
All vagary synonyms

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noun vagary

  • bon mot β€” A bon mot is a clever, witty remark.
  • actuation β€” to incite or move to action; impel; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
  • crochet β€” Crochet is a way of making cloth out of cotton or wool by using a needle with a small hook at the end.
  • divertissement β€” a diversion or entertainment.
  • fairyland β€” the imaginary realm of fairies.
  • inconstancy β€” not constant; changeable; fickle; variable: an inconstant friend.
  • wittiness β€” possessing wit in speech or writing; amusingly clever in perception and expression: a witty writer.
  • haha β€” sunk fence.
  • actuations β€” to incite or move to action; impel; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
  • hobby β€” an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.
  • mood β€” Grammar. a set of categories for which the verb is inflected in many languages, and that is typically used to indicate the syntactic relation of the clause in which the verb occurs to other clauses in the sentence, or the attitude of the speaker toward what he or she is saying, as certainty or uncertainty, wish or command, emphasis or hesitancy. a set of syntactic devices in some languages that is similar to this set in function or meaning, involving the use of auxiliary words, as can, may, might. any of the categories of these sets: the Latin indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods.
  • caprice β€” A caprice is an unexpected action or decision which has no strong reason or purpose.
  • atlantis β€” (in ancient legend) a continent said to have sunk beneath the Atlantic Ocean west of the Straits of Gibraltar
  • zaniness β€” ludicrously or whimsically comical; clownish.
  • high spirits β€” lively or boisterous mood
  • chestnut β€” A chestnut or chestnut tree is a tall tree with broad leaves.
  • fitfulness β€” The quality of being fitful.
  • whim β€” an odd or capricious notion or desire; a sudden or freakish fancy: a sudden whim to take a midnight walk.
  • fantasy β€” imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.
  • changeableness β€” The condition of being changeable.
  • fad β€” a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group.
  • joke β€” something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
  • escapade β€” An act or incident involving excitement, daring, or adventure.
  • humor β€” hacker humour
  • fancy β€” imagination or fantasy, especially as exercised in a capricious manner.
  • freak β€” a fleck or streak of color.
  • impellent β€” impelling: an impellent power; an impellent cause.
  • ins β€” (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park.
  • latests β€” most recent; current: latest fashions.
  • mummery β€” the performance of mummers.
  • impulse β€” the influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc.: to act under a generous impulse; to strike out at someone from an angry impulse.
  • druthers β€” one's own way, choice, or preference: If I had my druthers, I'd dance all night.
  • quirk β€” a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism: He is full of strange quirks.
  • buffoonery β€” Buffoonery is foolish behaviour that makes you laugh.
  • whimsy β€” capricious humor or disposition; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression: a play with lots of whimsy.
  • dream β€” a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
  • impulsion β€” the act of impelling, driving onward, or pushing.
  • kink β€” a twist or curl, as in a thread, rope, wire, or hair, caused by its doubling or bending upon itself.
  • crotchet β€” A crotchet is a musical note that has a time value equal to two quavers.
  • air castle β€” a fanciful or impractical notion or hope; daydream.
  • fickleness β€” Changeability, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections.
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