
All piece synonyms

P p

noun piece

  • log β€” Mathematics. logarithm.
  • commission β€” If you commission something or commission someone to do something, you formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for you.
  • lastingness β€” The property of lasting; duration, permanence.
  • outtake β€” a segment of film or videotape edited out of the final version, as because of a technical error.
  • bole β€” the trunk of a tree
  • hunk β€” a large piece or lump; chunk.
  • equalizer β€” A thing that has an equalizing effect.
  • ivories β€” the hard white substance, a variety of dentin, composing the main part of the tusks of the elephant, walrus, etc.
  • leaf β€” one of the expanded, usually green organs borne by the stem of a plant.
  • exemplification β€” The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
  • boles β€” any of a variety of soft, unctuous clays of various colors, used as pigments.
  • excerpt β€” A short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.
  • lot β€” lot (def 14).
  • eyelash β€” Each of the short curved hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids, serving to protect the eyes from dust particles.
  • holdout β€” an act or instance of holding out.
  • canticle β€” a nonmetrical hymn, derived from the Bible and used in the liturgy of certain Christian churches
  • bed β€” A BEd is a degree which usually takes four years to complete and which qualifies someone to teach in a school. BEd is an abbreviation for 'Bachelor of Education.' Compare PGCE.
  • quotum β€” A part or proportion; a fraction; quota.
  • composition β€” When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.
  • division β€” the act or process of dividing; state of being divided.
  • oeuvre β€” the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole.
  • brokerage β€” A brokerage or a brokerage firm is a company of brokers.
  • essay β€” A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
  • copper β€” Copper is reddish-brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires.
  • melodia β€” an 8 feet (2.4 meters) wooden flue-pipe stop organ resembling the clarabella in tone.
  • aspect β€” An aspect of something is one of the parts of its character or nature.
  • enucleation β€” (surgery) The surgical removal of an intact organ, especially of the eye and of cysts and tumors.
  • ligament β€” Anatomy, Zoology. a band of tissue, usually white and fibrous, serving to connect bones, hold organs in place, etc.
  • meed β€” a reward or recompense.
  • nubbin β€” a small lump or stunted piece; stub.
  • module β€” a separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function.
  • bebop β€” Bebop is a form of jazz music with complex harmonies and rhythms. The abbreviation bop is also used.
  • apercu β€” outline
  • adumbration β€” to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
  • cut-in β€” Movies. a still, as of a scene or an object, inserted in a film and interrupting the action or continuity: We will insert a cut-in of the letter as she reads it.
  • wisp β€” a handful or small bundle of straw, hay, or the like.
  • item β€” a separate article or particular: 50 items on the list.
  • mintage β€” the act or process of minting.
  • joiner β€” a person or thing that joins.
  • belles-lettres β€” literary works, esp essays and poetry, valued for their aesthetic rather than their informative or moral content
  • luncheon β€” lunch, especially a formal lunch held in connection with a meeting or other special occasion: the alumni luncheon.
  • grist β€” grain to be ground.
  • linearity β€” the property, quality, or state of being linear.
  • coupler β€” a link or rod transmitting power between two rotating mechanisms or a rotating part and a reciprocating part
  • chip β€” Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot, usually with a meal.
  • ligation β€” the act of ligating, especially of surgically tying up a bleeding artery.
  • artifact β€” any object made by human work; esp., a simple or primitive tool, weapon, vessel, etc.
  • fair play β€” just and honorable treatment, action, or conduct: The political campaign was notably lacking in fair play.

adj piece

  • biter β€” a person or animal that bites, especially habitually or viciously: That dog is a biter.
  • mouthful β€” the amount a mouth can hold.
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