
All pillage synonyms

P p

verb pillage

  • kip β€” Also called kip-up [kip-uhp] /ˈkΙͺpˌʌp/ (Show IPA), kick-up. an acrobatic movement in which a person moves from a position lying on the back to a standing position with a vigorous swing of both legs coordinated with a launching push of the arms.
  • depredate β€” to plunder or destroy; pillage
  • knock over β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • fall on β€” to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support.
  • make with β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • bankrupted β€” Law. a person who upon his or her own petition or that of his or her creditors is adjudged insolvent by a court and whose property is administered for and divided among his or her creditors under a bankruptcy law.
  • hulled β€” retaining the hull during threshing; having a persistent enclosing hull: hulled wheat.
  • kips β€” Also called kip-up [kip-uhp] /ˈkΙͺpˌʌp/ (Show IPA), kick-up. an acrobatic movement in which a person moves from a position lying on the back to a standing position with a vigorous swing of both legs coordinated with a launching push of the arms.
  • excorticate β€” (obsolete) To strip of bark or skin.
  • loot β€” spoils or plunder taken by pillaging, as in war.
  • devastate β€” If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.
  • accessed β€” the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
  • hulling β€” the hollow, lowermost portion of a ship, floating partially submerged and supporting the remainder of the ship.
  • ferret β€” a narrow tape or ribbon, as of silk or cotton, used for binding, trimming, etc.
  • dilapidate β€” to cause or allow (a building, automobile, etc.) to fall into a state of disrepair, as by misuse or neglect (often used passively): The house had been dilapidated by neglect.
  • lofted β€” a room, storage area, or the like within a sloping roof; attic; garret.
  • housebreak β€” to train (a pet) to excrete outdoors or in a specific place.
  • depopulated β€” (of a place) reduced in population
  • clean out β€” If you clean out something such as a cupboard, room, or container, you take everything out of it and clean the inside of it thoroughly.
  • copping β€” the winding of yarn into a cap from a cone, bobbin, etc.
  • creamed β€” the fatty part of milk, which rises to the surface when the liquid is allowed to stand unless homogenized.
  • breached β€” the act or a result of breaking; break or rupture.
  • forayed β€” a quick, sudden attack: The defenders made a foray outside the walls.
  • depopulate β€” To depopulate an area means to greatly reduce the number of people living there.
  • chivy β€” to harass or nag
  • lay waste β€” to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words.
  • go in β€” go indoors
  • accessing β€” the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.
  • desecrate β€” If someone desecrates something which is considered to be holy or very special, they deliberately damage or insult it.
  • waste β€” to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words.
  • lay low β€” situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf.
  • lofting β€” a room, storage area, or the like within a sloping roof; attic; garret.
  • housebreaking β€” to train (a pet) to excrete outdoors or in a specific place.
  • beggared β€” a person who begs alms or lives by begging.
  • muscle in β€” a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body.
  • breaching β€” the act or a result of breaking; break or rupture.
  • ferreting β€” a domesticated, usually red-eyed, and albinic variety of the polecat, used in Europe for driving rabbits and rats from their burrows.
  • despoil β€” To despoil a place means to make it less attractive, valuable, or important by taking things away from it or by destroying it.
  • boweling β€” Anatomy. Usually, bowels. the intestine. a part of the intestine.
  • heisting β€” a robbery or holdup: Four men were involved in the armored car heist.
  • defalcate β€” to misuse or misappropriate property or funds entrusted to one
  • leave no stone unturned β€” the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.

noun pillage

  • depredation β€” The depredations of a person, animal, or force are their harmful actions, which usually involve taking or damaging something.
  • meed β€” a reward or recompense.
  • wrecker β€” a person or thing that wrecks.
  • carrot β€” Carrots are long, thin, orange-coloured vegetables. They grow under the ground, and have green shoots above the ground.
  • devastation β€” Devastation is severe and widespread destruction or damage.
  • molestation β€” to bother, interfere with, or annoy.
  • despoilment β€” The act of despoiling; a plundering; despoliation.
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