulcan nerve pinch but, according to a correspondent, a mouse click was enough to start a reboot.
  • half-understood — partially understood
  • haute-normandie — a region of NW France, on the English Channel: generally fertile and flat
  • heat-conducting — able to conduct heat or whose function is to conduct heat
  • heat-conduction — the transfer of thermal energy between molecules
  • human condition — mortality
  • humidifications — Plural form of humidification.
  • hunting leopard — the cheetah.
  • hydrofracturing — a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth's surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure: used especially to extract natural gas or oil.
  • immunoadsorbent — immunosorbent.
  • immunomodulator — a substance that affects the functioning of the immune system
  • in-and-out bond — a stonework or brickwork bond having headers and stretchers alternating vertically.
  • indirect labour — work done in administration and sales rather than in the manufacturing of a product
  • indisputability — The property of being indisputable.
  • indistributable — of a nature that cannot be distributed
  • individualistic — a person who shows great independence or individuality in thought or action.
  • individualities — Plural form of individuality.
  • indubitableness — The quality of being indubitable.
  • industrial arts — (used with a plural verb) the methods of using tools and machinery, as taught in secondary and technical schools.
  • industrial park — an industrial complex, typically in a suburban or rural area and set in parklike surroundings with such facilities as parking lots, restaurants, and recreation areas.
  • industrialising — Present participle of industrialise.
  • industrializing — Present participle of industrialize.
  • insubordinately — In an insubordinate manner.
  • insubordination — the quality or condition of being insubordinate, or of being disobedient to authority; defiance: The employee was fired for insubordination.
  • interindividual — a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
  • intermodulation — the production in an electrical device of frequencies that are the sums or differences of frequencies of different inputs or of their harmonics.
  • intraindividual — Occurring within an individual.
  • inunderstanding — (obsolete) Devoid of understanding.
  • ivan sutherland — Ivan E. Sutherland is widely known for his pioneering contributions. His 1963 MIT PhD thesis, Sketchpad, opened the field of computer graphics. His 1966 work, with Sproull, on a head-mounted display anticipated today's virtual reality by 25 years. He co-founded Evans and Sutherland, which manufactures the most advanced computer image generators now in use. As head of Computer Science Department of Caltech he helped make integrated circuit design an acceptable field of academic study. Dr. Sutherland is on the boards of several small companies and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, the ACM and IEEE. He received the ACM's Turing Award in 1988. He is now Vice President and Fellow of Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Mountain View, CA, USA.
  • jubilate-sunday — Also called Jubilate Sunday. the third Sunday after Easter: so called from the first word of the 65th Psalm in the Vulgate, which is used as the introit.
  • judeo-christian — of or relating to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
  • jurisprudential — the science or philosophy of law.
  • juxtapositioned — Simple past tense and past participle of juxtaposition.
  • lancaster sound — an arm of Baffin Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada, leading W to the Parry Channel. 200 miles (320 km) long and 40 miles (64 km) wide.
  • landeshauptmann — the head of government in an Austrian state
  • lantern gurnard — a type of gurnard
  • lapland bunting — a passerine bird: Calcarius lapponicus
  • lean production — Lean production is the same as lean manufacturing.
  • loaded question — a question containing a hidden trap or implication
  • lord lieutenant — British. the title of various high officials holding authority deputed from a sovereign.
  • macroprudential — Of or pertaining to systemic prudence, especially to the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems.
  • make the rounds — having a flat, circular surface, as a disk.
  • maldistribution — bad or unsatisfactory distribution, as of wealth, among a population or members of a group.
  • mass production — the production or manufacture of goods in large quantities, especially by machinery.
  • maundy thursday — the Thursday of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus' Last Supper and His washing of the disciples' feet upon that day.
  • medical student — trainee doctor
  • mid-lent sunday — Laetare Sunday.
  • miscommunicated — Simple past tense and past participle of miscommunicate.
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