
All stroke synonyms

S s

verb stroke

  • breaststroke β€” Breaststroke is a swimming stroke which you do lying on your front, moving your arms and legs horizontally in a circular motion.
  • lay it on thick β€” to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk.
  • downing β€” a downward movement; descent.
  • laud β€” to praise; extol.
  • make nice β€” pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
  • kiss and make up β€” be reconciled
  • get to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • lay a finger on β€” to harm
  • gradate β€” to pass by gradual or imperceptible degrees, as one color into another.
  • calibrating β€” Mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.
  • calipers β€” Usually, calipers. an instrument for measuring thicknesses and internal or external diameters inaccessible to a scale, consisting usually of a pair of adjustable pivoted legs.
  • feel β€” to perceive or examine by touch.
  • look over β€” the act of looking: a look of inquiry.
  • got to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • angeling β€” one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. In medieval angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities or princedoms, archangels, and angels).
  • heat up β€” the state of a body perceived as having or generating a relatively high degree of warmth.
  • dandle β€” to move (a young child, etc) up and down (on the knee or in the arms)
  • hand it to β€” the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb.
  • downed β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • gradated β€” to pass by gradual or imperceptible degrees, as one color into another.
  • extol β€” Praise enthusiastically.
  • quiet β€” making no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound: quiet neighbors.
  • inveigle β€” to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements (usually followed by into): to inveigle a person into playing bridge.
  • downs β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • initials β€” of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process.
  • hold down β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • freestyle β€” Swimming. competition in which any of the standard strokes may be used, according to the swimmer's choice. the crawl.
  • lettering β€” a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually transmitted by mail.
  • freestyling β€” the practice of improvising scenes when making a film or performing a play
  • dope out β€” any thick liquid or pasty preparation, as a lubricant, used in preparing a surface.

noun stroke

  • dos β€” any of several single-user, command-driven operating systems for personal computers, especially MS DOS.
  • kiss β€” to touch or press with the lips slightly pursed, and then often to part them and to emit a smacking sound, in an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc.: He kissed his son on the cheek.
  • meltdown β€” network meltdown
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • measure β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • lick β€” to pass the tongue over the surface of, as to moisten, taste, or eat (often followed by up, off, from, etc.): to lick a postage stamp; to lick an ice-cream cone.
  • appulse β€” a very close approach of two celestial bodies so that they are in conjunction but no eclipse or occultation occurs
  • disaster β€” a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.
  • accomplishment β€” An accomplishment is something remarkable that has been done or achieved.
  • flus β€” influenza.
  • bang β€” If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times.
  • cajolery β€” persuasion by flattery or promises; wheedling; coaxing.
  • way β€” manner, mode, or fashion: a new way of looking at a matter; to reply in a polite way.
  • crosspiece β€” a transverse beam, joist, etc
  • apoplexy β€” Apoplexy is a stroke.
  • damage β€” To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly.
  • obsequiousness β€” characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow.
  • felicitation β€” an expression of good wishes; congratulation.
  • cadence β€” The cadence of someone's voice is the way their voice gets higher and lower as they speak.
  • blow β€” When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.
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