
13-letter words containing a, c, u, l, e, s

  • causelessness — the quality or state of having no cause or reason
  • cavernicolous — inhabiting caves or cavelike places
  • celiac plexus — solar plexus (def 1).
  • cellar fungus — a fungus, Coniophora puteana, that causes dry rot in timber.
  • celsius scale — a scale of temperature in which 0° represents the melting point of ice and 100° represents the boiling point of water
  • cephalopodous — of, belonging to or relating to a cephalopod
  • cerium metals — the metals lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, and samarium, forming a sub-group of the lanthanides
  • ceruloplasmin — a protein responsible for copper detoxification, found in the blood
  • chaise longue — A chaise longue is a kind of sofa with only one arm and usually a back along half its length.
  • chaise lounge — A chaise lounge is the same as a chaise longue.
  • changefulness — Propensity to change.
  • charles louis — (Karl Ludwig Johann) 1771–1847, archduke of Austria.
  • charnel house — A charnel house is a place where the bodies and bones of dead people are stored.
  • chattel house — (esp in Barbados) a movable wooden dwelling, usually set on a foundation of loose stones on rented land
  • chemosurgical — of or relating to chemosurgery
  • chestnut clam — Astarte (def 2).
  • chestnut coal — anthracite coal in sizes ranging from 1 3/16 to 1 5/8 inch (3 to 4 cm).
  • choripetalous — polypetalous
  • circumstellar — surrounding, or revolving around, a star
  • clair-obscure — chiaroscuro.
  • clamorousness — The state or quality of being clamorous.
  • clare-obscure — chiaroscuro.
  • classic blues — a type of city blues performed by a female singer accompanied by a small group
  • claustrophobe — a person who suffers from claustrophobia.
  • clearinghouse — If an organization acts as a clearinghouse, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information.
  • cleistogamous — having small, unopened, self-pollinating flowers, usually in addition to the showier flowers
  • coachbuilders — Plural form of coachbuilder.
  • coal measures — a series of coal-bearing rocks formed in the upper Carboniferous period; the uppermost series of the Carboniferous system
  • coalesced sum — (theory)   (Or "smash sum") In domain theory, the coalesced sum of domains A and B, A (+) B, contains all the non-bottom elements of both domains, tagged to show which part of the sum they come from, and a new bottom element. D (+) E = { bottom(D(+)E) } U { (0,d) | d in D, d /= bottom(D) } U { (1,e) | e in E, e /= bottom(E) } The bottoms of the constituent domains are coalesced into a single bottom in the sum. This may be generalised to any number of domains. The ordering is bottom(D(+)E) <= v For all v in D(+)E (i,v1) <= (j,v2) iff i = j & v1 <= v2 "<=" is usually written as LaTeX \sqsubseteq and "(+)" as LaTeX \oplus - a "+" in a circle.
  • cobaltiferous — containing cobalt
  • colleagueship — workplace companionship
  • commeasurable — having the same measure or extent; commensurate.
  • commensurable — having a common factor
  • commensurably — In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
  • communalities — the state or condition of being communal.
  • conceptualise — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • conceptualism — the philosophical theory that the application of general words to a variety of objects reflects the existence of some mental entity through which the application is mediated and which constitutes the meaning of the term
  • conceptualist — any of several doctrines existing as a compromise between realism and nominalism and regarding universals as concepts. Compare nominalism, realism (def 5).
  • conchylaceous — Of or relating to shells; resembling a shell.
  • congratulates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of congratulate.
  • consanguineal — having the same ancestry or descent; related by blood.
  • consequential — Consequential means the same as consequent.
  • consuetudinal — According to custom; customary; usual.
  • contextualise — to put (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) in a context, especially one that is characteristic or appropriate, as for purposes of study.
  • contextualism — (in motion-picture criticism) the theory that all incidents in a film must be viewed in the social, political, and cultural context with which the film concerns itself and in which it was made.
  • contextualist — (in motion-picture criticism) the theory that all incidents in a film must be viewed in the social, political, and cultural context with which the film concerns itself and in which it was made.
  • coralliferous — bearing or containing coral
  • coralligenous — producing coral
  • cosmeceutical — a cosmetic that has, or is claimed to have, pharmaceutical properties
  • cost a bundle — If you say that something costs a bundle, or costs someone a bundle, you are emphasizing that it is expensive.
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