
All recurrent synonyms

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adj recurrent

  • continual β€” A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping.
  • centennial β€” A centennial is the same as a centenary.
  • here and there β€” in this place; in this spot or locality (opposed to there): Put the pen here.
  • intermittent β€” stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain.
  • cyclical β€” A cyclical process is one in which a series of events happens again and again in the same order.
  • around the clock β€” continuing without pause or interruption: an around-the-clock guard on the prisoner.
  • frequent β€” happening or occurring at short intervals: to make frequent trips to Tokyo.
  • chronic β€” A chronic illness or disability lasts for a very long time. Compare acute.
  • banausic β€” merely mechanical; materialistic; utilitarian
  • haunting β€” remaining in the consciousness; not quickly forgotten: haunting music; haunting memories.
  • irregular β€” without symmetry, even shape, formal arrangement, etc.: an irregular pattern.
  • lingering β€” to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave: We lingered awhile after the party.
  • in order β€” an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate.
  • aeonian β€” everlasting
  • fitful β€” coming, appearing, acting, etc., in fits or by spells; recurring irregularly.
  • addicting β€” a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance: a drug addict.
  • monthly β€” pertaining to a month, or to each month.
  • in good time β€” the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  • longstanding β€” existing or occurring for a long time: a longstanding feud.
  • ho-hum β€” dull, boring, or routine; so-so: a ho-hum performance.
  • hourly β€” of, pertaining to, occurring, or done each successive hour: hourly news reports.
  • dull as dishwater β€” water in which dishes are, or have been, washed.
  • herky-jerky β€” progressing in a fitfully jerky or irregular manner: a herky-jerky home movie shown on an old projector.
  • punctual β€” strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt.
  • habitual β€” of the nature of a habit; fixed by or resulting from habit: habitual courtesy.
  • monotonous β€” lacking in variety; tediously unvarying: the monotonous flat scenery.
  • conscionable β€” acceptable to one's conscience
  • disciplined β€” having or exhibiting discipline; rigorous: paintings characterized by a disciplined technique.
  • regular β€” usual; normal; customary: to put something in its regular place.

adjective recurrent

  • weekly β€” done, happening, appearing, etc., once a week, or every week: a weekly appointment with an analyst.
  • orbital β€” of or relating to an orbit.
  • iterant β€” characterized by repetition; repeating.
  • cyclic β€” Cyclic means the same as cyclical.
  • obsessive β€” being, pertaining to, or resembling an obsession: an obsessive fear of illness.
  • neverending β€” having or likely to have no end: never-ending worry.
  • chain β€” A chain consists of metal rings connected together in a line.
  • yearlong β€” lasting for a year.
  • constant β€” You use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there.
  • designless β€” without a design, unplanned
  • isochronal β€” equal or uniform in time.
  • isochronous β€” isochronal.
  • epochal β€” Forming or characterizing an epoch; epoch-making.
  • nonuniform β€” Not uniform, regular, or constant; varying.
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