
12-letter words containing a, c, r, e, s, n

  • shatter cone — a cone-shaped fragment of rock, probably formed by violent shock waves, as from meteoritic impact or atomic explosions
  • sheet anchor — Nautical. a large anchor used only in cases of emergency.
  • short-change — to give less than the correct change to.
  • shortchanged — to give less than the correct change to.
  • single cream — dairy product: thin or light cream
  • single track — a single pair of lines so that trains can travel in only one direction at a time
  • single-track — (of a railroad or section of a railroad's route) having but one set of tracks, so that trains going in opposite directions must be scheduled to meet only at points where there are sidings.
  • sir lawrence — Sir Lawrence Alma-, Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence.
  • skeleton car — a freight car essentially consisting of a central longitudinal girder fastened to the trucks, sometimes supplemented by one or more pairs of cross cantilevers: used for carrying logs or containers.
  • sleeping car — a railroad car fitted with berths, compartments, bedrooms, or drawing rooms for passengers to sleep in.
  • small screen — the medium of television.
  • snake doctor — South Midland and Southern U.S. a dragonfly.
  • soft chancre — chancroid.
  • soprano clef — a sign locating middle C on the bottom line of the staff.
  • sorbefacient — inducing absorption
  • sound camera — a motion-picture camera that is capable of photographing silently at the normal speed of 24 fps and operating in synchronization with separate audio recording equipment.
  • spanish rice — rice prepared with chopped onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and sometimes diced ham, seasoned with cayenne pepper and mixed with butter.
  • spatter cone — a low, steep-sided volcanic cone built up of droplets or blobs of lava erupted from a fissure or vent.
  • speech organ — any part of the body, as the tongue, velum, diaphragm, or lungs, that participates, actively or passively, voluntarily or involuntarily, in the production of the sounds of speech.
  • sphincterial — relating to a sphincter
  • sprechgesang — a vocal style intermediate between speech and singing but without exact pitch intonation.
  • spring-clean — to subject (a place) to a spring-cleaning.
  • square dance — hoedown, barn dance
  • square-dance — to perform or participate in a square dance.
  • st. lawrence — D(avid) H(erbert) 1885–1930, English novelist.
  • starchedness — the condition or quality of being starched
  • stenographic — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stercoranism — the belief that the consecrated Eucharistic elements, the bread and wine, are subject to decay and pass through the body like other ingested things
  • stercoranist — a person who believes in stercoranism
  • stereoptican — a projector usually consisting of two complete lanterns arranged so that one picture appears to dissolve while the next is forming.
  • stern chaser — a cannon mounted at or near the stern of a sailing ship, facing aft.
  • stern-chaser — a cannon mounted at or near the stern of a sailing ship, facing aft.
  • sternocostal — of, relating to, or situated between the sternum and ribs.
  • stickhandler — a hockey or lacrosse player, esp. one who is talented at stickhandling.
  • straightneck — a variety of summer squash related to the crookneck but not having a recurved neck.
  • student card — a card verifying somebody's identity as a university student and entitling them to services, discounts, etc
  • subcentrally — in a subcentral manner
  • supercabinet — a specially-formed cabinet, a select or powerful group of political ministers (cabinet)
  • supernacular — relating to supernaculum
  • supernaculum — a highly regarded liquor, to be drunk to the very last drop
  • superorganic — of or relating to the structure of cultural elements within society conceived as independent of and superior to the individual members of society.
  • surveillance — a watch kept over a person, group, etc., especially over a suspect, prisoner, or the like: The suspects were under police surveillance.
  • synergically — in a synergic manner
  • tax increase — an increase in the amount of tax that people and companies are obliged to pay
  • tinea cruris — jock itch.
  • tradescantia — any plant of the American genus Tradescantia, widely cultivated for their striped variegated leaves: family Commelinaceae
  • tragicalness — the quality or state of being tragic
  • trainer sock — a sock designed to be worn with a training shoe, often cut low at the ankle so that very little shows above the shoe
  • transcendent — going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing; exceeding.
  • transcending — to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; kindness transcends courtesy.
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