
14-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • parchment worm — any of several polychaete worms of the genus Chaetopterus that secrete and live in a U -shaped, parchmentlike tube.
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • parent company — a corporation or other business enterprise that owns controlling interests in one or more subsidiary companies (distinguished from holding company).
  • parent process — (operating system)   The Unix process that created one or more other processes. Every process except process 0 is created when another process executes the fork system call. The process that invoked fork is the parent process, and the newly created process is the child process. Every process has one parent process, but can have many child processes. The kernel identifies each process by its process identifier (PID). Process 0 is a special process that is created when the system boots; after forking a child process (process 1), process 0 becomes the swapper process. Process 1, known as init, is the ancestor of every other process in the system and enjoys a special relationship with them.
  • parking ticket — written notice of a parking violation
  • parquet circle — parterre (def 1).
  • part of speech — any of the classes into which words in some languages, as Latin and English, have traditionally been divided on the basis of their meaning, form, or syntactic function, as, in English, noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
  • parti-coloured — having different colours in different parts; variegated
  • participialize — to form (a word) into a participle; make participial.
  • particle board — any of various composition boards formed from small particles of wood, as flakes or shavings, tightly compressed and bonded together with a resin.
  • particularized — individualized
  • particularness — the quality of being exceptional or individual
  • parturifacient — inducing or accelerating labor, or childbirth; oxytocic.
  • paschal letter — (in the early Christian church) a letter, written by a patriarch, archbishop, or bishop to a cleric under his authority, announcing the date of the next Easter festival.
  • pasteur effect — the inhibiting of fermentation by oxygen.
  • patch together — assemble roughly
  • pectinesterase — an enzyme present in plants, and some bacteria and fungi, which hydrolyses pectin
  • pectoral cross — a cross worn on the breast by various prelates, as a designation of office.
  • penalty corner — a free hit from the goal line taken by the attacking side
  • pentecostarion — a service book of offices for the period from Easter to the Sunday after Pentecost.
  • perceivability — capable of being perceived; perceptible.
  • percutaneously — through the skin
  • perfect square — a rational number that is equal to the square of another rational number.
  • periodic table — a table illustrating the periodic system, in which the chemical elements, formerly arranged in the order of their atomic weights and now according to their atomic numbers, are shown in related groups.
  • peripateticism — walking or traveling about; itinerant.
  • perlocutionary — (of a speech act) producing an effect upon the listener, as in persuading, frightening, amusing, or causing the listener to act.
  • permaculturist — a system of cultivation intended to maintain permanent agriculture or horticulture by relying on renewable resources and a self-sustaining ecosystem.
  • permanent echo — a radar signal reflected to a radar station on the ground by a building or other fixed object.
  • persian carpet — a handwoven carpet or rug produced in Iran and characterized by fine warp and filling yarns, a usually tight, even pile made with the Sehna knot, and a variety of floral, foliate, animal, and avian designs woven in rich, harmonious colors.
  • pertinaciously — holding tenaciously to a purpose, course of action, or opinion; resolute.
  • petrochemicals — substances, such as acetone or ethanol, obtained from petroleum or natural gas
  • petty criminal — someone who commits petty crime or a petty crime
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • pharmaceutical — pertaining to pharmacy or pharmacists.
  • phosphate rock — phosphorite.
  • photorealistic — a style of painting flourishing in the 1970s, especially in the U.S., England, and France, and depicting commonplace scenes or ordinary people, with a meticulously detailed realism, flat images, and barely discernible brushwork that suggests and often is based on or incorporates an actual photograph.
  • piano concerto — a musical piece composed for the piano accompanied by an orchestra
  • picture layout — a picture spread. See under spread (def 33).
  • picture spread — an act or instance of spreading: With a spread of her arms the actress acknowledged the applause.
  • picture-framer — a person or company whose job is to frame photographs, paintings etc
  • piecrust table — a table having a top, usually round, with a raised and intricately carved edge.
  • pithecanthrope — (sometimes initial capital letter) a member of the former genus Pithecanthropus.
  • plastic memory — the tendency of certain plastics after being deformed to resume their original form when heated
  • platform scale — a scale with a platform for holding the items to be weighed.
  • pleasure craft — A pleasure craft is the same as a pleasure boat.
  • pleural cavity — a narrow, fluid-filled space between the pleural membranes of the lung and the inner chest wall.
  • pneumatic tire — wheel cover filled with pressurized air
  • pneumatic tyre — a rubber tyre filled with air under pressure, used esp on motor vehicles
  • pneumothoraces — the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
  • point calimere — a cape on the SE coast of India, on the Palk Strait
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