
14-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • subatmospheric — (of a quantity) having a value lower than that of the atmosphere: subatmospheric temperatures.
  • subcontrariety — the quality or state of being subcontrary
  • subject matter — the substance of a discussion, book, writing, etc., as distinguished from its form or style.
  • submetacentric — referring to chromosomes which have one long arm and one short arm
  • subsecretariat — an administrative department that assists and is subordinate to a secretariat.
  • subtherapeutic — indicating a dosage, as of a drug or vitamin, less than the amount required for a therapeutic effect.
  • supercelestial — located above the heavens; above the heavens or celestial regions
  • superficiality — being at, on, or near the surface: a superficial wound.
  • superpatriotic — characteristic of a superpatriot
  • superspectacle — an extravagant cinematic spectacle, esp the silent Italian films of the early 1900s
  • supply teacher — A supply teacher is a teacher whose job is to take the place of other teachers at different schools when they are unable to be there.
  • surface-active — (of a substance, esp a detergent) capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid, usually water
  • surface-to-air — (of a missile, message, etc.) capable of traveling from the surface of the earth to a target in the atmosphere.
  • sync-generator — an electronic generator that supplies synchronizing pulses to television scanning and transmitting equipment.
  • taínaron, cape — Matapan
  • take a picture — capture sb or sth on camera
  • take the chair — to preside as chairman for a meeting, etc
  • tall buttercup — a Eurasian buttercup, Ranunculus acris, naturalized in North American fields and meadows, having a tall stem and shiny yellow flowers.
  • tape recording — sound reproduction on cassette
  • target vehicle — a spacecraft used to develop and practise orbital space rendezvous and docking techniques in preparation for the lunar missions
  • tatar republic — a constituent republic of W Russia, around the confluence of the Volga and Kama Rivers. Capital: Kazan. Pop: 3 779 800 (2002). Area: 68 000 sq km (26 250 sq miles)
  • teacher's aide — A teacher's aide is a person who helps a teacher in a school classroom but who is not a qualified teacher.
  • teaching elder — a minister in a Presbyterian church.
  • technical area — the area at the side of the pitch to which managers, trainers, coaches, etc are restricted during play
  • tellurous acid — a white, crystalline powder, H2TeO3
  • temple terrace — a town in W Florida.
  • ten-acre block — a block of subdivided farming land, usually within commuting distance of a city, that provides a semirural way of life
  • teratogenicity — the production or induction of malformations or monstrosities, especially of a developing embryo or fetus.
  • term insurance — an insurance policy that provides coverage for a limited period, the value payable only if a loss occurs within the term, with nothing payable upon its expiration.
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • terraced house — A terraced house or a terrace house is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.
  • tertiary color — a color, as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors.
  • tetrachotomous — divided into four parts
  • tetradactylous — having four fingers or toes.
  • the archeozoic — the Archean (see phrase under Archean)
  • the charioteer — the constellation Auriga
  • the cretaceous — the Cretaceous period or rock system
  • the human race — mankind
  • the long march — a journey of about 10 000 km (6000 miles) undertaken (1934–35) by some 100 000 Chinese Communists when they were forced out of their base in Kiangsi in SE China. They made their way to Shensi in NW China; only about 8000 survived the rigours of the journey
  • the ordovician — the Ordovician period or rock system
  • the real mccoy — the genuine thing or person as promised, stated, or implied (usually preceded by the or the real): Those other paintings are copies, but this one is the McCoy.
  • the resistance — an illegal organization fighting for national liberty in a country under enemy occupation, esp in France during World War II
  • the rheumatics — rheumatic pains
  • the space race — competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to be the superior power in outer space, in terms of exploration, manned space flights, and lunar landings; it is generally considered as beginning in 1957 and ending in the mid-1970s
  • the upper back — the part of the back between the shoulders
  • the vernacular — the commonly spoken language or dialect of a particular people or place
  • the-peacemaker — (Albert Edward"the Peacemaker") 1841–1910, king of Great Britain and Ireland 1901–10 (son of Queen Victoria).
  • therianthropic — being partly bestial and partly human in form.
  • thermoacoustic — pertaining to a method of cooling using air driven with acoustic power.
  • thermodynamics — the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.
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