
All mouthing synonyms

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verb mouthing

  • bloviate β€” to talk at length, esp in an insubstantial but inflated manner
  • bring to light β€” something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
  • come out of the closet β€” If someone comes out of the closet, they tell people that they are homosexual after having kept this a secret.
  • blow the whistle β€” to inform (on)
  • cough up β€” If you cough up an amount of money, you pay or spend that amount, usually when you would prefer not to.
  • go public β€” of, relating to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: public funds; a public nuisance.
  • open up β€” not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night.
  • own up β€” of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): He spent only his own money.
  • tip off β€” a small present of money given directly to someone for performing a service or menial task; gratuity: He gave the waiter a dollar as a tip.
  • inform β€” to give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to: He informed them of his arrival.
  • misshape β€” to shape badly or wrongly; deform.
  • make a face β€” the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
  • allow β€” If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.
  • concede β€” If you concede something, you admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct.
  • grant β€” to bestow or confer, especially by a formal act: to grant a charter.
  • hint β€” an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue: Give me a hint as to his identity.
  • imply β€” implies
  • indicate β€” to be a sign of; betoken; evidence; show: His hesitation really indicates his doubt about the venture.
  • suggest β€” to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible action: The architect suggested that the building be restored.
  • carry on β€” If you carry on doing something, you continue to do it.
  • take on β€” to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • blow one's top β€” to lose one's temper
  • come unglued β€” If something comes unglued, it becomes separated from the thing that it was attached to.
  • go ape β€” any of a group of anthropoid primates characterized by long arms, a broad chest, and the absence of a tail, comprising the family Pongidae (great ape) which includes the chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan, and the family Hylobatidae (lesser ape) which includes the gibbon and siamang.
  • go bananas β€” (Idiomatic) To go mad.
  • flip one's lid β€” a removable or hinged cover for closing the opening, usually at the top, of a pot, jar, trunk, etc.; a movable cover.
  • duet β€” a musical composition for two voices or instruments.
  • lullaby β€” a song used to lull a child to sleep; cradlesong.
  • canary β€” Canaries are small yellow birds which sing beautifully and are often kept as pets.
  • line out β€” a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page.
  • coherently β€” logically connected; consistent: a coherent argument.
  • enunciate β€” Say or pronounce clearly.
  • express β€” By express train or delivery service.
  • lip β€” either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming the margins of the mouth and functioning in speech.
  • verbalise β€” to express in words: He couldn't verbalize his feelings.
  • pop off β€” to make a short, quick, explosive sound: The cork popped.
  • vocalise β€” a musical composition consisting of the singing of melody with vowel sounds or nonsense syllables rather than text, as for special effect in classical compositions, in polyphonic jazz singing by special groups, or in virtuoso vocal exercises.
  • put into words β€” express in language
  • exult β€” Show or feel elation or jubilation, especially as the result of a success.
  • exhibit β€” Publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
  • speak one's piece β€” a separate or limited portion or quantity of something: a piece of land; a piece of chocolate.
  • expose β€” Make (something) visible, typically by uncovering it.

adjective mouthing

  • speaking β€” the act, utterance, or discourse of a person who speaks.
  • articulating β€” Present participle of articulate.
  • echoing β€” (of a sound) Be repeated or reverberate after the original sound has stopped.
  • enunciating β€” Present participle of enunciate.
  • expressing β€” Present participle of express.
  • vocalising β€” to make vocal; utter; articulate; sing.
  • eloquent β€” Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
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