
17-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • sodium dichromate — a red or orange crystalline, water-soluble solid, Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 ⋅2H 2 O, used as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of dyes and inks, as a corrosion inhibitor, a mordant, a laboratory reagent, in the tanning of leather, and in electroplating.
  • soil conservation — any of various methods to achieve the maximum utilization of the land and preserve its resources through such controls as crop rotation, prevention of soil erosion, etc.
  • solicitor general — a law officer who maintains the rights of the state in suits affecting the public interest, next in rank to the attorney general.
  • sound spectrogram — a graphic representation, produced by a sound spectrograph, of the frequency, intensity, duration, and variation with time of the resonance of a sound or series of sounds.
  • south west africa — a former name of Namibia.
  • south-west africa — a former name of Namibia.
  • sparc xterminal 1 — (computer)   Sun's lowest cost networked Unix desktop, it is board-upgradeable to a SPARC 4. It comes with a choice of frame buffers: 8-bit colour, Turbo GX, or Turbo GX plus. This product was expected to replace the SPARCclassic X. UK availability was planned for March 1995.
  • spatial frequency — the measure of fine detail in an optical image in terms of cycles per millimetre
  • spectroheliograph — an apparatus for making photographs of the sun with a monochromatic light to show the details of the sun's surface and surroundings as they would appear if the sun emitted only that light.
  • spectroradiometer — an instrument for determining the radiant-energy distribution in a spectrum, combining the functions of a spectroscope with those of a radiometer.
  • spectroscopically — an optical device for producing and observing a spectrum of light or radiation from any source, consisting essentially of a slit through which the radiation passes, a collimating lens, and an Amici prism.
  • spectrum analyser — an instrument that splits an input waveform into its frequency components, which are then displayed
  • spectrum analysis — the determination of the constitution or condition of bodies and substances by means of the spectra they produce.
  • sports facilities — places and things for doing sports
  • square centimeter — a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one centimeter on each side. 2 , sq. cm. Abbreviation: cm.
  • square the circle — a rectangle having all four sides of equal length.
  • squeegee merchant — a person who attempts to make money by squeegeeing the windscreens of cars that are stopped at traffic lights and then asking for payment
  • stand on ceremony — to insist on or act with excessive formality
  • stannous chloride — a white, crystalline, water-soluble solid, SnCl 2 ⋅2H 2 O, used chiefly as a reducing and tinning agent, and as a mordant in dyeing with cochineal.
  • stare in the face — to gaze fixedly and intently, especially with the eyes wide open.
  • stock certificate — a certificate evidencing ownership of one or more shares of stock in a corporation.
  • storm in a teacup — a violent fuss or disturbance over a trivial matter
  • strange attractor — Physics. a stable, nonperiodic state or behavior exhibited by some dynamic systems, especially turbulent ones, that can be represented as a nonrepeating pattern in the system's phase space.
  • stray capacitance — undesired capacitance in equipment, occurring between the wiring, between the wiring and the chassis, or between components and the chassis
  • structural survey — an examination of a property carried out by surveyor which should reveal any problems with the building
  • subclavian artery — either of a pair of arteries, one on each side of the body, that carry the main supply of blood to the arms.
  • subscription rate — the price charged for a subscription
  • subtractive color — cyan, yellow, or magenta, as used in the subtractive process of color photography.
  • sufficient reason — the principle that nothing happens by pure chance, but that an explanation must always be available
  • supercolumniation — the placing of one order of columns above another.
  • support mechanism — any formal system or method of providing support or assistance
  • surface structure — a structural representation of the final syntactic form of a sentence, as it exists after the transformational component has modified a deep structure. Compare deep structure.
  • surface treatment — A surface treatment is a process applied to the surface of a material to make it better in some way, for example by making it more resistant to corrosion or wear.
  • sweet mock orange — the syringa, Philadelphus coronarius.
  • tabernacle mirror — a mirror of c1800, having columns and a cornice, usually gilt, with a painted panel over the mirror.
  • tactile corpuscle — an oval sense organ made of flattened cells and encapsulated nerve endings, occurring in hairless skin, as the tips of the fingers and toes, and functioning as a touch receptor.
  • tax-bracket creep — bracket creep.
  • teacher education — training to become a teacher, usually at an institution of higher education
  • teachers' college — a college, usually having a four-year curriculum and granting a bachelor's degree, for training teachers for elementary and secondary schools
  • teaching practice — Teaching practice is a period that a student teacher spends teaching at a school as part of his or her training.
  • teaching software — computer software for use in providing online education
  • technical drawing — the study and practice, esp as a subject taught in school, of the basic techniques of draughtsmanship, as employed in mechanical drawing, architecture, etc
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • telescopic damper — a device with telescopic parts that reduce vibration in a motor vehicle
  • temperature chart — a chart monitoring and recording somebody's body temperature, as of a patient at a hospital, etc
  • temporary account — A temporary account is an account which is closed out at the end of the year.
  • tenancy agreement — property rental contract
  • terephthalic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 6 O 2 , the para isomer of phthalic acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of resins and textile fibers.
  • terminal capacity — The terminal capacity is the volume which can be stored in a terminal (= building or area with tanks).
  • terminal juncture — a form of juncture consisting of a change in pitch before a pause, marking the end of an utterance or a break between utterances, as between clauses. Compare close juncture, juncture (def 7), open juncture.
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