
15-letter words containing a, d, g

  • routeing domain — (networking)   (US "routing") A set of routers that exchange routeing information within an administrative domain.
  • rowland heights — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • rudyard kipling — (Joseph) Rudyard [ruhd-yerd] /ˈrʌd yərd/ (Show IPA), 1865–1936, English author: Nobel Prize 1907.
  • salivary glands — any of several glands, as the submaxillary glands, that secrete saliva.
  • santa gertrudis — one of an American breed of beef cattle, developed from Shorthorn and Brahman stock for endurance to torrid temperatures.
  • sargon of akkad — 24th to 23rd century bc, semilegendary Mesopotamian ruler whose empire extended from the Gulf to the Mediterranean
  • saw-edged knife — a knife with a serrated edge
  • scanning device — any of various devices used in medical diagnosis to obtain an image of an internal organ or part
  • scatter diagram — a graphic representation of bivariate data as a set of points in the plane that have Cartesian coordinates equal to corresponding values of the two variates.
  • scotch highland — any of a breed of small, hardy, usually dun-colored, shaggy-haired beef cattle with long, widespread horns, able to withstand the cold and sparse pasturage of its native western Scottish uplands.
  • scrounge around — to borrow (a small amount or item) with no intention of repaying or returning it: to scrounge a cigarette.
  • sebaceous gland — any of the cutaneous glands that secrete oily matter for lubricating hair and skin.
  • second language — a language learned by a person after his or her native language, especially as a resident of an area where it is in general use.
  • second mortgage — a mortgage the lien of which is next in priority to a first mortgage.
  • secondary group — a group of people with whom one's contacts are detached and impersonal.
  • securicor guard — a guard who works for Securicor
  • seeding machine — a machine for sowing seeds
  • self-diagnostic — the diagnosis of one's own malady or illness.
  • self-validating — requiring no external confirmation, sanction, or validation.
  • sewage disposal — waste processing
  • shire highlands — an upland area of S Malawi. Average height: 900 m (3000 ft)
  • shopping arcade — a place where a number of shops are connected together under one roof
  • shoulder charge — an instance of a player charging into another so that there is contact between their shoulders (permissible in some circumstances)
  • silver quandong — an Australian tree, Elaeocarpus grandis: family Elaeocarpaceae
  • single standard — a single set of principles or rules applying to everyone, as a single moral code applying to both men and women, especially in sexual behavior. Compare double standard.
  • single-breasted — (of a coat, jacket, etc.) having a front closure directly in the center with only a narrow overlap secured by a single button or row of buttons.
  • single-handedly — in a single-handed manner; single-handed.
  • single-sideband — of or pertaining to a system of radio transmission in which one of the two sidebands produced during modulation is suppressed
  • sleight of hand — skill in feats requiring quick and clever movements of the hands, especially for entertainment or deception, as jugglery, card or coin magic, etc.; legerdemain.
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • snaggle toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • snaggle-toothed — a tooth growing out beyond or apart from others.
  • social drinking — the practice of drinking alcohol occasionally and usually only in social situations
  • social spending — the money that is spent on welfare payments
  • social standing — a person's status or social class in society
  • social-drinking — a person who drinks alcoholic beverages usually in the company of others and is in control of his or her drinking.
  • sound deadening — a process or material that reduces the resonance or volume of sound
  • sound-and-light — combining sound effects or music with unusual lighting displays: to promote a product with a spectacular sound-and-light presentation.
  • spawning ground — a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
  • spraddle-legged — moving with or having the legs wide apart: a spraddle-legged walk.
  • spread sampling — the selection of a corpus for statistical analysis by selecting a number of short passages at random throughout the work and considering their aggregation
  • spread-eagleism — boastfulness or bombast, especially in the display of patriotic or nationalistic pride in the U.S.; flag-waving.
  • stage direction — an instruction written into the script of a play, indicating stage actions, movements of performers, or production requirements.
  • staggered hours — a system of working in which the employees of an organization do not all arrive and leave at the same time, but have large periods of overlap
  • stamford bridge — a village in N England, east of York: site of a battle (1066) in which King Harold of England defeated his brother Tostig and King Harald Hardrada of Norway, three weeks before the Battle of Hastings
  • stamping ground — a habitual or favorite haunt.
  • standard lining — a system for aligning type so that all fonts of the same point size have a common baseline.
  • standing charge — fixed energy costs
  • standing orders — Military. (formerly) a general order always in force in a command and establishing uniform procedures for it; standard operating procedure.
  • starting handle — a crank used to start the motor of an automobile.
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