
All tosspot synonyms

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noun tosspot

  • bacchanalian — characterized by or involving drunken revelry
  • barfly — A barfly is a person who spends a lot of time drinking in bars
  • bibber — a drinker; tippler (esp in the expression wine-bibber)
  • carouser — to engage in a drunken revel: They caroused all night.
  • debauchee — a man who leads a life of reckless drinking, promiscuity, and self-indulgence
  • dipsomaniac — a person with an irresistible craving for alcoholic drink.
  • drunkard — a person who is habitually or frequently drunk.
  • lushes — drunkard; alcoholic; sot.
  • inebriate — to make drunk; intoxicate.
  • lush — (of vegetation, plants, grasses, etc.) luxuriant; succulent; tender and juicy.
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